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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

PGN Focused Strengthening of Natural Gas Infrastructure

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk remains focused on strengthening the natural gas infrastructure. So far, the natural gas pipeline infrastructure has been constructed along 7,278 kilometers across Indonesia, equivalent to 80 percent of national gas pipelines. The Company hopes to benefit from the government's policy of lowering the price of gas for industry.

With the gas infrastructure, PGN currently has 168,973 customers. The number of such subscribers consists of 165,392 household customers, 1,929 micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) customers, hotels, hospitals, restaurants and restaurants and 1,652 large-scale industries, including power generation.

The gas that has been distributed in 2016 as much as 1.6 billion standard cubic feet per day. "This year, the gas pipeline infrastructure project that is scheduled to be completed is a gas pipeline project in central Sumatra along 123 kilometers and in Riau Islands as long as 5 kilometers," said PGN Commercial Director Danny Praditya in a press conference after the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM ).

Meanwhile, related to government policy to lower gas price for industry, Finance Director of PGN Nusantara Suryono added. Cheaper gas prices are believed to increase consumption by consumers from the industrial sector.

Thus, the gas sales volume from PGN is projected to increase in the future. "Especially in the region of North Sumatra, the selling price of gas has been lowered from the original 12.22 US dollars per MMBTU to 9.95 US dollars per MMBTU. We expect compensation in the form of increased gas sales volume of the company, "said Nusantara.

PGN Director General and Human Resources Desima E Siahaan added that the company is committed to continue developing the natural gas infrastructure in order to strengthen national energy independence. Utilization of natural gas is still encouraged for household consumption, power generation, or industry in small, medium and large scale.

Throughout 2016, PGN posted net income of 2.9 billion US dollars, equivalent to Rp 38.6 trillion with an average exchange rate in 2016 of Rp 13,808 per US dollar.

Meanwhile, the company's net profit reached 304 million US dollars or Rp 4.04 trillion. With these achievements, PGN distributes dividends to the government and shareholders of Rp 1.82 trillion or Bp 75.18 per share.

This year, PGN's capital expenditure and its subsidiaries are allocated 500 million US dollars. At the AGMS, the company announced the replacement of the position of president director Hendi Prio Santoso, who was the primary director replaced by Jobi Triananda Hasjim. The main commissioner in the office of Fajar Harry Sampurno


PGN Fokus Penguatan Infrastruktur Gas Bumi

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk tetap fokus pada penguatan infrastruktur gas bumi. Sejauh ini, infrastruktur pipa gas bumi telah terbangun sepanjang 7.278 kilometer di seluruh Indonesia atau setara dengan 80 persen sambungan pipa gas nasional. Perseroan berharap mendapat manfaat atas kebijakan pemerintah menurunkan harga gas untuk industri. 

Dengan infrastruktur gas tersebut, saat ini PGN memiliki 168.973 pelanggan. Jumlah pelanggan sebanyak itu terdiri dari 165.392 pelanggan rumah tangga, 1.929 pelanggan sektor usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM), hotel, rumah sakit, restoran, dan rumah makan serta 1.652 industri berskala besar, termasuk pembangkit listrik. 

Adapun gas yang sudah disalurkan pada 2016 sebanyak 1,6 miliar standar kaki kubik per hari. ”Tahun ini, proyek infrastruktur pipa gas bumi yang dijadwalkan bisa rampung adalah proyek pipa gas di Sumatera bagian tengah sepanjang 123 kilometer dan di Kepulauan Riau sepanjang 5 kilometer,” kata Direktur Komersial PGN Danny Praditya dalam konferensi pers seusai Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan (RUPST).

Sementara itu, terkait kebijakan pemerintah menurunkan harga gas untuk industri, Direktur Keuangan PGN Nusantara Suryono menambahkan. harga gas yang lebih murah diyakini akan menaikkan konsumsi oleh konsumen dari sektor industri.

Dengan demikian, volume penjualan gas dari PGN diproyeksikan meningkat pada masa mendatang. ”Khusus di wilayah Sumatera Utara, harga jual gas sudah diturunkan dari semula 12,22 dollar AS per MMBTU menjadi 9,95 dollar AS per MMBTU. Kami berharap ada kompensasi berupa peningkatan volume penjualan gas perseroan,” kata Nusantara. 

Direktur Umum dan Sumber Daya Manusia PGN Desima E Siahaan menambahkan, perseroan berkomitmen untuk terus mengembangkan infrastruktur gas bumi dalam rangka memperkuat kemandirian energi nasional. Pemanfaatan gas bumi tetap didorong untuk konsumsi rumah tangga, pembangkit listrik, ataupun industri dalam skala kecil, menengah, dan besar.

Sepanjang 2016, PGN membukukan pendapatan bersih sebesar 2,9 miliar dollar AS atau setara dengan Rp 38,6 triliun dengan nilai tukar rata-rata pada 2016 sebesar Rp 13.808 per dollar AS.

Sementara laba bersih perseroan mencapai 304 juta dollar AS atau Rp 4,04 triliun. Dengan capaian tersebut, PGN membagikan dividen kepada pemerintah dan pemegang saham sebesar Rp 1,82 triliun atau Bp 75,18 per lembar saham.

Tahun ini, belanja modal PGN berikut anak perusahaannya dialokasikan 500 juta dollar AS. Dalam RUPST itu, perseroan mengumumkan pergantian kursi jabatan direktur utama  Hendi Prio Santoso yang semula menjabat direktur utama digantikan Jobi Triananda Hasjim. Adapun komisaris utama di jabat Fajar Harry Sampurno

Kompas, Page-20, Friday, May, 5, 2017

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