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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Pertamina EP Adds Depth of Drilling at Old Wells

Pertamina Exploration and Production (EP), 4 Field Cepu assets began to drill oil and gas resources at the old wells of Dutch heritage located in Banyuurip Village, Senori Sub-district, Tuban Regency.

Field Manager (FM) Pertamina EP assets 4, Agus Amperianto explained, Pertamina will explore the potential of oil and gas resources in KWK 24. The plan, the exploration process is done by adding the depth of the old well at the KWK 24 to 1,500 meters. Meanwhile, the production target can reach 150 BOPD. It's okay, this week's week will be done.

In drilling the well at KWK 24 well, Pertamina EP will use D-1000/52 rig. The tool is the former of Pecuk Field, Lamongan, operated by Pertamina Driling.


Pertamina EP Tambah Kedalaman Pengeboran di Sumur Tua

Pertamina Eksplorasi dan Produksi (EP), aset 4 Field Cepu mulai melakukan pengeboran sumber Migas di sumur tua peninggalan Belanda yang terletak di Desa Banyuurip, Kecamatan Senori, Kabupaten Tuban.

Field Manajer (FM) Pertamina EP aset 4, Agus Amperianto menjelaskan, Pertamina akan menggali potensi sumber Migas di KWK 24. Rencananya, proses eksplorasi dilakukan dengan cara menambah kedalaman sumur tua di titik KWK 24 hingga 1.500 meter. Sedangkan, target produksi bisa mencapai 150 BOPD. lnsyaallah, minggu minggu ini akan dilakukan pengerjaannya.

Dalam pengeboran sumur di sumur KWK 24, Pertamina EP akan menggunakan rig D-1000/52. Alat tersebut merupakan eks dari Lapangan Pecuk, Lamongan, yang dioperasikan oleh Pertamina Driling.

Harian Bangsa, Page-9, Monday, May, 8, 2017

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