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Friday, May 26, 2017

Pertamina Refinery Production Minimal Type Pertamax

Iran's oil imports can only enter 10% in Cilacap refinery, due to high sulfur content

PT Pertamina stated that the current Refinery Development Masterplan Program (RDMP) project will be able to process oil with high sulfur content. The goal is to produce minimal Pertamax producing oil.

Toharso, Director of Processing of PT Pertamina, said that there are three RDMP project objectives. First, the project
Will reduce oil imports to 700,000 barrels per day (bpd). Currently the production capacity of six refineries is around 1.04 million bpd, but since each refinery is in maintenance and must be shutdown, it is reduced by about 900,000 bpd. The fuel needs of 1.6 million bpd.

Secondly, RDMP will be able to meet European Emission Standart environmental standards alias Euro5. Thirdly, the RDMP result will be able to process high sulfur oil into low sulfur oil. Although Pertamina will produce Pertamax minimum, Pertamina will still produce premium until the community no longer needs it. Toharso said it could not remove the premium, because there are still buy. Especially when there is a fuel policy of one price of premium and diesel. If I wanted only the production of Pertamax Turbo, Toharso said.

He stated that Pertamina is only the operator and the government as the shareholder needs the fuel assignment, namely premium and diesel for the outermost, leading and left behind. Different if the revision of the Oil and Gas Law requires having to do production with low sulfur.

Moreover, Pertamina is very concerned about environmental issues, so that Pertamina's refineries in the future is indeed towards Euro 5 or more than required, that is Euro 4. If you want to know, we also sell BBM to brand holder agent, it contains five liter Pertamax, what it means ? They just recommend Pertamax, not premium, but when it fell to buyers do not know replaced type of fuel, "he said.

Processing Sweet

Meanwhile, during this six refineries Pertamina is only able to process crude oil with a type of sweet crude oil or oil with low sulfur. As a result, if processing oil with high sulfur will damage the refinery machine.

Toharso said that Pertamina refinery machine is not damaged, so it does blending. "After that we though, because if put directly, yes wassalamualaikum refinery," he said.

Since the Pertamina refinery stands sweet supply of sweet oil originated from Duri Field which once produced 700,000 bpd, but currently only between 200,000 bpd to 300,000 bpd. Now it's hard to find sweet oil for the 6 refineries.

Currently the supply from the Banyu Urip field, Cepu Block is also blending to be processed in the high grade sulphate Banyu Urip oil field refinery. No exception oil imported as much as 1 million barrels from Iran, has been tested and the results can only enter about 10% of the production of 348,000 bpd. Because oil sulfur from Iran is too high. While in other refineries, Iran's oil type can not be processed. So far the majority of oil in Cilacap comes from Saudi Arabia.


Produksi Kilang Pertamina Minimal Jenis Pertamax  

lmpor minyak Iran hanya bisa masuk 10% di Kilang Cilacap, karena kadar sulfur tinggi

PT Pertamina menyatakan, proyek Refinery Development Masterplan Program (RDMP) yang tengah dijalankan akan mampu mengolah minyak dengan kadar sulfur tinggi. Tujuannya agar menghasilkan minyak minimal memproduksi Pertamax.

Toharso, Direktur Pengolahan PT Pertamina mengatakan, tujuan proyek RDMP ada tiga. Pertama, proyek itu akan mengurangi impor minyak hingga 700.000 barel per hari (bph). Saat ini kapasitas produksi enam kilang sekitar 1.040.000 bph, tetapi karena setiap kilang ada perawatan dan harus shutdown, maka berkurang sekitar 900.000 bph. Adapun kebutuhan BBM 1,6 juta bph.

Kedua, RDMP akan mampu memenuhi standar lingkungan European Emission Standart alias Euro5. Ketiga, kiIang hasil RDMP itu akan mampu mengolah minyak dengan sulfur tinggi menjadi minyak bersulfur rendah. Meskipun minimal memproduksi Pertamax, Pertamina masih akan tetap memproduksi premium hingga masyarakat tidak membutuhkan lagi. 

      Toharso mengatakan, pihaknya tidak bisa menghapus premium, karena masih ada yang membeli. Terlebih saat ini ada kebijakan BBM satu harga jenis premium dan solar. Kalau saya maunya hanya produksi Pertamax Turbo, kata Toharso.

Dia menyatakan, Pertamina hanya operator dan pemerintah sebagai pemegang saham membutuhkan BBM penugasan, yakni premium dan solar untuk masyarakat terluar, terdepan dan tertinggal. Beda kalau revisi Undang-Undang Migas meminta harus melakukan produksi dengan sulfur rendah.

Apalagi memang Pertamina sangat concern dengan isu lingkungan, sehingga kilang-kilang Pertamina ke depan memang menuju Euro 5 atau lebih dari yang disyaratkan, yakni Euro 4. Kalau ingin tahu, kami juga jual BBM ke agen pemegang merek, isinya lima liter Pertamax, artinya apa? mereka saja sudah merekomendasikan Pertamax, bukan premium, tetapi ketika sudah jatuh ke pembeli tidak tahu diganti jenis BBM-nya," kata dia.

Mengolah Sweet

Sementara itu, selama ini enam kilang Pertamina memang hanya bisa mengolah minyak mentah dengan jenis sweet crude oil atau minyak dengan sulfur rendah. Alhasil, jika mengolah minyak dengan sulfur tinggi akan merusak mesin kilang tersebut.

Toharso bercerita, agar mesin kilang Pertamina tidak rusak, maka pihaknya melakukan blending. "Setelah itu kami olah, karena kalau dimasukan langsung, ya wassalamualaikum kilangnya," kata dia.

Sejak kilang Pertamina berdiri pasokan minyak sweet berasal dari Lapangan Duri yang dahulu bisa produksi 700.000 bph, tetapi saat ini hanya antara 200.000 bph sampai 300.000 bph. Sekarang sulit mencari minyak sweet untuk kebutuhan 6 kilang itu.

Saat ini pasokan dari lapangan Banyu Urip, Blok Cepu juga juga di blending agar bisa diolah di kilang jenis minyak Lapangan Banyu Urip bersulfur tinggi. Tidak terkecuali minyak yang di impor sebanyak 1 juta barel dari Iran, sudah diuji coba dan hasilnya hanya bisa masuk sekitar 10% saja dari produksi 348.000 bph. Karena Sulfur minyak dari Iran terlalu tinggi. Sementara di kilang lain, jenis minyak Iran tidak bisa diolah. Sejauh ini mayoritas minyak di Cilacap berasal dari Arab Saudi.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, May, 9, 2017

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