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Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Gas Supply Increases

Domestic gas supply grew from Jangkrik Field, Muara Bakau Block offshore East Kalimantan. The Cricket Field gas production of around 130 million standard cubic feet per day will soon be increased to 450 million standard cubic feet per day

Jangkrik Field, Muara Bakau

The addition of the Cricket Field operated by Eni Muara Bakau BV became the solution in the middle of the declining gas production from the Mahakam Block, East Kalimantan. "The initial design of this project is producing as much as 450 MMSCFD and can be increased again to 600 MMSCFD.

Its role in domestic gas production is as a substitute for the Mahakam Block whose production has fallen, "said Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignasius Jonan after visiting the Cricket Field on Sunday (11/6) in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan.

With the production of at least 450 MMSCFD, the Cricket Field gas could add to the national supply of about 7 percent because currently, the national production is 2,100 MMSCFD. "In the sluggish moment of the upstream oil and gas investment climate, the production in Indonesia is increasing," said Jonan.

Managing Director Eni Indonesia Fabrizio Trilli proposed the possibility of building a gas power plant located at a gas source. It can streamline the operating costs of the power plant because it is located close to the gas source. Jonan said it would be discussed further. If possible, the proposal will be incorporated into the Power Supply Business Plan.

Head of Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi said one of the buyers of gas from Jangkrik Field is PT Pertamina Gas, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina Gas from Jangkrik Field prioritized for domestic needs including power generation.

The Jangkrik field in Muara Bakau Block is located off the coast of the Kutai basin or about 70 kilometers from the East Kalimantan coastline. The operators of this project are Eni Muara Bakau BV (55 percent share), ENGIE (33.3 percent share), and PT Saka Energi Muara Bakau (11.7 percent share).

The right of Muara Bakau Block operation was obtained by ENI in 2002. Since construction started in late 2014, the first gas production was realized on May 15, 2017, with proven reserves of 1.7 trillion cubic feet (TCF).

Gas production from 10 subsea wells is connected to the floating unit's production facility (FPU). Once processed at the FPU, the gas is flowed through a 79-kilometer pipeline to a ground receiving facility. From the facility, the gas is forwarded to LNG Badak natural gas refinery in Bontang. Furthermore, LNG is supplied for domestic and export markets.

Meanwhile, PT Pertamina and PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk agreed to work together to build a 67-kilometer gas transmission pipeline on the Duri-Dumai line, Riau. This cooperation is expected to be a common start to avoid overlapping gas infrastructure development on both sides.

Pertamina-PGN Pipeline

The cooperation was realized in the signing of the agreement points, Friday (9/6), in Jakarta. Pertamina was represented by Director of Gas Yenni Andayani and from PGN represented by President Director Jobi Triananda. The signing was also witnessed Deputy State Enterprise Energy, Logistics, Regions, and Tourism Edwin Hidayat.

Both parties agreed to form a joint venture in the next stage. The share ownership composition is 60 percent owned by Pertamina and the remaining 40 percent belong to PGN. The gas pipeline is targeted to operate by late 2018 with an investment of approximately US $ 75 million.


Pasokan Gas Bertambah

Pasokan gas domestik bertambah dari Lapangan Jangkrik, Blok Muara Bakau di lepas pantai Kalimantan Timur. Produksi gas Lapangan Jangkrik sekitar 130 juta standar kaki kubik per hari akan segera ditingkatkan menjadi 450 juta standar kaki kubik per hari

Tambahan dari Lapangan Jangkrik yang dioperasikan Eni Muara Bakau BV menjadi solusi di tengah turunnya produksi gas dari Blok Mahakam, Kalimatan Timur. ”Desain awal proyek ini adalah berproduksi sebanyak 450 MMSCFD dan bisa ditingkatkan lagi menjadi 600 MMSCFD.

Perannya terhadap produksi gas dalam negeri adalah sebagai pengganti Blok Mahakam yang produksinya sudah turun,” kata Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Ignasius Jonan seusai berkunjung ke Lapangan Jangkrik, Minggu (11/6), di Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur.

Dengan produksi sedikitnya 450 MMSCFD, gas Lapangan Jangkrik bisa menambah pasokan nasional sekitar 7 persen karena saat ini produksi nasional 2,100 MMSCFD. ”Di saat lesunya iklim investasi hulu migas, ternyata produksi di Indonesia bertambah,” ujar Jonan.

Managing Director Eni Indonesia Fabrizio Trilli mengusulkan kemungkinan dibangun pembangkit listrik tenaga gas yang berlokasi di sumber gas. Hal itu dapat mengefisienkan biaya operasi pembangkit listrik karena letaknya berdekatan dengan sumber gas. Jonan menyebut hal itu akan dibicarakan lebih lanjut. Bila memungkinkan, usulan tersebut akan dimasukkan ke dalam Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik.

Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan, salah satu pembeli gas dari Lapangan Jangkrik adalah PT Pertamina Gas, anak usaha PT Pertamina Gas dari Lapangan Jangkrik diprioritaskan untuk kebutuhan dalam negeri termasuk pembangkit listrik.

Lapangan Jangkrik di Blok Muara Bakau terletak di lepas pantai cekungan Kutai atau sekitar 70 kilometer dari garis pantai Kalimantan Timur. Operator proyek ini adalah Eni Muara Bakau BV (55 persen saham), ENGIE (33,3 persen saham), dan PT Saka Energi Muara Bakau (11,7 persen saham).

Hak operasi Blok Muara Bakau diperoleh ENI pada 2002. Sejak konstruksi yang dimulai pada akhir 2014, produksi gas pertama terealisasi pada 15 Mei 2017 dengan cadangan terbukti 1,7 triliun kaki kubik (TCF).

Produksi gas dari 10 sumur bawah laut terhubung dengan kapal fasilitas unit produksi terapung (FPU). Setelah diproses di FPU, gas dialirkan melalui pipa sepanjang 79 kilometer menuju fasilitas penerima di darat. Dari fasilitas tersebut gas diteruskan ke kilang gas alam cair/LNG Badak di Bontang. Selanjutnya, LNG dipasok untuk pasar domestik dan ekspor. 

Sementara itu, PT Pertamina dan PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk sepakat bekerja sama membangun pipa transmisi gas sepanjang 67 kilometer di jalur Duri-Dumai, Riau. Kerja sama ini diharapkan menjadi awal bersama untuk menghindari tumpang tindih pembangunan infrastruktur gas di kedua pihak.

Pipa Pertamina-PGN

Kerja sama itu diwujudkan dalam bentuk penandatanganan pokok-pokok perjanjian, Jumat (9/6), di Jakarta. Pertamina diwakili Direktur Gas Yenni Andayani dan dari PGN diwakili Direktur Utama Jobi Triananda. Penandatanganan itu turut disaksikan Deputi BUMN Bidang Energi, Logistik, Kawasan, dan Pariwisata Edwin Hidayat. 

Kedua pihak sepakat untuk membentuk perusahaan patungan dalam tahap berikutnya. Adapun komposisi kepemilikan saham adalah 60 persen dimiliki Pertamina dan 40 persen sisanya milik PGN. Pipa gas tersebut ditargetkan dapat beroperasi selambatnya akhir 2018 dengan investasi sekitar 75 juta dollar AS.

Kompas, Page-18, Monday, June 12, 2017

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