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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Government Create an Integrated Study for Masela Project

The government will make an integrated study for the Masela Project, from the development of the Masela Block to the construction of factories by industry players. The joint discussion will take place in July.

Minister of Industry Airlangga Hartarto said that the technical team in charge of the project in Masela has been formed, consisting of representatives of the Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) and the Ministry of Marine Affairs Coordinator. Therefore, there is no agreement whatsoever about the projects in Masela before the team works.

"The team is specific to look for economic options, not only in LNG / liquefied natural gas, but also in petrochemicals as well," he said after a meeting at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs Office on Monday (19/6).

Director of Basic Chemical Industry Directorate General of Chemical, Textile and Multifarious Industries Ministry of Industry Muhammad Kayam added that the integrated study will be conducted on 17 July.

Each related party should have prepared a response to the exposure conveyed during the meeting on Monday (19/6) yesterday. "It will have to be a presentation, how much gas prices for example, start responding really," he added.

The government will intervene to realize the Masela Project's economy. Because the integrated study is intended to obtain an optimal gas price, both for Inpex Corporation working on the Masela Block and industry players who will build a factory around this oil and gas block. The study is conducted by using the assumption of gas price of US $ 5.86 per million British thermal unit (mmbtu).

"Later can be compensated with various kinds, such as tax holiday, can be much formula. But while using the initial number. Other incentives do exist, "Khayam said. Lowering the hand of the government in the form of giving of this incentive is fair done by other countries.

Previously, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) Arcandra Tahar said in the pre-preliminary pre-design (Pre-FEED) study that will be studied for three LNG plant location options and one production capacity option.

So before Pre-FEED is done, there needs to be a certainty of gas contract to minimize the choice of production capacity. He explained that there are two options for Masela Block production capacity, 9.5 million ton per annum (MTPA) refinery, plus 150 million standard cubic feet per day / mmscfd and 7.5 MTPA plus 474 mmscfd. Market Review will ensure how many products of gas pipes can be sold. In the initial phase, the government will offer 474 mmscfd of gas first.

"If it does not reach 474 mmscfd, then we will return to 150 mmscfd," said Arcandra.

Arcandra confirmed that the Ministry of Industry has submitted the names of companies interested in purchasing gas from the Masela Block. However, no company has signed a gas sales agreement (PJBG) with lnpex Corporation as operator of Masela Block.

"We want as much as possible the contract, so that 474 mmscfd true will be taken, not just a head of agreement (HOA). If the HoA can change, "he asserted. He added that the government will seek buyers of gas sold through the pipeline from the Masela Block. It will coordinate with the Ministry of Industry.

Related to the location of the refinery, Arcandra is reluctant to specify anywhere three options will be reviewed. Previously, only two location choices, namely Aru Island and Yamdena Papua. Additional location options emerged after Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) Ignatius Jonan visited Japan.

Pre-FEED aims to estimate the investment cost and project schedule. In addition to the capacity and location of the LNG plant, it can only be ensured through Pre-FEED implementation first. The government wants comprehensive and balanced data from both the location and capacity options.

The government had targeted the final investment decision (FID) of the Masela Block to be implemented by 2019. Furthermore, the first gas production of the block is expected to flow in 2026.

Previously, at the end of March 2016 yesterday, the government rejected the proposed revision of the proposed development plan (POD) of the Masela Block proposed by Inpex. In the revised POD, Inpex proposed the development of Masela Block with a floating LNG plant. Inpex was asked to re-apply POD with the scheme according to the government's direction, that is the refinery on land.

Furthermore, Inpex proposed five clauses to continue the work of the Masela Block. In detail, the addition of LNG refinery capacity from 7.5 MTPA to 9.5 MTPA, 10-year contract addition, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 15%, cost recovery during exploration and licensing from the government. So far, only the extension of the contract is given, ie 7 years.


Pemerintah Buat Kajian Terintegrasi untuk Proyek Masela

Pemerintah akan membuat kajian terintegrasi untuk Proyek Masela, mulai dari pengembangan Blok Masela hingga pembangunan pabrik-pabrik oleh pelaku industri. Pembahasan bersama akan dilakukan pada Juli nanti.

Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hartarto mengatakan, tim teknis yang mengurus proyek di Masela ini telah terbentuk, terdiri dari perwakilan Kementerian Perindustrian, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) dan Kementerian Koordinator Kemaritiman. Karenanya, belum ada kesepakatan apapun soal proyek-proyek di Masela sebelum tim bekerja.

“Tim itu spesifiknya untuk mencari opsi keekonomian, tidak hanya di LNG/gas alam cair, tetapi juga di petrokimia juga,” kata dia usai rapat di Kantor Kementerian Koordinator Perekonomian, Senin (19/ 6). 

