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Friday, May 26, 2017

Pertamina EP Workover KWG Well - P24

To meet the needs of oil and gas production in the operational working area, Pertamina EP assets of 4 Cepu implemented a Workover of KWG-P24 well in Kawengan District on Thursday (11/5).

Before the workshop was completed KWG-P 24, 15 Pertamina EP together with residents held cerebrate and compensation of 100 orphans around the operational working environment include Kawengan Wonocolo Village, Bojonegoro District, and Banyuurip Wonosari Sub-distric Senori, Tuban District.

Field Manager of Pertamina EP, Agus Amperianto revealed that in order to optimize oil and gas production, the workover was done by Pertamina E1 at KWG-P 24 well by drilling or deepening the location of the well. Meanwhile, the well since 2013 and has not been produced alias standby.

"After this joint prayer event, we will start the process immediately," said Agus. Agus added, the previous KWG P24 wells depth of 1,500 meters and now will be added 1,600 meters. Reprocessing by drilling into the ground surface of 100 meters.

Pertamina hopes with a depth of 1,600 meters of production will be found oil and gas reserves of approximately 150 barrels of oil per day (BMPH). Meanwhile, the workover implementation is targeted to be completed within 30 days. The drilling will be done by Pertamina Drilling Service Indonesia (PDSI) Pertamina Drilling Service Indonesia (PDSI) team or crew member of Pertamina Drilling Service Indonesia (PDSI). Hopefully, one month is over.


Pertamina EP Workover Sumur KWG - P24

Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan produksi minyak gas (migas) di wilayah kerja operasional, Pertamina EP aset 4 Cepu melaksanakan kerja ulang (Workover) sumur KWG - P24 di Distrik Kawengan, Kamis (11/5).

Sebelum pelaksanaan workover disumur KWG-P 24, 15 Pertamina EP bersama warga menggelar tasyakuran serta santunan 100 anak yatim di sekitar lingkungan operasional kerja meliputi Desa Kawengan Wonocolo, Kabupaten Bojonegoro, dan Banyuurip Wonosari Kecamatan Senori Kabupaten Tuban.

Field Manager Pertamina EP, Agus Amperianto mengungkapkan sebagai upaya optimalisasi produksi migas, workover dilakukan pertamina E1 di sumur KWG-P 24 dengan cara mengebor atau memperdalam dilokasi sumuran. Sedangkan, sumur tersebut sejak 2013 lalu sudah tidak diproduksikan alias standby.

"Setelah acara doa bersama ini, langsung akan kita mulai pengerjaannya," kata Agus. Agus menambahkan, sumur KWG P24 sebelumnya berkedalaman 1.500 meter dan sekarang akan ditambah 1.600 meter. Pengkerjaan ulang dengan cara mengebor kedalam permukaan tanah 100 meter.

Pertamina berharap dengan kedalaman - 1.600 meter produksinya akan ditemukan cadangan Migas sekitar 150 Barel Minyak per hari (BMPH). Sedangkan, pelaksanaan pengerjaan workover ditargetkan selesai dalam jangka waktu 30 hari. Pengeboran akan dikerjakan oleh tim atau kru Reg LTO 750 Pertamina Drilling Service Indonesia (PDSI) milik Pertamina. Semoga satu bulan sudah selesai.

Harian Bangsa, Page-9, Saturday, May, 13, 2017

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