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Friday, May 26, 2017

Performance of PT PP Assessed Less Good

JTB Gas Project

Performance of PT Pembangunan Perumahan (PP) in the cultivation of Early Civil Work (ECW) project of Tiung Biru Jambaran gas field (JTB) in Ngasem, Tambakrejo and Purwosari sub-districts of Bojonegoro Regency is considered poor. Until mid-May 2017, PP only completed about 38.5% of the work of the target 100%.

Head of Unit Acceleration Project (UPP) Banyuurip and JTB Julius Wiratno said, there are two obstacles that make PT PP can not complete the work.

First, land acquisition issues and performance issues from the PP itself. Land acquisition according to him, is good because it reaches 98%. But there are some land that has not been released and disrupt the work of contractors. "There is blocking, for example between the work of Central Jambaran and Jambaran East there is blocking in the middle, the work we dig here and here in the dug because there is blocking inhibit the work.

Secondly, the performance of PP is not good, "he said, but the delay in the work of PT PP will not add any cost, but there are some additional buildings that are not in the original plan.

There is an addition like a helipad, but its value is small. ECW is just a small job, but once the land gets hit, game over.

It can still be a bit tolerant with the delay of work in this ECW project because the value of the project here is still considered small. Different if it is included in GPF EPC project, it will be more assertive. Alluded to what sanctions will be given to the contractor because of this delay, Julius said, will conduct an evaluation.

If the problem of delay is on land acquisition, the error is in PEPC or SKK oil and gas. If the performance problem, then there is in PT PP. "They asked for an additional 6 months. If there are any further delays, we give a fine.


Kinerja PT PP Dinilai Kurang Bagus

Proyek Gas JTB

Kinerja PT Pembangunan Perumahan (PP) dalam penggarapan proyek Early Civil Work (ECW) lapangan gas Jambaran Tiung Biru (JTB) di Kecamatan Ngasem, Tambakrejo, dan Purwosari, Kabupaten Bojonegoro, dinilai buruk. Hingga pertengahan Mei 2017, PP hanya menyelesaikan sekitar 38,5% pekerjaan dari target 100%.

Kepala Unit Percepatan Proyek (UPP) Banyuurip dan JTB Julius Wiratno mengatakan, ada dua kendala yang membuat PT PP belum bisa menyelesaikan pekerjaannya.

Pertama, masalah pembebasan lahan dan masalah performa dari PP sendiri. Pembebasan lahan menurutnya, sudah bagus karena mencapai 98%. Namun ada beberapa lahan yang belum dibebaskan dan mengganggu pekerjaan kontraktor. "Ada blocking, misalnya antara pekerjaan Jambaran Central dan Jambaran East ada blocking di tengahnya, pekerjaannya kita gali di sini lalu di imbun sini karena ada blocking menghambat pekerjaan. 

Kedua, performa PP kurang bagus," katanya. Meski begitu, terlambatnya pekerjaan dari PT PP tidak akan menambah biaya apa pun. Hanya saja, ada beberapa tambahan bangunan yang tidak ada dalam rencana awal.

Ada penambahan seperti helipad, tapi nilainya kecil. ECW ini  hanya pekerjaan kecil, tapi begitu tanah kena blok, game over.

Pihaknya masih bisa sedikit toleran dengan keterlambatan pekerjaan dalam proyek ECW ini karena nilai proyek di sini dinilai masih kecil. Berbeda jika sudah masuk pada proyek EPC GPF, pihaknya akan lebih tegas. Disinggung mengenai sanksi apa yang akan diberikan kepada pihak kontraktor karena ada keterlambatan ini, Julius mengatakan, akan melakukan evaluasi. 

     Kalau permasalahan keterlambatan ada pada pembebasan tanah, kesalahan ada di PEPC atau SKK migas. Kalau masalah kinerja, maka ada di PT PP. “Mereka minta waktu tambahan 6 bulan. Kalau masih ada keterlambatan lagi, kami berikan denda.

Koran Sindo, Page-8, Saturday, May, 13, 2017

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