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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Energy Sector Assumptions Still Conservative

Commission VII of the House of Representatives approved the government's proposal on macro energy sector assumptions in the 2018 Budget Plan.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) lgnasius Jonan said the macro assumptions of the energy sector next year are not much changed or conservative compared to this year.

Some macro energy assumptions consist of ready-to-sell production or lifting of oil and gas, subsidized fuel oil quota, 3 kilogram (subsidized) liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) quota and electricity subsidy.

The energy sector component has not changed significantly. First, the assumption of Indonesian crude price (ICP) in RAPBN 2018 is proposed US $ 45-US $ 50 per barrel.

Secondly, the oil lifting target is 771,000-815,000 barrels per day (bpd) and gas 1.19 million barrels of oil equivalent per day per day (boepd) up to 1.23 million boepd. The realization of average oil production from January to May 2017 has reached
809,415 bpd from the target of 815,000 bpd.

The average gas production touched 7,517 million cubic feet per day (MMscfd) from the target of 7,859 MMsdd. Average realization Daily production of oil and gas from January to May 2017 of 2.15 million boepd. Jonan rate, oil lifting target next year is the same as this year.

He is optimistic that this year's gas lifting target will be achieved because there is an additional supply from the Jangkrik field production, Muara Bakau Block (Eni Muara Bakau BV) of 450 MMscfd.

"For our production, we are optimistic that oil and gas can increase due to Eni's production target of 450 MMsdd. We are optimistic Increase oil and gas lifting, "he said in a working meeting at the House of Representatives, Tuesday (13/6).

Third, the volume of diesel oil as much as 14.85 million-15.62 million kl with a subsidy range of Rp 500-Rp 1,000 per liter. The volume of subsidized diesel is lower than this year's 16 million Kilo Liter. Meanwhile, kerosene rations are approved in the range of 590,000-640,000 KL. According to Jonan, diesel and kerosene subsidies will not exceed their quota due to the continued use of both oil fuels.

The distribution of subsidized diesel this year is estimated to touch 14 million KL. Realization of subsidized diesel fuel during January-May 2017 as much as 5.86 million KL. The same is true of kerosene with the realization of 200,000 KL.

"In our calculations, the 2017 assumption will not be missed, diesel oil will not be missed by the allocation of 16 million KL subsidies in 2017," he said.

Fourth, the quota of 3 kg subsidized LPG quota is proposed in the range of 6.95 million-7 million tons. Special LPG subsidy, he assessed, in 2018 consumption increases with the widespread kerosene conversion program to LPG.

As an illustration, until the fifth month of 2017, LPG consumption realization reached 2.55 million tons. Fifth, the electricity subsidy is proposed to increase by Rp52.66 trillion to Rp 56.77 trillion, higher than this year's target of Rp 44.98 trillion. The reason, there are additional 450 VA electric customers.

On the other hand, PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara will attempt to reduce the selling price of electricity every 3 months. "Every 3 months PLN is trying to reduce its electricity selling price," he said.

Commission VII member Harry Poernomo said it was necessary to show the correlation between the replacement ceilings Operating cost or cost recoil with target of oil and gas lifting. In addition, his side questioned the addition of electricity subsidy assumptions.

The addition of electricity subsidies indicates an increase in the number of subsidy recipients. Therefore, Harry questioned the validity of the database used to establish electricity subsidies by 2018.

"Electricity subsidies should not go up. If subsidies go up, the people get poorer, I worry about the number of poor people
This increases whether it is the condition? "


Chairman of the House Commission VII Gus Irawan Pasaribu said that for the time being his party approved the proposal of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources related to the macro assumption of RAPBN 2018 energy sector will be conducted in depth meeting to determine the exact figure in RAPBN 2018. "The proposed figure is still appropriate.

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, IGN Wiratmaja Puja, said that the contributor to achieve the oil lifting target still relies on existing work areas such as Cepu Block (ExxonMobil Cepu Limited) which will produce 200,000 bpd. Similarly, for gas which is mostly still derived from the Mahakam Block (Total E & P Indonesie) with production of about 1,200 MMscfd.

