, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The average price of ICP in April was US $ 49.56 Per Barrel - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The average price of ICP in April was US $ 49.56 Per Barrel

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources noted that Indonesia's crude oil / ICP price in April 2017 was US $ 49.56 per barrel, up US $ 0.85 compared to March 2017 of US $ 48.71 per barrel.

Based on data from the Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in Jakarta, the rise in ICP is in line with the development of major crude oil prices in the international market. Recorded, Brent oil price (ICE) rose US $ 1.28 per barrel from US $ 52.54 to US $ 53.82 per barrel. Then, the type of WTI (Nymex) rose US $ 1.45 from US $ 49.67 to US $ 51.12 per barrel. While the OPEC basket (basket) rose US $ 1.15 from US $ 50.32 to US $ 51.47 per barrel.

The Oil Price Team of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources added that the major crude price increase in the international market was due, among others, based on the April 2017 International Energy Agency (IEA) publication, a decline in world oil production by OPEC and non-OPEC countries by 755 thousand barrels Per day in March to 95.98 million barrels per day.

Another factor, according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA) publication, the inventory of commercial crude and US distillate stocks on April 21, 2017 is lower than March 31, 2017. The details, for US commercial crude oil inventories fell by 6.8 million barrels to 528.7 million US barrels and distillates fell 1.5 million barrels to 158.2 million barrels. The increase in "crude" prices is also due to an increased geopolitical risk between the US and Syria.

Furthermore, OPEC also revised the world oil demand in 2017 to 96.32 million barrels per day or an increase of 1.27 million barrels per day compared to 2016. Another factor is the decline in world crude oil supply by 0.23 million barrels in March 2017 to 95, 82 million barrels, and the commercial inventories of OECD countries in February 2017 fell 28.3 million barrels to 2,987 million barrels.


Harga ICP April Rata-rata US$ 49,56 Per Barel

Kementerian ESDM mencatat harga minyak mentah Indonesia/ICP pada April 2017 sebesar US$ 49,56 per barel atau naik US$ 0,85 dibandingkan Maret 2017 sebesar US$ 48,71 per barel.

Berdasarkan data Direktorat Jenderal Migas Kementerian ESDM di Jakarta, kenaikan ICP tersebut seiring perkembangan harga minyak mentah utama di pasar internasional.  Tercatat, harga minyak jenis Brent (ICE) naik US$ 1,28 per barel dari US$ 52,54 menjadi US$ 53,82 per barel. Lalu, jenis WTI (Nymex) naik US$ 1,45 dari US$ 49,67 menjadi US$ 51,12 per barel. Sedangkan keranjang (basket) OPEC naik US$ 1,15 dari US$ 50,32 menjadi US$ 51,47 per barel.

Tim Harga Minyak Kementerian ESDM menambahkan peningkatan harga “crude” utama di pasar internasional itu disebabkan antara lain, berdasarkan publikasi International Energy Agency (IEA) edisi April 2017, terdapat penurunan produksi minyak dunia oleh negara-negara OPEC dan non-OPEC sebesar 755 ribu barel per hari pada bulan Maret menjadi 95,98 juta barel per hari.

Faktor lainnya, berdasarkan publikasi Energy Information Administration (EIA) , persediaan minyak mentah komersial dan stok distilat AS pada 21 April 2017 lebih rendah dibandingkan 31 Maret 2017. Rinciannya, untuk persediaan minyak mentah komersial AS turun 6,8 juta barel menjadi 528,7 juta barel dan distilat AS turun 1,5 juta barel menjadi 158,2 juta barel. Peningkatan harga “crude” juga akibat peningkatan risiko geopolitik antara AS dan Suriah.

Selanjutnya, OPEC juga merevisi permintaan minyak dunia pada 2017 menjadi 96,32 juta barel per hari atau meningkat sebesar 1,27 juta barel per hari dibandingkan 2016. Faktor lainnya penurunan suplai minyak mentah dunia sebesar 0,23 juta barel pada Maret 2017 menjadi 95,82 juta barel ,dan persediaan komersial negara-negara OECD pada Februari 2017 turun 28,3 juta barel menjadi 2.987 juta barel.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, May, 5, 2017

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