, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Gas Masela Block Sale Price Minimum US $ 5.86 per Mmbtu - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Gas Masela Block Sale Price Minimum US $ 5.86 per Mmbtu

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) stipulates the gas field assumption of Abadi Field, Masela Block at US $ 5.8 per Million British Thermal Unit (mmbtu). EMR Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arcandra Tahar, said the minimum gas pricing from the Abadi Field of the Masela Block in the final consumer costs US $ 5.8 per mmbtu. The government does not suggest that gas prices from the Masela Block are sold below it because it will not be economical.

"If you can not afford US $ 5.86 I do not recommend, do not take, if US $ 3 per mmbtu is upstream price, how? US $ 3.8 per mmbtu weighs upstream, does not enter the economy and we will open market- To anyone, "he said, Friday (16/6).

As an illustration, this pricing is clearly lower than other oil and gas blocks. Example of BP Tangguh gas price is currently US $ 8 per mmbtu, even export gas price reaches US $ 13 per mrnbtu to US $ 15 per mmbtu.

The pricing of gas is taken from the initial study of Inpex Corporation as operator of Masela Block. "It's a preliminary study, the selling price can be anything, whether this year or next year depends on the gas sale price set by the minister, assuming it's okay, the assumption of US $ 5.86 per mmbtu is the assumption that their economy is based on the current price" He said

Arcandra also said the gas price is already able to meet the economics of the Abadi field Masela block even if fixed constantly throughout the contract until 2028 later. "The constant is US $ 5.86 per mmbtu for their stacking economy," he said.

However, the price could actually increase because Inpex is currently re-arranging the economic study. Because Inpex had just started the study preparation project design or commonly called Pre-Front End Engineering Design (FEED) back. "For the future, they will enter Pre- FEED again," he said.

It's just that the government still wants a certain price and gas buyer Masela Block in the near future, so that this project can run to the next stage. One step is that the government will offer contracts to Masela's four gas buyers this week.

Potential buyers are to PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), Pupuk Indonesia, Kaltim Methanol Industri / Sojitz, and El soro Multi Pratama. Arcandra said the contract will contain terms and conditions including gas prices to be purchased from the Masela Block. "This is so that gas buyers Masela really absorb gas according to the contract," he said.

Arcandra is worried, if only signed Head of Agreement (HOA), there is no certainty of gas buyers Masela because gas buyers could have canceled the agreement if the gas price is cheaper.

"If terms and conditions enter they can no longer, for example the condition is completion date should be around this year for example, if he entered him. Must buy the gas, "said Arcandra

The government will also spend three months for companies wishing to contract to absorb gas from the Masela Block. After getting the contract Inpex can start Pre-FEED because it has obtained the certainty of gas buyers. "After three months of new Pre-FEED one stage, so now the process please administration and others," explained Arcandra.

If the next three months the gas allocation from the Masela Block is less than 474 mmbtu, the Masela gas allocation for the domestic will be lowered to 150 mmscfd.

Senior Manager of Communication and Relations Inpex, Usman Slamet just stated that Inpex is currently preparing the best Pre-FEED study.

"We want the study to be done quickly and correctly," he said.


Harga Jual Gas Blok Masela Minimal US$ 5,86 per Mmbtu

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menetapkan asumsi harga gas Lapangan Abadi, Blok Masela US$ 5,8 per Million British Thermal Unit (mmbtu). Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar menyebut, penetapan harga minimal gas dari Lapangan Abadi Blok Masela di konsumen akhir seharga US$ 5,8 per mmbtu. Pemerintah tidak menyarankan harga gas dari Blok Masela dijual di bawah itu karena tidak akan ekonomis.

"Kalau tidak mampu ambil US$ 5,86 saya tidak sarankan, jangan ambil. Kalau US$ 3 per mmbtu itu harga hulu, bagaimana caranya? US$ 3,8 per mmbtu berat ke hulunya, tidak masuk keekonomian dan kami akan buka market-nya ke siapa saja," ujarnya, Jumat (16/6).

Sebagai gambaran, penetapan harga ini jelas lebih rendah ketimbang blok migas lain. Contoh harga gas BP Tangguh saat ini US$ 8 per mmbtu, bahkan harga gas ekspor mencapai US$ 13 per mrnbtu sampai US$ 15 per mmbtu. 

Penetapan harga gas tersebut diambil dari hasil kajian awal Inpex Corporation selaku operator Blok Masela. "Itu kajian awal. Harga jual bisa apa saja, mau tahun ini atau tahun depan tergantung. Harga jual gas itu ditetapkan oleh menteri, asumsi boleh saja, asumsinya US$ 5,86 per mmbtu itu asumsi keekonomian mereka disusun berdasarkan harga saat itu," katanya

Arcandra juga bilang harga gas tersebut sudah bisa memenuhi keekonomian lapangan Abadi blok Masela bahkan jika ditetapkan secara konstan dalam sepanjang kontrak hingga 2028 nanti. “Konstan itu US$ 5,86 per mmbtu untuk keekonomian mereka yang susun," katanya.

Namun, harga tersebut sejatinya bisa saja meningkat karena Inpex saat ini sedang menyusun ulang kembali kajian keekonomian. Pasalnya Inpex pun baru memulai studi persiapan desain proyek atau biasa disebut Pre-Front End Engineering Design (FEED) kembali. "Untuk ke depannya kan mereka mau masuk Pre- FEED lagi," katanya.

Hanya saja pemerintah tetap ingin ada kepastian harga dan pembeli gas Blok Masela dalam waktu dekat, agar proyek ini bisa berjalan ke tahap selanjutnya. Salah satu langkahnya adalah pemerintah akan menawarkan kontrak kepada keempat pembeli gas Masela dalam pekan ini.

Calon pembeli itu diantaranya kepada PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), Pupuk Indonesia, Kaltim Methanol Industri/Sojitz, dan El soro Multi Pratama. Arcandra bilang, kontrak tersebut akan berisi terms and conditions termasuk harga gas yang akan dibeli dari Blok Masela. "Ini agar pembeli gas Masela benar-benar menyerap gas sesuai kontrak itu," ungkapnya.

Arcandra khawatir, jika hanya menandatangani Head of Agreement (HOA), belum ada kepastian pembeli gas Masela karena pembeli gas bisa saja membatalkan perjanjian jika harga gas yang lebih murah.

“Kalau terms and conditions masuk mereka tidak bisa lagi, misalnya kondisinya adalah completion date harus sekitar tahun ini misalnya, kalau dia masuk dia. harus beli gasnya," ujar Arcandra

Pemerintah pun akan memberikan waktu selama tiga bulan bagi perusahaan yang ingin berkontrak untuk menyerap gas dari Blok Masela. Setelah mendapatkan kontrak Inpex bisa memulai Pre-FEED karena sudah mendapatkan kepastian pembeli gas. "Setelah tiga bulan baru Pre-FEED satu tahap. Jadi sekarang prosesnya silahkan administrasi dan lain-lain," jelas Arcandra.

Jika tiga bulan ke depan alokasi gas dari Blok Masela kurang dari 474 mmbtu, maka alokasi gas Masela untuk domestik akan diturunkan menjadi 150 mmscfd.

Senior Manager Communication and Relation Inpex, Usman Slamet hanya menyatakan saat ini Inpex sedang mempersiapkan dengan sebaik-baiknya studi Pre-FEED.

"Kami ingin agar studi bisa segera terlaksana dengan cepat dan benar," katanya.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, June 19, 2017

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