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Friday, May 26, 2017

Supported Pertamina EP, Naufal Improve Findings of Electric Trees

Naufal Raziq, 15 years old, inventor of electrical energy from the tree kedondong (Spondias dulcis Forst) continues to refine its findings to be more useful and sustainable. The third grade student of MTS Negeri Langsa Lama, Langsa City, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, is looking for ways to accelerate the recovery power of electric energy from the tree kedondong optimally.

Naufal Raziq, discovery electricity with the tree kedondong (Spondias dulcis Forst)

"I feel this time the energy is not so stable. I do experiments with the charging process using the battery as a power store so that energy from the tree kedondong afternoon can be stored in batterei and at night the energy can be re-used to turn on the lights, "said Naufal.

Naufal Raziq, 15 years old

According to Naufal, from previous experiments, the recovery ability of the kedondong tree takes a long time and is not yet stable. Currently, the first son of three siblings pair Supriaman and Deski this, to test the energy storage process from the kedondong tree to battery charger and from there to light or similar solar cell process.

"I hope the lights can be stable because in the previous process with direct from tree to lamp, the energy is not stable and over time drop and recovery is naturally slow," he said.


The findings of electrical energy from the usual kedondong tree into the fence of the Langsa residents' yard are simple, with a series consisting of copper pipes, iron bars, capacitors and diodes. Naufal's findings produce a power of 0.5-1 Volt per electrode mounted on a series of tree kedondong (Spondias dulcis Forst).

According to him, the electricity generated depends on the acidity of the tree. Through several evaluations and improvements, the electric tree has illuminated dozens of homes in Tampur Paloh, Simpang Jernih District, Langsa for nighttime lighting.

former President BJ Habibie

"I am very happy and proud that my discovery could be beneficial to the environment," said Naufal who idolized former President BJ Habibie and inventor of the incandescent lamp, Thomas Alva Edison.

Thomas Alva Edison

Naufal admitted the process of finding electrical energy from the tree kedondong long enough. It started when he studied natural science and read that fruits that contain acid can conduct electricity. "I also tested on potato fruit. After that, I think again, if the fruit contains acid means the tree also contains acid. Finally I started doing experiments, "he said.

Initially, Naufal conducted experiments on mango trees and was not feasible. After that, he tried other types of trees. "Finally I found a fence kedondong acid or sap rate capable of conducting electricity," he said.

Naufal confessed, knowledge possessed not only from school, but also the support of the father who is very helpful in the experiment. "I happen to be working in the field of electronics, I know a bit more electronic devices," he said.

Supriaman, Naufal's father, said that at this time a number of parties are exploring cooperation in the development of energy tree developed by Naufal. However, according to Supriaman, his party returned Pertamina EP subsidiary of PT Pertamina.

When tested, Andika Prastawa as Head of the BPPT Energy Conversion Technology Center, used six kedondong trees (Spondias dulcis Forst) that had been installed with Zn-Cu electrodes (zinc and copper).

From the series-parallel circuit at the end of the electrode, a total voltage measurement of 2,774 Vdc is obtained. This tree is then connected to the direct current converter on a 3,5 Vdc battery voltage. Next the inverter is connected to a 5 Watt 220 Vac LED lamp load. When the lights are turned on, after 10 minutes, the voltage from the energy tree is measured to fall from 2,774 Vdc to 1,870 Vdc.

These results allow six kedondong trees to only be able to turn on the lights for no more than 20 minutes, with an estimated energy of around 1.7 Wh / Watt hour (Wh), or 1.7, Watt for 1 hour.


Didukung Pertamina EP, Naufal Sempurnakan Temuan Pohon Listrik

Naufal Raziq, 15 tahun, penemu energi listrik dari pohon kedondong (Spondias dulcis Forst) terus menyempurnakan temuannya agar semakin bermanfaat dan berkelanjutan. Siswa kelas III MTS Negeri Langsa Lama, Kota Langsa, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, itu sedang mencari cara agar ada akselerasi daya pemulihan (recovery) energi listrik dari pohon kedondong secara optimal.

“Saya merasa saat ini energinya belum begitu stabil. Saya lakukan eksperimen dengan proses charging menggunakan baterai sebagai penyimpan daya sehingga energi dari pohon kedondong siang harinya dapat disimpan di baterei dan pada malamnya energinya dapat kembali digunakan untuk menghidupkan lampu,” ujar Naufal.

Menurut Naufal, dari percobaan sebelumnya, kemampuan pemulihan dari pohon kedondong membutuhkan waktu lama dan belum stabil. Saat ini, putra pertama dari tiga bersaudara pasangan Supriaman dan Deski ini, melakukan uji coba dengan proses penyimpanan energi dari pohon kedondong ke charger baterei dan dari sana ke lampu atau mirip proses solar cell.

“Saya berharap nyala lampu bisa stabil karena pada proses sebelumnya dengan langsung dari pohon ke lampu, energinya tidak stabil dan lama kelamaan drop dan recovery secara alaminya lambat sekali," katanya.

Temuan energi listrik dari pohon kedondong yang biasa menjadi pagar halaman rumah warga di Langsa itu sederhana, dengan rangkaian yang terdiri atas pipa tembaga, batangan besi, kapasitor dan dioda. Temuan Naufal menghasilkan daya sebesar 0,5-1 Volt per elektroda yang dipasang pada rangkaian pohon kedondong

Menurut dia, arus listrik yang dihasilkan sangat bergantung kepada kadar keasaman pohon. Melalui beberapa evaluasi dan perbaikan, pohon listrik itu telah menerangi puluhan rumah di Tampur Paloh, Kecamatan Simpang Jernih, Langsa untuk pencahayaan lampu malam hari.

“Saya senang sekali dan bangga penemuan saya bisa bermanfaat bagi lingkungan sekitar,” ujar Naufal yang mengidolakan Mantan Presiden BJ Habibie dan penemu lampu pijar, Thomas Alva Edison.

Naufal mengaku proses penemuan energi listrik dari pohon kedondong cukup lama. Itu berawal saat dia mempelajari ilmu pengetahuan alam dan membaca bahwa buah yang mengandung asam bisa menghantarkan listrik. “Saya juga uji coba pada buah kentang. Setelah itu, saya berpikir lagi, kalau buahnya mengandung asam berarti pohonnya juga mengandung asam. Akhirnya saya mulai melakukan eksperimen,” ujarnya.

Awalnya, Naufal melakukan eksperimen pada pohon mangga dan ternyata tidak layak. Setelah itu, dia mencoba jenis pohon lainnya. “Akhirnya saya menemukan kedondong pagar yang kadar asam atau getahnya mampu menghantarkan listrik,” katanya.

Naufal mengaku, pengetahuan yang dimiliki tidak hanya dari sekolah, namun juga adanya dukungan sang ayah yang sangat membantu dalam percobaannya tersebut. “Kebetulan ayah bekerja di bidang elektronika, sedikit banyak saya tahu alat-alat eleklronik,” katanya.

Supriaman, ayah Naufal, mengatakan saat ini sejumlah pihak menjajaki kerja sama dalam pengembangan energi pohon listrik yang dikembangkan Naufal. Namun, menurut Supriaman, pihaknya mengembalikan Pertamina EP anak usaha PT Pertamina. 

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, May, 13, 2017

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