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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Gas Price Negotiations Continue

The negotiation process to obtain the appropriate gas price point for the development of integrated petrochemical industry in Indonesia is still continuing.

On the one hand, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) offers gas prices in the range of US $ 5.1-US $ 5.3 per MMBtu in Bintuni Bay, and US $ 5.86 per MMBtu in Masela Block. However, on the other hand, the Ministry of Industry considers that the price offered by the ESDM Ministry has not been in accordance with the economic value, which is incriminating the investors.

Meanwhile, the business actor considers that the price of gas produced by the Masela Block offered at US $ 5.86 per MMBtu is still too high for the industry. That figure is well above the industry's proposal worth US $ 5.5 per MMBtu.

"If from the Ministry of ESDM already delivered the price. We have not heard from business actors. Negotiations are still on going. The price is appropriate if according to the Ministry of Industry at US $ 3.7 per MMBtu, "explained Director General of Chemical, Textile and Multifarious Industries (IKTA) Ministry of Industry Achmad Sigit Dwiwahjono

Upstream Chemical Director of Ministry of Industry Muhammad Khayam added the development of Masela Block and Bintuni BayWill continue to be pursued. Regarding the pricing of gas in Bintuni Bay, Khayam conveyed a discussion with BP Indonesia as a gas producer.

"If with Genting [Genting Oil Kasuri who also supplies gas from Bintuni] we have talked about the allocation and the price of gas. Progress is more advanced. For BP, the allocation already exists, but that is not yet a matter of price, "Khayam said.


Meanwhile, Secretary General of Olefin, Aromatic, and Plastic Industry Association (Inaplas) Fajar Budiyono assessed that the gas price offered by the government proves that the government is prioritizing the interests of traders rather than siding with the development of the upstream petrochemical industry.

"It proves the government provides an opportunity for traders to be more flexible" said Fajar Budiyono.

The prospect of developing a gas-based petrochemical industry could be a strategic move considering Indonesia has a number of timeless gas reserves. Potential gas sources are located in three areas, namely in Masela Maluku, Bintuni West Papua, and Donggi Senoro Central Sulawesi.

Fajar Budiyono said the upstream petrochemical industry development is very important because half of the raw materials of the downstream industry are still dependent on imports. However, the development of the petrochemical industry is difficult if the established gas price is not competitive. "The price of more than US $ 3.5 per MMBtu is not feasible, it will not work."

Fajar Budiyono added that several foreign investors are exploring investment opportunities for gas-based petrochemical plant construction in Banggai Central Sulawesi and Bintuni West Papua. Foreign investors are waiting for certainty of gas supply that can be obtained.

President Director of PT Pupuk Indonesia Aas Asikin Idat admitted that he has obtained a German investment partner, Ferostaal, for the construction of a gas-based petrochemical cluster in Bintuni. Both companies expect a gas supply of 250 MMSCFD at a price of US $ 3-US $ 4 per MMBtu.


Negosiasi Harga Gas Terus Berlanjut

Proses negosiasi untuk mendapatkan titik temu harga gas yang sesuai untuk pengembangan industri petrokimia terintegrasi di Indonesia hingga kini masih terus berlanjut.

Di satu sisi, Kementerian Energi dan Sunber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menawarkan harga gas di kisaran US$ 5,1-US$5,3 per MMBtu di Teluk Bintuni, dan sebesar US$5,86 per MMBtu di Blok Masela. Namun, di sisi lain, Kementerian Perindustrian menganggap harga yang ditawarkan Kementerian ESDM ilu belum sesuai dengan nilai keekonomian, sehingga memberatkan investor.

Sementara itu, pelaku usaha menilai harga gas hasil produksi Blok Masela yang ditawarkan senilai US$5,86 per MMBtu masih terlampau tinggi bagi industri. Angka itu berada jauh di atas usulan industri senilai US$5,5 per MMBtu.

“Kalau dari Kementerian ESDM sudah disampaikan harganya. Kami belum mendengar dari pelaku usaha. Negosiasi masih terus akan dilakukan. Harga yang sesuai kalau menurut Kementerian Perindustrian  di US$3,7 per MMBtu,” jelas Dirjen Industri Kimia, Tekstil, dan Aneka (IKTA) Kementerian Perindustrian Achmad Sigit Dwiwahjono 

Direktur Kimia Hulu Kemenperin Muhammad Khayam menambahkan pengembangan Blok Masela dan Teluk Bintuni akan terus diupayakan. Terkait dengan penetapan harga gas di Teluk Bintuni, Khayam menyampaikan diskusi dengan BP Indonesia sebagai produsen gas masih terus dilakukan.

“Kalau dengan Genting [Genting Oil Kasuri yang juga memasok gas dari Bintuni] kami sudah bicarakan soal alokasi dan harga gasnya. Progresnya lebih maju. Untuk BP, alokasi sudah ada, tetapi yang belum adalah soal harganya,” kata Khayam.


Sementara itu, Sekjen Asosiasi Industri Olefin, Aromatik, dan Plastik (Inaplas) Fajar Budiyono menilai harga gas yang ditawarkan pemerintah membuktikan pemerintah lebih mengutamakan kepentingan trader daripada berpihak kepada pengembangan industri petrokimia hulu.

“Itu membuktikan pemerintah memberikan kesempatan supaya trader lebih leluasa" kata Fajar Budiyono.

Prospek pengembangan industri petrokimia berbasis gas bisa menjadi langkah strategis mengingat Indonesia memiliki sejumlah titik cadangan gas abadi. Sumber gas potensial itu berada di tiga wilayah, yaitu di Masela Maluku, Bintuni Papua Barat, dan Donggi Senoro Sulawesi Tengah.

Fajar Budiyono menyatakan pengembangan industri petrokimia sektor hulu menjadi amat penting karena separuh bahan baku industri hilir masih bergantung impor. Akan tetapi, pengembangan industri petrokimia sulit dilakukan bila harga gas yang ditetapkan tidak kompetitif. “Harga lebih dari US$3,5 per MMBtu tidak feasible, ya tidak akan jalan.”

Fajar Budiyono menambahkan sejumlah investor asing sedang menjajaki peluang investasi pembangunan pabrik petrokimia berbasis gas di Banggai Sulawesi Tengah dan Bintuni Papua Barat. Investor asing itu menunggu kepastian pasokan gas yang bisa didapatkan.

Direktur Utama PT Pupuk Indonesia Aas Asikin Idat mengakui sudah mendapat mitra investasi asal Jerman, Ferostaal, untuk pembangunan klaster petrokimia berbasis gas di Bintuni. Kedua perusahaan berharap mendapat pasokan gas sebesar 250 MMSCFD dengan harga senilai US$3-US$4 per MMBtu. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-1, Wednesday, June 14, 2017

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