Direktur Industri Kimia Dasar Direktorat Jenderal Industri Kimia, Tekstil, dan Aneka Kementerian Perindustrian Muhammad Kayam menambahkan, kajian terintegrasi itu akan dilakukan pada 17 Juli nanti.

Setiap pihak terkait harus sudah mempersiapkan respon atas paparan yang disampaikan dalam pertemuan pada Senin (19/6) kemarin. “Nanti harus presentasi, harga gasnya berapa misalnya, mulai merespon secara betul-betul,” tambahnya. 

Pemerintah akan turun tangan merealisasikan keekonomian Proyek Masela. Pasalnya, kajian terintegrasi dimaksudkan untuk memperoleh harga gas yang optimal, baik untuk Inpex Corporation yang mengerjakan Blok Masela maupun pelaku industri yang akan membangun pabrik di sekitar blok migas ini. Kajian dilakukan dengan tetap menggunakan asumsi harga gas US$ 5,86 per juta british thermal unit (million british thermal unit/ mmbtu).

“Nanti bisa dikompensasikan dengan macam-macam, misalnya tax holiday, bisa formula banyak. Tetapi sementara menggunakan angka awal. Insentif lain memang ada,” kata Khayam. Turun tangan pemerintah berupa pemberian insentif ini wajar dilakukan oleh negara lain.

Sebelumnya, Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, dalam kajian awal desain rinci (pre front end engineering design/ Pre-FEED)  yang akan dikaji yakni untuk tiga opsi lokasi kilang LNG dan satu pilihan kapasitas produksi saja.

Sehingga sebelum Pre-FEED dilakukan, perlu ada kepastian kontrak gas untuk mengecilkan pilihan kapasitas produksi. Dijelaskannya, terdapat dua opsi kapasitas produksi Blok Masela, kilang berkapasitas 9,5 juta ton per tahun (million ton per annum/MTPA) plus 150 million standard cubic feet per day/mmscfd serta 7,5 MTPA plus 474 mmscfd. Market Review akan memastikan berapa produk berupa gas pipa yang dapat terjual. Pada tahap awal, pemerintah akan menawarkan gas sebesar 474 mmscfd terlebih dahulu. 

"Kalau tidak sampai 474 mmscfd, maka kami akan kembali ke 150 mmscfd," ujar Arcandra.

Arcandra membenarkan bahwa Kementerian Perindustrian sudah menyerahkan nama-nama perusahaan yang berminat membeli gas dari Blok Masela. Namun, belum ada perusahaan yang telah meneken perjanjian jual beli gas (PJBG) dengan lnpex Corporation selaku operator Blok Masela.

“Kami ingin sebisa mungkin kontrak, sehingga benar 474 mmscfd akan diambil, bukan sekedar head of agreement (HOA). Kalau HoA bisa berubah,” tegas dia. Ditambahkannya, pemerintah yang akan mencari pembeli gas yang dijual melalui pipa dari Blok Masela tersebut. Pihaknya akan berkoordinasi dengan Kementerian Perindustrian.

Terkait opsi lokasi kilang, Arcandra enggan merinci di mana saja tiga pilihan yang akan dikaji ini. Sebelumnya, pilihan lokasi hanya dua, yakni Pulau Aru dan Yamdena Papua. Tambahan opsi lokasi muncul setelah Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan berkunjung ke Jepang.

Pre-FEED bertujuan mengestimasikan biaya investasi dan jadwal pengerjaan proyek. Selain itu kapasitas dan lokasi kilang LNG, hanya dapat dipastikan melalui pelaksanaan Pre-FEED terlebih dahulu. Pemerintah menginginkan data yang komprehensif dan seimbang dari dua pilihan lokasi dan kapasitas itu.

Pemerintah sempat menargetkan agar keputusan investasi akhir (final investment decision/ FID) Blok Masela dapat dilaksanakan pada 2019. Selanjutnya, produksi gas pertama blok ini diharapkan dapat mengalir pada 2026.

Sebelumnya, pada akhir Maret 2016 kemarin, pemerintah menolak usulan revisi rencana pengembangan (plan ofdevelopment/ POD) Blok Masela yang diajukan Inpex. Dalam revisi POD itu, Inpex mengusulkan pengembangan Blok Masela dengan kilang LNG terapung. Inpex pun diminta mengajukan kembali POD dengan skema sesuai arahan pemerintah, yakni kilang di darat.

Selanjutnya, Inpex mengajukan lima klausul untuk melanjutkan pengerjaan Blok Masela. Rincinya, penambahan kapasitas kilang LNG dari 7,5 MTPA menjadi 9,5 MTPA, penambahan kontrak selama 10 tahun, tingkat pengembalian modal (Internal Rate of Return /IRR) sebesar 15%, cost recovery selama masa eksplorasi dan perizinan dari pemerintah. Sejauh ini, hanya perpanjangan kontrak yang diberikan, yakni 7 tahun.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, June 21, 2017

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