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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Petronas Magic Rig So Floating Hotel

One important element in the oil and gas business (oil and gas) is the production platform or rig. As the aging well followed the platform's aging, oil and gas companies faced a dilemma.

Vice President of Engineering and Integrity PHE ONWJ Made Sukrajaya said Pertamina has 223 platforms. A total of 103 platforms are over 30 years old. A total of 78 platforms aged 21-30 years. In addition, there are 34 platforms 1 to 20 years old and 8 platforms less than 10 years old.

According to Made, 46 percent of Pertamina's plarform is already mature. The treatment costs a lot, so it is not worth the remaining oil and gas reserves. Meanwhile, the dismantling of the rig is costly. Therefore, Pertamina chose rejuvenate the plate form to extend the age.

If the design is for 20 years, with rejuvenation we can use up to 30 years, "said Made. Head of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of Petronas Malaysia University Noor Amalia explained that there are four rigs owned by Shell and Petronas which have been decommissioned since 2003, especially offshore platform. The demolition of the 945,500 metric ton rig requires USD 18.79 billion to USD 46.53 billion (equivalent to Rp 618 trillion).

The cost is what the oil and gas company complains, Noor said. To get around the cost, oil and gas companies can make the rig as a place of development of coral reef (rig of reef). We are developing hotel designs on platfom so that rig can be an offshore tourist venue.


Petronas Sulap Rig Jadi Hotel Terapung

Salah satu elemen penting dalam bisnis minyak dan gas (migas) adalah platform atau rig produksi. Seiring uzurnya sumur yang diikuti menuanya platform, perusahaan migas dihadapkan pada dilema.

Vice President Engineering and Integrity PHE ONWJ Made Sukrajaya menyatakan, Pertamina memiliki 223 platform. Sebanyak 103 platform di antaranya berusia lebih dari 30 tahun. Sejumlah 78 platform berusia 21-30 tahun.  Selain itu, ada 34 platform yang berumur 1 1-20 tahun dan 8 platform kurang dari 10 tahun.

Menurut Made, 46 persen plarform milik Pertamina sudah mature. Perawatannya membutuhkan biaya besar sehingga tidak sepadan dengan cadangan migas yang tersisa. Sementara itu, pembongkaran rig menghabiskan dana besar. Karena itu, Pertamina memilih meremajakan plat form untuk memperpanjang usia. 

Bila desainnya untuk 20 tahun, dengan peremajaan bisa kami gunakan hingga 30 tahun,” kata Made. Head of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department University Petronas Malaysia Noor Amalia menjelaskan, ada empat rig milik Shell dan Petronas yang dibongkar (decommissioning) sejak 2003, terutama platform offshore. Pembongkaran rig seberat 945,500 metrik ton membutuhkan biaya USD 18,79 miliar hingga USD 46,53 miliar (setara Rp 618 Triliun). 

Besar biaya itulah yang lantas dikeluhkan perusahaan migas, kata Noor. Untuk menyiasati biaya, perusahaan migas bisa menjadikan rig sebagai tempat pengembangan terumbu karang (rig of reef). Kami sedang mengembangkan desain hotel di atas platfom sehingga rig bisa menjadi tempat wisata lepas pantai.

Jawa Pos, Page-5, Tuesday, May, 2, 2017

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