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Friday, May 26, 2017

Strengthen National Energy, HCML Start Up Field BD

The Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS) of Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) started BD field start up activity on Saturday (6/5). This commissioning or startup activity is expected to take 1 to 2 weeks.

After the start up period, initial production of BD field will be channeled to PGN of 20-30 MMSCFD and is planned to increase gradually to strengthen national energy availability. "In addition to gas, BD field also produces condensate and liquid sulfur," said Senior Manager Development HCML, Jonny Pasaribu.

"The startup process is run to see the readiness of the entire facility already installed,". On the other hand, Senior Manager Legal, HR & Business Support; HCML Wahyudin Sunarya added that HCML is a KKKS under the supervision and control of SKK Migas, which operates Madura Strait working area in East Java.

BD Field is part of the Husky Madura Strait Block, located off the coast of Madura Strait, East Java, 65 kilometers east of Surabaya and 16 kilometers south of Madura Island. The Madura-BD gas wells are located around the Mandangin Islands area, off the coast of the Madura Strait. The field is an old field and is expected to produce 442 BCF (Billion Cubic Feet) natural gas and 18.7 MMBL condesate for 13 years.

In BD Field development, HCML uses offshore platform PT PAL production centered in Surabaya. The offshore platform has been installed in a 55 meter sea depth. The offshore rig construction project was acquired by PT PAL after they won a special tender for Madura BD's "Engineering Procurement Construction and Installation / EPCI" project.

The use of PT PAL's offshore production platform is a form of HCML commitment in supporting SKK Migas business to continuously increase the percentage of Domestic Component (Domestic Component Level) and support the strengthening of national industry in its operations.

"This is in line with the spirit of SKK Migas to encourage upstream oil and gas industry as a driver of the national economy and improving people's welfare," said Wahyudin.


Perkuat Energi Nasional, HCML Start Up Lapangan BD

Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) mulai melakukan kegiatan start up lapangan BD, Sabtu (6/5). Kegiatan commisioning atau start up ini diperkirakan akan memakan Waktu 1 hingga 2 minggu.

Setelah melewati masa start up, produksi awal lapangan BD akan disalurkan ke PGN sebesar 20-30 MMSCFD dan direncanakan akan terus meningkat secara bertahap untuk memperkuat ketersediaan energi nasional. “Selain gas, lapangan BD juga memproduksi kondensat dan sulfur cair,” kata Senior Manager Development HCML, Jonny Pasaribu.

“Proses start up ini dijalankan untuk melihat kesiapan keseluruhan fasilitas yang sudah terpasang,”. Pada bagian lain, Senior Manager Legal, HR & Business Support' HCML Wahyudin Sunarya menambahkan, HCML merupakan KKKS di bawah pengawasan dan pengendalian SKK Migas, yang mengoperasikan wilayah kerja Madura Strait di wilayah Jawa Timur. 

Lapangan BD merupakan bagian dari Blok Husky Madura Strait, terletak di lepas pantai Selat Madura, Jawa Timur, 65 kilometer sebelah timur Surabaya dan 16 kilometer sebelah selatan Pulau Madura. Sumur-sumur gas Madura-BD sendiri berada di sekitar areal Kepulauan Mandangin, lepas pantai Selat Madura. Lapangan tersebut merupakan lapangan lama dan diharapkan akan menghasilkan 442 BCF (Billion Cubic Feet) gas bumi dan 18,7 MMBL kondesat selama 13 tahun.

Dalam pengembangan Lapangan BD, HCML menggunakan anjungan lepas pantai (offshore platform) produksi PT PAL yang berpusat di Surabaya. Anjungan lepas pantai itu telah terpasang di kedalaman laut 55 meter. Proyek pembangunan anjungan lepas pantai ini diperoleh PT PAL setelah mereka memenangkan tender khusus proyek lepas pantai “Engineering Procurement Construction and Installation/ EPCI” Madura BD. 

Penggunaan anjungan lepas pantai produksi PT PAL merupakan Wujud komitmen HCML dalam mendukung usaha SKK Migas untuk terus meningkatkan-persentase TKDN (Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri) dan mendukung perkuatan industri nasional dalam kegiatan operasinya.

“Hal ini seiring dengan semangat SKK Migas mendorong industri hulu migas sebagai penggerak perekonomian nasional dan peningkatan kesejahteraan rakyat,” kata Wahyudin. 

Surabaya Pagi, Page-10, Wednesday, May, 10, 2017

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