Special gas, lifting can be increased because there is an additional supply from Jangkrik Field, Muara Bakau Block (Eni Muara Bakau BV) of 450 MMscfd.

"Still the same contributor. The big one is still the same, except gas. Gas will come from the Cricket Field which adds quite big, "he said.

Meanwhile, related to the addition of electricity subsidies, the Director General of Electricity Ministry of Energy Andi Noorsaman Sommeng said from the 900 VA customer base with 23 million and 450 VA subscribers totaling 23 million, there is data adjustment that makes the number of 900 VA subscribers only 4.1 million Who deserve subsidies.

In addition, there are 450 VA customers who switched to 900 VA. But are still subsidized by the number of subscribers of 2 million belonging to the category of subsidy recipients. Therefore, in total there are 6 million subscribers 900 VA are still subsidized. Aside from the rising number of subsidy recipients, Andi called the rise in the allocation of electricity subsidies referring to the rise in ICP and the exchange rate.


Asumsi Sektor Energi Masih Konservatif

Komisi VII DPR menyepakati usulan pemerintah terhadap asumsi makro sektor energi dalam Rancangan APBN 2018.

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) lgnasius Jonan mengatakan, asumsi makro sektor energi pada tahun depan tidak banyak berubah atau konservatif dibandingkan dengan tahun ini.

Beberapa asumsi makro energi terdiri dari produksi siap jual atau lifting minyak dan gas bumi, kuota bahan bakar minyak (BBM) subsidi, kuota liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) ukuran 3 kilogram (bersubsidi) dan subsidi listrik.

Komponen sektor energi itu tidak mengalami perubahan signifikan. Pertama, asumsi harga minyak Indonesia (Indonesian crude price/ICP) pada RAPBN 2018 diusulkan US$45-US$50 per barel.

Kedua, target lifting minyak 771.000-815.000 barel per hari (bph) dan gas 1,19 juta barel setara minyak per hari (barrel oil equivalent per day/boepd) sampai 1,23 juta boepd. Realisasi rerata produksi minyak Januari-Mei 2017 sudah mencapai
809.415 bph dari target 815.000 bph. 

Produksi rata-rata gas menyentuh 7.517 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMscfd) dari target 7.859 MMsdd. Realisasi rerata
produksi harian minyak dan gas bumi Januari-Mei 2017 sebanyak 2,15 juta boepd. Jonan menilai, target lifting minyak pada tahun depan sama dengan tahun ini.

Dia optimistis, target lifting gas pada tahun ini akan tercapai karena ada tambahan pasokan dari produksi lapangan Jangkrik, Blok Muara Bakau (Eni Muara Bakau BV) sebanyak 450 MMscfd.

“Unruk produksi kami optimistis migas bisa naik karena ada lapangan Eni produksi ditarget 450 MMsdd. Kami optimistis bisa
naikkan lifting migas," ujarnya dalam rapat kerja di DPR, Selasa (13/6).

Ketiga, volume BBM yakni solar sebanyak 14,85 juta-15,62 juta kl dengan kisaran subsidi Rp 500-Rp 1.000 per liter. Volume solar bersubsidi tersebut lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan alokasi tahun ini 16 juta Kilo Liter. Sementara itu, jatah minyak tanah disetujui di kisaran 590.000-640.000 KL. Menurut Jonan, subsidi solar dan minyak tanah tidak akan terlampaui kuotanya karena tren penggunaan kedua bahan bakar minyak ini yang terus turun.

Distribusi solar bersubsidi pada tahun ini diperkirakan menyentuh 14 juta KL. Realisasi penyaluran solar bersubsidi selama Januari-Mei 2017 sebanyak 5,86 juta KL. Hal yang sama juga terjadi pada minyak tanah dengan realisasi 200.000 KL.

