The production achievement of PT Pertamina EP as of 31 May 2017 reached 14,357 barrels per day (bpd) or 110 percent above the target of 12,255 bpd. The amount was obtained from 4 fields in Asset Region 4.
They are Field Cepu in Central Java with production reaching 1,740 bpd, Field Poleng in East Java production is 3,184 bph, Donggi Matindok Field reaches 265 bph and new Papua Field joined asset 4 since May 2017 with production reaching 1,057 bph.
In addition to 4 Field production also obtained from Sukowati Block unitization reached 8,111 bph. Meanwhile, the unitization of Jambaran Tiung Biru is targeted to be onstream in 2019.
"We in Asset 4 are grateful because the performance of Asset 4 is able to give a significant impact to the performance of PT Pertamina EP as a whole, because of all assets only Asset 4 whose production is above target and able to give profit in April 2017 reached 28 million US dollars (Equivalent to Rp 378 billion), or about 14.5 percent, "said Didik Susilo, Asset 4 General Manager of PT Pertamina EP during a news conference in Surabaya (5/6).
In addition to encouraging increased production, company profits are gained and efficiency and selection of priority strategies in running the company's wheels.
"One form of efficiency is the acceleration of turn around or maintenance CPP Gundih with a faster time of 56 hours and the target so that it managed to save about Rp 9 billion," said Didik. Pubsequently, CPP Gundih can operate normally deliver gas to consumers with maximum production capacity 50 million cubic feet of gas per day.
The corporation also implements the journey to 100,000 BOPD strategy, in the form of several activities including the acceleration of well operation, offshore drilling plan in Poleng Field, 2 drilling wells in Tapen Structure, Work Over Kedung Tuban well, and termination plan of Sukowati Block in 2018.
"With these operating activities, we ask support from all stakeholders for our operations to go smoothly", Didik said
Asset 4 Profit Rp 378 M Setiap Bulan
Pencapaian produksi Asset 4 PT Pertamina EP per 31 Mei 2017 mencapai 14.357 barel per hari (bph) atau 110 persen di atas target 12.255 bph. Jumlah itu didapatkan dari 4 field yang ada di Wilayah Asset 4.
Mereka itu Field Cepu di Jawa Tengah dengan produksi mencapai 1.740 bph, Field Poleng di Jawa Timur produksinya 3.184 bph, Field Donggi Matindok mencapai 265 bph dan Field Papua yang baru bergabung dengan asset 4 sejak bulan Mei 2017 dengan produksi mencapai 1.057 bph.
Selain 4 Field perolehan produksi juga didapat dari unitisasi Blok Sukowati mencapai 8.111 bph. Sementara unitisasi Jambaran Tiung Biru ditargetkan akan onstream pada Tahun 2019.
“Kami di Asset 4 bersyukur karena kinerja dari Asset 4 mampu memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap kinerja PT Pertamina EP secara keseluruhan, dikarenakan dari seluruh asset yang ada hanya Asset 4 yang produksinya diatas target dan mampu memberikan profit per bulan April 2017 mencapai 28 juta dolar AS (setara Rp 378 miliar) , atau sekitar 14,5 persen," ujar Didik Susilo, Asset 4 General Manager PT Pertamina EP saat jumpa pimpinan redaksi media di Surabaya (5/6).
Selain mendorong peningkatan produksi, profit perusahaan didapat dan efisiensi dan pemilihan strategi prioritas dalam menjalankan roda perusahaan.
“Salah satu wujud efisiensi adalah percepatan turn around atau perawatan CPP Gundih dengan waktu yang lebih cepat 56 jam dan target sehingga berhasil menghemat sekitar Rp 9 miliar," kata Didik. Selanjutnya, CPP Gundih bisa beroperasi secara normal menyalurkan gas kepada konsumen dengan kapasitas produksi maksimal 50 juta kaki kubik gas per hari.
Korporasi juga menerapkan strategi journey to 100.000 BOPD, dalam bentuk beberapa kegiatan di antaranya, percepatan operasi sumur, rencana bor offshore di Poleng Field, kegiatan 2 sumur bor di Struktur Tapen, Work Over sumur Kedung Tuban, serta rencana terminasi Blok Sukowati pada Tahun 2018.
"Dengan aktifitas operasi tersebut, kami mohon dukungan dari seluruh stakeholder agar operasi kami berialan lancar", kata Didik.
Surya, Page-3, Tuesday, June 6, 2017
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