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Friday, May 26, 2017

Oil and Gas Investment in Quarter I-2017 Down

Employers questioned the role of the state in boosting upstream oil and gas investment

Oil and gas investment up until the first quarter of 2017 was still sluggish. The main problem is that oil prices are still moving below US $ 50 per barrel. Coupled with the many new regulations of the government in the upstream sector of oil and gas.

Parulian Sihotang, Deputy for Finance and Monetization of SKK Migas, said that based on the data on oil and gas investment budget, the Contractor of Cooperation Contracts (KKKS) in accordance with the work program and budget (WP & B) in 2017 of US $ 12.87 billion.

However, based on 2017 outlook data or the realization of only US $ 11.06 billion. Until the first quarter of 2017 oil and gas investment reached US $ 2.57 billion or 4% lower than the realization of investment in the first quarter of 2016 about US $ 2.68 billion. "The achievement of the current investment target of 2017 is still very dependent on the condition of the oil and gas industry sepaniang year 2017," said Parulian

However, considering the condition of upstream oil and gas business, Parulian said that the possibility of this year will undergo changes in the implementation of activities, as activity decreases. "The change in the implementation of these activities will be contained in the revision of WP & B 2017," he said

He has not been willing to state clearly whether such changes will lead to a decrease in investment value in upstream oil and gas or not. Because SKK Migas still see the situation and condition of upstream oil and gas sector in the future. "Lets wait and" see, ".

This year's investment will indeed be adjusted to the upstream oil and gas activities plan. Such as two dimensional seismic survey (2D) targeted to reach 25 activities or along 10,247 km. Then three-dimensional seismic survey (3D) as much as 14 activities or along 6,566 km2.

Non-seismic survey activities consist of eight activities. Among others are the exploration drilling of 134 wells, exploration well re-entry program for four activities, drilling and development, reforestation program 907 well maintenance and well closing program of 186 activities.

However, the realization of upstream oil and gas activities until the first quarter of 2017 is still far from the target. For a new 2D seismic survey a single activity with a length of 2,815 km. Even the 8D survey has not even had any activity at all.

While non-seismic survey activity there are two activities. Then drill exploration of five wells, re-entry well exploration of one activity, drilling of development wells, re-program work 1.19 activities, 4,350 wells and well closing 4 activities.

Indonesia is not interested in Executive Director of Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong states, oil and gas fields are currently experiencing a decrease in natural production, plus oil prices are down. So that the allocation of capital expenditure of entrepreneurs is reduced worldwide. As a result, investment into oil and gas becomes less. "The question is, is Indonesia able to compete enough to attract investment?" Her Said.

Wajong revealed, in the next five years there will be 20 oil and gas blocks that are out of contract. Although there must be managing again, either renewed or there is a new operator. "But in this transitional period makes people reluctant to invest, so production can go down again, then what can be given to raise the industry by the state?" Her Said.

Wajong is optimistic that oil and gas industry opportunities are still high although some exploration results are not encouraging, but that does not mean it is bad. "Just got to explore again Now to the difficult, frontier, eastern region, with more expensive investment," Her Said

Energy observer Komaidi Notonegoro said the licensing problem is still complained about business actors and the application of gross split is still questionable in several aspects. "The possibility will still halt the realization of upstream oil and gas investment," he said

Interestingly, when the world's oil and gas investment is sluggish, other producer countries provide better fiscal incentives than Indonesia. "Naturally, then they reallocate some of their investment to other, more investment-friendly places.


Investasi Sektor Migas Kuartal I-2017 Merosot

Pengusaha mempertanyakan peran negara dalam mendongkrak investasi hulu migas

Pencapain investasi minyak dan gas hingga kuartal I-2017 masih lesu. Masalah utamanya, harga minyak yang masih bergerak di bawah US$ 50 per barel. Ditambah banyaknya peraturan-peraturan baru pemerintah di sektor hulu migas. 

Parulian Sihotang, Deputi Keuangan dan Monetisasi SKK Migas, mengatakan, berdasarkan data anggaran investasi migas, untuk Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) sesuai dengan work program and budget (WP&B) tahun 2017 sebesar US$ 12,87 miliar.