“Dalam hitungan kami, asumsi 2017 tidak akan terlewati, minyak solar juga tidak akan terlewati alokasi subsidi 16 juta KL di 2017," katanya.

Keempat, kuota jatah LPG ukuran 3 kg yang bersubsidi diusulkan di kisaran 6,95 juta-7 juta ton. Khusus LPG subsidi, dia menilai, pada 2018 konsumsi bertambah dengan meluasnya cakupan program konversi minyak tanah ke LPG.

Sebagai gambaran, sampai bulan kelima 2017, realisasi konsumsi LPG mencapai 2,55 juta ton. Kelima, subsidi listrik diusulkan naik dengan kisaran Rp52,66 triliun hingga Rp 56,77 triliun atau lebih tinggi dari target tahun ini Rp 44,98 triliun. Alasannya, terdapat tambahan pelanggan listrik golongan 450 VA. 

Di sisi lain, PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara akan berupaya untuk menekan harga jual listrik setiap 3 bulan. “Setiap 3 bulan PLN berupaya menurunkan harga jual listriknya,” katanya.

Anggota Komisi VII Harry Poernomo mengatakan perlu ditampilkan mengenai korelasi antara pagu penggantian biaya operasi atau cost recouery dengan target lifting migas. Selain itu, pihaknya mempertanyakan penambahan asumsi subsidi listrik. 

Penambahan subsidi listrik mengindikasikan bertambahnya jumlah penerima subsidi. Oleh karena itu, Harry mempertanyakan kesahihan basis data yang digunakan untuk menetapkan subsidi listrik pada 2018.

“Subsidi listrik tidak sepantasnya naik. Kalau subsidi naik, rakyat bertambah miskin, saya khawatir jumlah warga miskin ini meningkat apakah memang demikian kondisinya?"


Ketua Komisi Vll DPR Gus Irawan Pasaribu mengatakan, untuk sementara pihaknya menyetujui usulan Kementerian ESDM terkait dengan asumsi makro RAPBN 2018 sektor energi nantinya akan dilakukan rapat pendalaman untuk menetapkan angka pasti dalam RAPBN 2018. “Angka yang diusulkan masih sesuai.”

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM IGN Wiratmaja Puja mengatakan, kontributor untuk mencapai target lifting minyak masih mengandalkan wilayah kerja yang sudah ada seperti Blok Cepu (ExxonMobil Cepu Limited) yang akan memproduksi minyak 200.000 bph. Begitu pula untuk gas yang sebagian besar masih berasal dari Blok Mahakam (Total E&P Indonesie) dengan produksi sekitar 1.200 MMscfd. 

Khusus gas, lifting bisa dinaikkan karena terdapat tambahan pasokan dari Lapangan Jangkrik, Blok Muara Bakau (Eni Muara Bakau BV) sebesar 450 MMscfd.

“Masih sama kontributornya. Yang besar-besarnya masih sama, kecuali gas. Gas nanti ada yang dari Lapangan Jangkrik yang menambah cukup besar," katanya.

Sementara itu, terkait dengan penambahan subsidi listrik, Direktur Jenderal Ketenagalistrikan Kementerian ESDM Andi Noorsaman Sommeng mengatakan, dari basis pelanggan 900 VA dengan jumlah 23 juta dan pelanggan 450 VA sebanyak 23 juta, terdapat penyesuaian data yang membuat jumlah pelanggan 900 VA hanya 4,1 juta yang layak mendapat subsidi.

Selain itu, terdapat pelanggan 450 VA yang beralih ke 900 VA. tetapi masih mendapat subsidi dengan jumlah pelanggan 2 juta yang masuk dalam kategori penerima subsidi. Oleh karena itu, secara total terdapat 6 juta pelanggan 900 VA yang masih disubsidi. Selain dari naiknya jumlah penerima subsidi, Andi menyebut naiknya alokasi subsidi listrik mengacu pada naiknya ICP dan kurs.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Thursday, June 15, 2017

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