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Friday, June 2, 2017

Finally, There's a Willing to Use Gross Split

Azipac Limited is claimed to be willing to use the gross split scheme in BIok Oti Offshore Kaltim

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) wants to show, there are investors or enthusiasts of gross split scheme. This is evidenced after the government set one winning bidder from 14 oil and gas blocks tendered in the year before.

The auction winner in Oti Block located in Offshore East Kalimantan named Azipac Limited. The company was established in 2014 by Seacrest Capital Group, a global investment company that already has a portfolio of 40 assets in five countries. The company has offices in Singapore, Jakarta, and Dubai.

In Indonesia, Azipac has a Bone Block production sharing contract (PSC) with 40% share and partnered with Jadestone Energy. The Bone Block is located in South Sulawesi, with an area of 7,516 square kilometers. Azipac also has a contract management of the North Madura Block located in the Java Sea region. The company has a 100% stake in North Madura Block.

Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Supervision of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Tunggal said that there are quite a lot of interest in the block auction block of Ialu which is 14 blocks. Unfortunately, the potential investors of oil and gas blocks are still below the target set by the government. Therefore the government only stipulates one winning block auction for the period of year Ialu. "Namely Azipac Ltd as the winner of the Oti Block auction located offshore Kalimantan," said Tunggal, Wednesday (31/5).

He mentioned, the appointment of Azipac Ltd as the auction winner because it meets the criteria set by the government. Azipac's offer has also been in line with government estimates. Related to the next process, the government will call AziPac to discuss terms and conditions (T & C). It will also discuss the contract scheme to be used for Oti Block.

The reason, according to Tunggal, in the last year the scheme of profit sharing contracts for 14 blocks of oil and gas are still using the contract system for cost recovery results. Meanwhile, because the winner is appointed at this time and the Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 15/2017 on the share of gross split is valid then, will be used the new pattern.

The government itself is very hope Block Oti contract can use gross split. "Azipac is willing to use," he claims. As for the other 13 oil and gas blocks in tender auction in 2016 that have not been interested will still be reviewed, whether to be re-tendered or not.

Not an indicator

Oil and Gas observers from Gajah Mada University Fahmi Radhi argue, for new companies such as Azipac, it would inevitably have to use gross split. "But if only Azipac, can not be an indicator that gross split has been received by other KKKS," he said.

The government should still give the option to keep using PSC cost recovery, in addition to gross split in the next 5 years. The sudden change from the gross split is feared to dampen investor interest, which is already comfortable with the "cost recovery" pattern. If proven to be inhibiting, oil and gas investment, ministerial regulations on gross split should be revised soon. "He also warned that the decline in oil and gas production could be So because of the new policy effect of gross split, Iain indeed the price of oil is still going down

Meanwhile, for this year's auction period opens from 25 May to 25 September 2017. As for the block
Auctioned as many as 15 blocks, consisting of 10 conventional oil and gas blocks and 5 non conventional blocks Unfortunately, Susyanto Secretary of Directorate General of Oil and Gas ministry of ESI DM has not answered how many KKKS already interested in the auction.


Akhirnya, Ada yang  Bersedia Pakai Gross Split

Azipac Limited diklaim bersedia menggunakan skema gross split di BIok Oti Offshore Kaltim

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) ingin menunjukan, ada investor atau peminat skema gross split. Ini dibuktikan setelah pemerintah menetapkan satu pemenang lelang dari 14 blok migas yang ditenderkan tahun Ialu.

Pemenang lelang di Blok Oti yang berada di Offshore Kalimantan Timur bernama Azipac Limited. Perusahaan ini berdiri pada tahun 2014 oleh Seacrest Capital Group, sebuah perusahaan investasi global yang sudah memiliki portofolio sebanyak 40 aset di lima negara. Perusahaan ini memiliki kantor di Singapura, Jakarta, dan Dubai.

Di Indonesia, Azipac telah memiliki kontrak bagi hasil (PSC) Blok Bone dengan saham 40% dan bermitra dengan Jadestone Energy. Blok Bone berada di Sulawesi Selatan, dengan luas area sebesar 7.516 kilometer persegi. Azipac juga memiliki kontrak pengelolaan Blok North Madura yang berada di wilayah Laut Jawa. Perusahaan ini memiliki 100% saham-Blok North Madura.

Direktur Pembinaan Hulu Migas Kementerian ESDM, Tunggal mengatakan, peminat lelang blok tahun Ialu yang sebanyak 14 blok sebenarnya cukup banyak. Namun sayang, penawaran para calon investor blok migas masih berada di bawah target yang ditetapkan pemerintah. Oleh karena itu pemerintah hanya menetapkan satu pemenang lelang blok untuk periode tahun Ialu. "Yaitu Azipac Ltd sebagai pemenang lelang Blok Oti yang berada di lepas pantai Kalimantan," kata Tunggal, Rabu (31/5).

Dia menyebutkan, penunjukan Azipac Ltd sebagai pemenang lelang karena memenuhi kriteria yang ditetapkan pemerintah. Penawaran yang diberikan Azipac juga sudah sesuai estimasi pemerintah. Terkait proses selanjutnya, pemerintah akan memanggil AziPac untuk membicarakan mengenai terms and conditions (T&C). Selain itu juga akan dibahas mengenai skema kontrak yang akan digunakan untuk Blok Oti.

Pasalnya, menurut Tunggal, pada tahun lalu skema kontrak bagi hasil untuk 14 blok migas yang dielang itu masih menggunakan sistem kontrak bagi hasil cost recovery. Sementara karena pemenangnya ditunjuk saat.ini dan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 15/2017 tentang bagi hasil gross split sudah berlaku maka, akan digunakan pola baru tersebut.

Pemerintah sendiri memang sangat berharap kontrak Blok Oti bisa menggunakan gross split. "Azipac sudah mau menggunakan," klaimnya. Sementara untuk 13 blok migas lain pada penode lelang tahun 2016 yang belum diminati masih akan dikaji, apakah akan ditender ulang atau tidak.

Bukan indikator 

Pengamat Migas dari Universitas Gajah Mada Fahmi Radhi berpendapat, bagi perusahaan baru seperti Azipac, memang mau tidak mau harus menggunakan gross split. "Tetapi kalau hanya Azipac, tidak bisa menjadi indikator bahwa gross split sudah diterima KKKS lain," kata dia.

Seharusnya pernerintah masih memberikan opsi untuk tetap menggunakan PSC cost recovery, selain gross split dalam 5 tahun ke depan. Perubahan yang mendadak dari ke gross split dikhawatirkan menurunkan minat investor, yang sudah terbiasa nyaman dengan pola "cost recovery. "Kalau terbukti menghambat, investasi migas, peraturan menteri tentang gross split harus segera direvisi,". Dia juga mengingatkan, terjadinya penurunan produksi migas bisa jadi karena efek kebijakan baru soal gross split, Iain memang harga minyak yang masih turun

Sementara itu, untuk lelang periode tahun ini dibuka mulai 25 Mei 25 September 2017. Adapun blok yang
dilelang sebanyak 15 blok, terdiri dari 10 blok migas konvensional dan 5 blok non konvensional Sayang, Susyanto Sekretaris Dirjen Migas kementerian ESI DM belum menjawab berapa KKKS yang sudah berminat dalam lelang tersebut.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, June 2, 2017

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