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Monday, May 29, 2017

Pertamina Already Appoints Iraqi Oil Processing Partner

PT Pertamina this year re-conducted a crude processing deal with a company that owns a refinery in Asia. Through the crude processing deal scheme, the winner of this year's auction will manage crude oil from West Qurna l, Basrah,Iraq,  Pertamina's contract.

Previously, Pertamina last year appointed Shell International Eastern Trading Company to process the field crude oil with a crude processing deal. Under the scheme, Shell is entitled to process 1 million barrels per month belonging to Pertamina, which will be processed into mogas, aviation fuel, diesel, marine fuel oil (MFG) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Shell itself has an oil refinery in Singapore.

Daniel S. Purba, Vice President of Integrated Supply Chain Pertamina, said that this year's crude processing deal has been made in April. Then there is the winner of crude contract scheme contract deal July-December 2017. We can not disclose it first. The crude processing deal scheme is not simple, says Daniel

He just makes sure the company has a refinery in Asia. "Pertamina is still finalizing the contract with the winner of the crude processing deal as it enters the discussion phase of terms and conditions." The winner is already there, but not yet signed, make sure the terms and conditions are clear, "he said.


Pertamina Sudah Tunjuk Mitra Pengolah Minyak Irak

PT Pertamina pada tahun ini kembali melakukan skema crude processing deal dengan perusahaan yang memiliki kilang di Asia. Melalui skema crude processing deal pemenang penawaran lelang tahun ini akan mengelola minyak mentah dari Lapangan West Qurna l, Basrah, lrak milik Pertamina.

Sebelumnya, pada tahun lalu Pertamina menunjuk Shell International Eastern Trading Company untuk mengolah minyak mentah lapangan tersebut dengan skenia crude processing deal. Dengan skema itu, Shell berhak mengolah 1 juta barel per bulan milik milik Pertamina, yang akan diolah menjadi mogas, aviation fuel, diesel, marine fuel oil (MFG) dan liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Shell sendiri memiliki kilang minyak di Singapura.

Daniel S. Purba, Vice President Integrated Supply Chain Pertamina mengatakan, penawaran crude processing deal tahun ini sudah dilakukan April lalu. Lalu sudah ada pemenang skema crude processing deal kontrak Juli-Desember 2017. Belum bisa disclose kami pastikan dulu. Skema crude processing deal tidak simple, kata Daniel

Dia hanya memastikan perusahaan tersebut memiliki kilang di kawasan Asia. "Nanti diumumkan kalau sudah selesai. Saat ini Pertamina masih melakukan tahap finalisasi kontrak dengan pemenang crude processing deal karena memasuki tahap pembahasan terms and conditions. "Pemenangnya sudah ada, tapi belum tanda tangan, pastikan terms and conditions clear," katanya.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, May 22, 2017

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