, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Employee of Pertamina Suspected of Conspiracy - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Employee of Pertamina Suspected of Conspiracy

Theft of oil

Investigator of Bintan Resort Police, Riau Islands, hunt captain and a number of Trust Honor tankers. They allegedly know the theft of oil worth billions of rupiah that should be transported to the depot Pertamina in Tanjung Uban, Bintan. Pertamina employees allegedly involved in the crime.

Bintan Resort Police Chief Adj. Sr. Comr. Febrianto Guntur said that not only were they wanted. Investigators also continued to collect data from a number of Pertamina employees and partners in Tanjung Uban.

"We continue to develop the investigation as far as the relevant guidance," said Guntur, Tuesday (20/6), in Bintan.

The captain and some of the tankers escaped as police arrived at the docked location. Some of the crew have been arrested and became suspects and witnesses in the case of oil theft. Theft mode is to take oil from a ship used by Pertamina to send oil between depots or refineries. The conspirators transfered some of the oil from Pertamina's rented tankers to the Honor Trust Ship. 

The police are still waiting for the auditor's calculations to know the value of the stolen oil. From the temporary information that can be collected, theft allegedly been held many times until revealed last week. To date, the police have named six suspects. They are employees of PT Pertamina Transcontinental, tankers, and employees of PT Surveyor Indonesia.


From Pertamina Transcontinental, a subsidiary of Pertamina that serves oil transportation by sea, the police set four people as suspects. They are Yurzery Visady (39), Denny Yolanda (40), Densi (55), and Agus M Zakaria (44). Honorable tanker trustee Honor, Fahrizal, and employee of PT Surveyor Indonesia, Achmad Hidayat (25) are also suspects.

In addition to getting their information, the police also examined the financial flows of the suspects. The investigation was also developed to Batam and Medan because Pertamina Territory Marketing I office is located in Medan. While the stolen oil is owned by Pertamina.

The crime was revealed when one of his colleagues Achmad Hidayat reported to Jakarta. Fellow Achmad refused to be involved in the syndicate.

Instead of conspiring, he chose to report the conspiracy. Supposedly, Achmad is in charge of ensuring the oil is moved in accordance with the provisions. However, he falsified the report to cover the theft.

After the information, Pertamina's internal team with police came to Tanjung Uban. From the examination, set six suspects. Guntur said there was no possibility of a new suspect in the case. Investigators are still searching for information from related parties.


Pegawai Pertamina Diduga Berkomplot

Penyidik Kepolisian Resor Bintan, Kepulauan Riau, memburu kapten dan sejumlah awak tanker Trust Honor. Mereka diduga mengetahui pencurian minyak bernilai miliaran rupiah yang seharusnya diangkut ke depo Pertamina di Tanjung Uban, Bintan. Pegawai Pertamina diduga terlibat dalam kejahatan itu.

Kepala Polisi Resort Bintan Ajun Komisaris Besar Febrianto Guntur mengatakan, bukan hanya mereka yang dicari. Penyidik juga terus mengumpulkan data dari sejumlah pegawai dan rekanan Pertamina di Tanjung Uban.

”Kami terus mengembangkan penyelidikan sejauh petunjuknya relevan,” ujar Guntur, Selasa (20/6), di Bintan.

Kapten dan sebagian awak tanker itu melarikan diri saat polisi tiba di lokasi sandar kapal. Sebagian awak sudah ditangkap lalu menjadi tersangka dan saksi dalam kasus pencurian minyak. Modus pencurian adalah dengan mengambil minyak dari kapal yang dipakai Pertamina untuk mengirim minyak antar depo atau kilang. Komplotan itu memindahkan sebagian minyak dari tanker sewaan Pertamina ke kapal Trust Honor.

Polisi masih menunggu penghitungan dari auditor untuk mengetahui nilai minyak yang dicuri. Dari keterangan sementara yang dapat dihimpun, pencurian diduga sudah berlangsung berkali-kali hingga terungkap pekan lalu. Hingga saat ini, polisi menetapkan enam tersangka. Mereka adalah pegawai PT Pertamina Transcontinental, awak tanker, dan pegawai PT Surveyor Indonesia.


Dari Pertamina Transcontinental, anak perusahaan Pertamina yang melayani pengangkutan minyak lewat laut, polisi menetapkan empat orang sebagai tersangka. Mereka adalah Yurzery Visady (39), Denny Yolanda (40), Densi (55), dan Agus M Zakaria (44). Mualim tanker Trust Honor, Fahrizal, dan pegawai PT Surveyor Indonesia, Achmad Hidayat (25) juga menjadi tersangka.

Selain mendapatkan keterangan mereka, polisi juga memeriksa aliran keuangan dari para tersangka. Penyelidikan juga dikembangkan hingga ke Batam dan Medan karena kantor Pertamina Wilayah Pemasaran I terletak di Medan. Sementara minyak yang dicuri merupakan milik Pertamina.

Kejahatan itu terungkap saat salah satu rekan kerja Achmad Hidayat melapor ke Jakarta. Rekan Achmad menolak dilibatkan dalam sindikat itu.

Alih-alih berkomplot, ia memilih melaporkan persekongkolan itu. Seharusnya, Achmad bertugas memastikan minyak yang dipindahkan sesuai ketentuan. Namun, ia memalsukan laporan untuk menutupi pencurian itu.

Setelah ada informasi tersebut, tim internal Pertamina bersama polisi datang ke Tanjung Uban. Dari pemeriksaan itu, ditetapkan enam tersangka. Guntur menyatakan, tidak tertutup kemungkinan ada tersangka baru dalam kasus itu. Penyidik masih terus mencari keterangan dari pihak-pihak terkait.

Kompas, Page-22, Wednesday, June 21, 2017

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