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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Regency Government Bojonegoro Not Accepting Deposits Old Oil Wells

The government of Kabupaten Bojonegoro does not get the local revenue (PAD) from the old oil well field management in Kedewan Sub-district since 2008. The District Government has not received PAD from old oil well field, "said Head of Balance and Other Revenue Department of Bojonegoro Regency Revenue Muhadi.

He explained that the District Government had obtained PAD from the management of old oil well field in Wonocolo Village, Hargomulyo, Beji, in Kedewan Sub-district. The amount ranges from Rp 400 million to Rp 600 million per year. Acquisition of PAD running since the field of old oil wells in Kedewan District is managed KUD Bogo Sasono, Kasiman District. At that time the old oil well field was still the Kedewan Sub-District.

With the development of the region, the Regency Government still obtains PAD from the field of old oil wells when it is managed by KUD Kecamatan Kedewan. While the magnitude is not much different which then stopped since 2008. The acquisition of profit sharing from oil and gas (DBH) of oil and gas into one with other oil production.

However, according to him, KUD Source of Food in Kedewan Sub-district promised to give PAD to District Government in the management of old oil well field reaching Rp 301 million in 2017. "But until today there has been no realization," he explained.

According to him, if it is the management of old oil well field in Kedewan sub-district under PT Bangkit Bangun Sarana (BBS) BUMD of Bojonegoro Regency Government, it is impossible for Food Source KUD to realize oil well PAD in 2017.

Director of PT Bangkit Bangun Sarana (BBS) Bojonegoro Regency Government Toni Ade Irawan, confirmed PT BBS who manages old oil well field in some villages in Kedewan Sub-district. It is based on a working contract with Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu, Central Java. We have discussed several times with Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu related to the pattern of field management of old oil wells including improving miners' welfare.

According to data, in some villages in Kedewan sub-district, there are about 500 points of oil wells, which are old oil wells and new oil wells drilled.


Pemerintah Kabupaten Bojonegoro Tak Terima Setoran Sumur Minyak Tua

Pemerintah Kabupaten Bojonegoro tidak mendapatkan pendapatan asli daerah (PAD) dari pengelolaan lapangan sumur minyak tua di Kecamatan Kedewan, sejak 2008. Sudah lama Pemerintah Kabupaten tidak menerima PAD dari lapangan sumur minyak tua, “ kata Kepala Bidang Pelimbangan dan Lain Pendapatan Dinas Pendapatan Pemerintah Kabupaten Bojonegoro Muhadi.

Ia menjelaskan Pemerintah Kabupaten pernah memperoleh PAD dari pengelolaan lapangan sumur minyak tua di Desa Wonocolo, Hargomulyo, Beji, di Kecamatan Kedewan. Besarannya berkisar Rp 400 juta - Rp 600 juta per tahun. Perolehan PAD berjalan sejak lapangan sumur minyak tua di Kecamatan Kedewan itu dikelola KUD Bogo Sasono, Kecamatan Kasiman. Ketika itu lapangan sumur minyak tua masih merupakan wilayah Kecamatan Kedewan.

Dengan adanya perkembangan wilayah Pemerintah Kabupaten masih memperoleh PAD dari lapangan sumur minyak tua saat dikelola KUD Kecamatan Kedewan. Sedangkan besarnya tidak jauh berbeda yang kemudian berhenti sejak 2008. Perolehan dana Bagi hasil Migas (DBH) migas menjadi satu dengan produksi minyak lainnya.

Namun, menurut dia, KUD Sumber Pangan di Kecamatan Kedewan, menjanjikan akan memberikan PAD kepada Pemerintah Kabupaten dalam pengelolaan lapangan sumur minyak tua yang besarnya mencapai Rp 301 juta pada 2017. “Tapi sampai hari ini belum ada realisasinya,” jelas dia.

Menurut dia, kalau memang pengelolaan lapangan sumur minyak tua di Kecamatan Kedewan dibawah PT Bangkit Bangun Sarana (BBS) BUMD Pemerintah Kabupaten Bojonegoro, maka tidak mungkin KUD Sumber Pangan merealisasikan PAD sumur minyak pada 2017.

Direktur PT Bangkit Bangun Sarana (BBS) Pemerintah Kabupaten Bojonegoro Toni Ade Irawan, membenarkan PT BBS yang mengelola lapangan sumur minyak tua di sejumlah desa di Kecamatan Kedewan. ltu berdasarkan kontrak kerja dengan Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu, Jawa Tengah. Kami sudah membahas beberapa kali dengan Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu terkait pola pengelolaan lapangan sumur minyak tua termasuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan penambang.

     Sesuai data, di sejumlah desa di Kecamatan Kedewan, terdapat sekitar 500 titik sumur minyak, yang merupakan sumur minyak tua maupun sumur minyak hasil pengeboran baru.

Memorandum, Page-17, Wednesday, May, 3, 2017

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