Namun berdasarkan data outlook 2017 atau realisasinya hanya US$ 11,06 miiiar. Hingga kuartal I-2017 investasi migas mencapai US$ 2,57 miliar atau lebih rendah 4% dibandingkan realisasi investasi pada kuartal I-2016 sekitar US$ 2,68 miliar. "Tercapai tidaknya target investasi tahun 2017 saat ini masih sangat tergantung kondisi industri migas sepaniang tahun 2017," kata Parulian 

Namun melihat kondisi bisnis hulu migas, Parulian berujar kemungkinan sepanjang tahun ini akan mengalami perubahan pelaksanaan kegiatan, karena aktivitas menurun. “Adapun perubahan pelaksanaan kegiatan tersebut akan tertuang pada revisi WP&B 2017 ," katanya

Ia belum bersedia menyebutkan secara tegas, apakah perubahan tersebut akan mengarah pada penurunan nilai investasi di hulu migas atau tidak. Pasalnya SKK Migas masih melihat situasi dan kondisi sektor hulu migas ke depannya. "Lets wait and” see,".

Investasi pada tahun ini memang akan disesuaikan dengan rencana kegiatan hulu migas. Seperti survei seismik dua dimensi (2D) yang ditargekan mencapai 25 kegiatan atau sepanjang 10.247 km. Lalu survei seismik tiga dimensi (3D) sebanyak 14 kegiatan atau sepanjang 6.566 km2.

Sedangkan kegiatan survei non seismik terdiri dari delapan kegiatan. Antara lain pengeboran eksplorasi 134 sumur, program re-entry sumur eksplorasi sebanyak empat kegiatan, pengeboran dan pengembangan, program kerja ulang 907 perawatan sumur serta program penutupan sumur sebanyak 186 kegiatan.

Namun realisasi kegiatan hulu migas hingga kuartal I-2017 masih jauh dari target. Untuk survei seismik 2D baru satu kegiatan dengan panjang 2.815 km. Bahkan survei 8D bahkan belum ada kegiatan sama sekali. 

Sedangkan kegiatan survei non-seismik terdapat dua kegiatan. Lalu pengeboran eksplorasi lima sumur, re-entry sumur eksplorasi satu kegiatan, pengeboran sumur pengembangan, program kerja ulang 1.19 kegiatan, perawatan 4.350 sumur dan penutupan sumur 4 kegiatan.

Indonesia tidak diminati Direktur Eksekutif Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong menyatakan, lapangan-lapangan migas saat ini mengalami penurunan produksi secara alamiah, ditambah lagi harga minyak yang turun. Sehingga alokasi belanja modal pengusaha berkurang di seluruh dunia. Akibatnya investasi yang masuk ke migas menjadi lebih sedikit. “Pertanyaannya, apa Indonesia cukup bisa berkompetisi untuk menarik investasi?" Kata dia

Wajong membeberkan, dalam lima tahun mendatang akan ada 20 blok migas yang habis masa kontraknya. Meskipun pasti ada yang mengelola lagi, entah diperpanjang atau ada operator baru. “Tapi di masa transisi ini membuat orang enggan investasi, sehingga produksi bisa turun lagi, lalu apa yang bisa diberikan untuk menaikkan industri ini oleh negara?" Kata dia

Wajong optimistis, peluang industri migas masih banyak meskipun hasil eksplorasi beberapa tidak menggembirakan, namun bukan berarti itu jelek. "Hanya harus eksplorasi lagi. Sekarang ke daerah yang sulit, frontier, ke timur, dengan investasi lebih mahal,“ Kata dia 

Pengamat Energi Komaidi Notonegoro mengatakan, masalah perizinan masih dikeluhkan pelaku usaha dan penerapan gross split yang masih dipertanyakan dalam beberapa aspek. "Kemungkinan masih akan menahan laju realisasi investasi hulu migas," kata dia

Menariknya, di saat investasi migas dunia lesu, negara-negara produsen lain memberikan insentif fiskal lebih baik daripada Indonesia. "Wajar kalau kemudian mereka merealokasi sebagian investasinya ke tempat lain yang  lebih ramah investasi.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, May, 10, 2017

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