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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

BUMD Bojonegoro Obtain Oil Refinery Development Permit

PT Bojonegoro Bangun Sarana (BBS), BUMD owned by Pemkab Bojonegoro get permission to build an oil refinery from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources by utilizing oil production of Cepu Block.

"Permit for the construction of a temporary oil refinery from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has been obtained last week," said Director of PT BBS Bojonegoro, Toni Ade Irawan.

He likens the process of permitting the construction of oil-like egg and chicken refineries that are not clear from where originally. When applying for permission to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources related to the construction of an oil refinery there should be clarity of oil allocation to be processed.

On the contrary, when applying for the request of the allocation of crude oil to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, it is required to have a permit for the construction of an oil refinery.

"The process of taking care of three-year pass permit without any clarity until the permit can be down after the BBS convey related raw supply," he said.

According to him, the Ministry of ESDM requires the BBS to be able to work on the construction of refineries within two years after the permit down. In building an oil refinery with a processing capacity of 10,000 barrels per day it is done in cooperation with PT Tierra Energi Perkasa Jakarta.

"We are optimistic to complete the construction of the oil refinery within two years," said Director of PT Tierra Energi Perkasa Jakarta, Edwargo Setjadiningrat.

Chairman of Commission B Bojonegoro DPRD Sigit Kusharjanto welcomed the decrease of oil refinery development permit from the Ministry of ESDM.

"Commission B DPRD Bojonegoro will oversee the construction of an oil refinery," he said.

What is clear, according to him, the development of oil refineries in the region that will create jobs also bring the impact of the development of the community economy. "Various economic activities of the community will grow with the presence of oil refineries," he said.


BUMD Bojonegoro Peroleh Izin Pembangunan Kilang Minyak

PT Bojonegoro Bangun Sarana (BBS), BUMD milik Pemkab Bojonegoro memperoleh izin pembangunan kilang minyak dari Kementerian ESDM dengan memanfaatkan produksi minyak Blok Cepu.

“Izin pembangunan kilang minyak sementara dari Kementerian ESDM sudah kami peroleh, pekan lalu,” kata Direktur PT BBS Bojonegoro, Toni Ade Irawan.

Ia mengibaratkan proses izin pembangunan kilang minyak mirip telur dan ayam yang tidak jelas dari mana awalnya. Ketika mengajukan perizinan kepada Kementerian ESDM terkait pembangunan kilang minyak harus ada kejelasan alokasi minyak yang akan diolah. 

Sebaliknya saat mengajukan permohonan permintaan alokasi minyak mentah (crude oil ) kepada Kementerian ESDM diminta harus memiliki izin pembangunan kilang minyak. 

"Proses mengurus izin berjalan tiga tahun tanpa ada kejelasan hingga akhirnya izin bisa turun setelah BBS menyampaikan terkait pasokan mentah," ucapnya.

Menurutnya, Kementerian ESDM mensyaratkan BBS harus mampu mengerjakan pembangunan kilang minyak dalam kurun waktu dua tahun setelah izin turun. Dalam membangun kilang minyak dengan kapasitas pengolahan 10.000 barel per hari itu dilakukan bekerja sama dengan PT Tierra Energi Perkasa Jakarta.

“Kami optimistis bisa menyelesaikan pembangunan kilang minyak dalam kurun waktu dua tahun," kata Direktur PT Tierra Energi Perkasa Jakarta, Edwargo Setjadiningrat.

     Ketua Komisi B DPRD Bojonegoro Sigit Kusharjanto menyambut baik turunnya izin pembangunan kilang minyak dari Kementerian ESDM.

“Komisi B DPRD Bojonegoro akan mengawal pembangunan kilang minyak,” ujarnya.

Yang jelas, menurut dia, adanya pembangunan kilang minyak di daerahnya itu akan menciptakan lapangan kerja juga membawa dampak berkembangnya perekonomian masyarakat. "Berbagai kegiatan ekonomi masyarakat akan tumbuh dengan keberadaan kilang minyak,” ungkapnya.

Koran Sindo, Page-19, Tuesday, June 20, 2017

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