The government will soon start a market review of gas sales generated from Abadi Square, Masela Block. The review will commence three months prior to the scheduling of a pre-FEED preliminary study by Inpex Corporation.
Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) Arcandra Tahar said, in Pre-FEED, which will be studied ie for three options location of liqufied natural gas (LNG) and one choice of production capacity only. Thus, before Pre-FEED is done, there needs to be a market review to simplify the choice of production capacity.
"For gas production, it will be offered in three months and must be a contract of sale and purchase," he said in Jakarta, Monday (5/6). Related when market review begins, it says it depends on when lnpex is scheduled to start Pre-FEED.
He explained that there are two options for production capacity of Masela Block, refinery with capacity of 9.5 million tons per year (million ton per annumm / MTPA) plus 150 million standard cubic feet per day / mmscfd and 7.5 MTPA plus 474 mmscfd. Market Review will confirm how many pipe gas products can be sold. In the initial phase, the government will offer 474 mmscfd of gas first.
"[If not to 474 mmscfd, then we will return to 150 mmscfd," said Arcandra.
He confirmed that the Ministry of Industry has submitted the names of companies interested in purchasing gas from the Masela Block. However, no company has signed a gas sales agreement (PJBG) with lnpex Corporation as operator of Masela Block. We want as much as possible the contract, so that 474 mmscfd true will be taken, not just the head of agreement (HOA).
If the HoA can change, "he asserted. The government will seek buyers of gas sold through the pipeline from the Masela Block. It will coordinate with the Ministry of Industry. Gas production of the Masela Block is partially channeled through the pipeline as the Ministry of Industry declares buyers from the fertilizer and petrochemical sectors. The plan of this fertilizer and petrochemical plant will be built close to the mouth of the gas well.
Related to the location of the refinery, Arcandra is reluctant to specify anywhere three options will be reviewed. Previously, only two location choices, namely in Aru and Yamdena Island. Additional location options came after the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) lgnasius Jonan visited Japan.
Pre-FEED aims to estimate the investment cost and project schedule, in addition to the capacity and location of the LNG plant, can only be confirmed through PreFEED implementation first. The government wants comprehensive and balanced data from the two location and capacity options.
The government had targeted the final investment decision (FID) of Masela Block to be implemented in 2019. Furthermore, the first gas production of this block is expected to flow in 2026. Earlier, at the end of March 2016 yesterday, the government rejected the proposed revision of the development plan (plan Of development / POD) Masela Block submitted by Inpex.
In the revised POD, Inex proposes the development of the Masela Block with a floating LNG plant. Inpex was asked to re-apply POD with the scheme according to the government's direction, namely the refinery on land.
Inpex then submits five clauses to continue the Masela Block. In detail, the addition of LNG refinery capacity from 7.5 MTPA to 9.5 MTPA, 10-year contract addition, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 15%, cost recovery during exploration period, and government licensing. So far, only a seven-year contract extension has been granted.
Pemerintah Segera Lakukan Market Review Blok Masela
Pemerintah akan segera memulai kajian pasar (market review) penjualan gas yang dihasilkan dari Lapangan Abadi, Blok Masela. Kajian akan dimulai tiga bulan sebelum jadwal dilaksanakannya kajian pradesain rinci (front end engineering design/Pre-FEED) oleh Inpex Corporation.
Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, dalam Pre-FEED, yang akan dikaji yakni untuk tiga opsi lokasi kilang gas alam cair (liquefied natural gas/ LNG) dan satu pilihan kapasitas produksi saja. Sehingga, sebelum Pre-FEED dilakukan, perlu ada market review untuk menyederhanakan pilihan kapasitas produksi.
“Untuk produksi yang berupa gas, akan ditawarkan dalam tiga bulan dan harus kontrak jual beli,” kata dia di Jakarta, Senin (5/ 6). Terkait kapan market review dimulai, dikatakannya tergantung kapan lnpex menjadwalkan akan mulai Pre-FEED.
Dijelaskannya, terdapat dua opsi kapasitas produksi Blok Masela, kilang berkapasitas 9,5 juta ton per tahun (million ton per annumm/MTPA) plus 150 million standard cubic feet per day/mmscfd serta 7,5 MTPA plus 474 mmscfd. Market Review akan memastikan berapa produk berupa gas pipa yang dapat terjual. Pada tahap awal, pemerintah akan menawarkan gas sebesar 474 mmscfd terlebih dahulu.
“[Kalau tidak sampai 474 mmscfd, maka kami akan kembali ke 150 mmscfd,” ujar Arcandra.
Dia membenarkan bahwa Kementerian Perindusterian sudah menyerahkan nama-nama perusahaan yang berminat membeli gas dari Blok Masela. Namun, belum ada perusahaan yang telah meneken perjanjian jual beli gas (PJBG) dengan lnpex Corporation selaku operator Blok Masela. Kami ingin sebisa mungkin kontrak, sehingga benar 474 mmscfd akan diambil, bukan sekedar head of agreement (HOA).
Kalau HoA bisa berubah,” tegas dia. Pemerintah yang akan mencari pembeli gas yang dijual melalui pipa dari Blok Masela tersebut. Pihaknya akan berkoordinasi dengan Kementerian Perindustrian. Produksi gas Blok Masela sebagian langsung dialirkan melalui pipa karena Kementerian Perindustrian menyatakan adanya pembeli dari sektor pupuk dan petrokimia. Rencananya pabrik pupuk dan petrokimia ini akan dibangun dekat dengan mulut sumur gas.
Terkait opsi lokasi kilang, Arcandra enggan merinci di mana saja tiga pilihan yang akan dikaji ini. Sebelumnya, pilihan lokasi hanya dua, yakni di Pulau Aru dan Yamdena. Tambahan opsi lokasi muncul setelah Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) lgnasius Jonan berkunjung ke Jepang.
Pre-FEED bertujuan mengestimasikan biaya investasi dan jadwal pengerjaan proyek, Selain itu kapasitas dan lokasi kilang LNG, hanya dapat dipastikan melalui pelaksanaan PreFEED terlebih dahulu. Pemerintah menginginkan data yang komprehensif dan seimbang dari dua pilihan lokasi dan kapasitas itu.
Pemerintah sempat menargetkan agar keputusan investasi akhir (final investment decision/FID) Blok Masela dapat dilaksanakan pada 2019. Selanjutnya, produksi gas pertama blok ini diharapkan dapat mengalir pada 2026. Sebelumnya, pada akhir Maret 2016 kemarin, pemerintah menolak usulan revisi rencana pengembangan (plan of development/POD) Blok Masela yang diajukan Inpex.
Dalam revisi POD itu, Inpex mengusulkan pengembangan Blok Masela dengan kilang LNG terapung. Inpex pun diminta mengajukan kembali POD dengan skema sesuai arahan pemerintah, yakni kilang di darat.
Selanjutnya, Inpex mengajukan lima klausul untuk melanjutkan pengerjaan Blok Masela. Rincinya, penambahan kapasitas kilang LNG dari 7,5 MTPA menjadi 9,5 MTPA, penambahan kontrak selama 10 tahun, tingkat pengembalian modal (Internal Rate of Return/IRR) sebesar 15%, cost recovery selama masa eksplorasi, dan perizinan dari pemerintah. Sejauh ini, baru perpanjangan kontrak yang diberikan, yakni 7 tahun.
Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, June 6, 2017
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