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Thursday, June 8, 2017

Government Will Cut Transport Cost of Old Gas Project

Regulators support the limitation of gas business profits.

The Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) is reviewing the possibility of cutting the cost of transporting gas to reduce prices at the konsnunen level. One of the targeted is the cutting of transportation costs of old gas projects.

"That's certainly a concern. We are evaluating wherever the points can be reduced, "said Head of BPH Migas Fanshurullah Asa

The old project becomes one of the targets because the investment cost is back. Supposedly, the longer the life of a gas facility, the lower the cost of transport.

But there are many old projects that cost less. In contrast, prices at the consumer level increase as the cost of gas production increases from year to year. BPH Migas has not been able to predict how the potential decline in its price. Therefore, the cost of transporting each project varies, depending on well conditions, pipeline length, and other infrastructure.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignatius Jonan hopes the new committee of BPH Migas led by Fanshurullah immediately help the government to reduce gas prices. Jonan also asked the downstream regulator to oversee the company Transportation and gas distributor so that the construction of the infrastructure more efficient.

"With cheaper capital expenditure, there will be toll fee efficiency. With a cheap toll fee, if calculated gas prices at Upstream could be more efficient. "

Fanshurullah also proposed the opening of a special gas distribution pipeline access. The goal is to increase the use of infrastructure so that prices can be cut. Later, the pipeline can be used by more than one company.

He also plans to tighten the trading of layered gas through traders, which pose a risk if access pipeline distribution is open. Margin of gas business entrepreneurs will also be limited to a maximum of 7 percent. The limitation of profit will be regulated in the revision of Regulation of the Minister of Energy No. 19 of 2009 on Natural Gas Concession Through Pipelines. "We agree the margin should be limited, no more layered gas traders."

The Association of Indonesian Gas Traders (INGTA) actually considers the discourse of limiting the profit of gas commerce entrepreneurs Will be effective. Therefore, the commercial aspect of gas covers only 8 percent of the price component. The most decisive gas factor is Fare around. 90 percent and the rest is freight costs.

Chairman of the association Sabrun Jamil Amperawan exemplifies the distribution of gas in West Java whose price is konstunen reaches US $ 9 per MMBTU, the largest price component upstream of US $ 7.16 per MMBTU. The rest is transportation cost of US $ 1,1 per MMBTU. Gas distributor only earn US $ 0.74 per MMBTU.

Although distribution costs are cut, gas prices only become US $ 8.26 per MMBTU. That number is still higher than the price limit in Presidential Regulation No. 40 of 2016 amounting to US $ 6 per MMBTU. "It should be the price of gas trimmed upstream.


Pemerintah Akan Pangkas Biaya Angkut Proyek Gas Tua

Regulator mendukung pembatasan keuntungan bisnis gas.

Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BPH Migas) sedang mengkaji kemungkinan memotong biaya pengangkutan gas untuk menekan harga di tingkat konsnunen. Salah satu yang disasar adalah pemangkasan biaya pengangkutan dari proyek-proyek gas yang sudah tua.

“Itu tentunya menjadi perhatian. Kami sedang mengevaluasi di mana saja titik-titiknya yang bisa dikurangi," ujar Kepala BPH Migas Fanshurullah Asa 

Proyek tua menjadi salah satu sasaran karena biaya investasinya sudah kembali. Seharusnya, semakin lama usia suatu fasilitas gas, biaya angkutnya semakin murah.

Namun ada banyak proyek tua yang biayanya tidak kunjung berkurang. Sebaliknya, harga di tingkat konsumen bertambah karena ongkos produksi gas meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. BPH Migas belum bisa memprediksi berapa potensi penurunan harganya. Sebab, biaya angkut setiap proyek bervariasi, bergantung pada kondisi sumur, panjang pipa, serta infrastruktur lainnya. 

Menteri Energi  dan Sumber Daya Mineral Ignasius Jonan berharap komite baru BPH Migas yang dipimpin Fanshurullah segera membantu pemerintah menurunkan harga gas. Jonan juga meminta regulator hilir tersebut mengawasi perusahaan pengangkutan dan distributor gas supaya pembangunan inirastruktur lebih efisien. 

“Dengan belanja modal lebih murah, akan didapatkan efisiensi toll fee. Dengan toll fee murah, kalau dihitung harga gas di hulu bisa lebih efisien.” 

Fanshurullah juga mengusulkan pembukaan akses pipa khusus distribusi gas. Tujuannya adalah meningkatkan penggunaan infrastruktur sehingga harga bisa dipangkas. Nantinya, pipa bisa digunakan oleh lebih dari satu perusahaan. 

Dia juga berencana memperketat perdagangan gas berlapis melalui trader, yang berisiko terjadi jika akses pipa distribusi sudah terbuka. Margin pengusaha niaga gas juga akan dibatasi maksimal 7 persen. Pembatasan keuntungan bakal diatur dalam revisi Peraturan Menteri Energi Nomor 19 Tahun 2009 tentang Pengusahaan Gas Bumi Melalui Pipa. “Kami setuju margin harus dibatasi, tidak ada lagi trader gas berlapis.”

Asosiasi Trader Gas Indonesia (INGTA) justru menganggap wacana pembatasan keuntungan pengusaha niaga gas tidak akan efektif. Sebab, aspek niaga gas hanya mencakup 8 persen dari komponen harga. Faktor gas yang paling menentukan adalah ongkos hulu sekitar. 90 persen dan sisanya adalah biaya pengangkutan.

Ketua asosiasi Sabrun Jamil Amperawan mencontohkan distribusi gas di Jawa Barat yang harganya ditingkat konstunen mencapai US$ 9 per MMBTU, Komponen harga terbesar berada di hulu yakni sebesar US$ 7,16 per MMBTU. Sisanya merupakan biaya transportasi US$ 1,1 per MMBTU. Adapun distributor gas hanya memeperoleh pendapatan US$ 0,74 per MMBTU.

Sekalipun biaya distribusi dipotong, harga gas hanya menjadi US$ 8,26 per MMBTU. Angka itu masih lebih tinggi daripada batas harga dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 sebesar US$ 6 per MMBTU. “Seharusnya yang dipangkas harga gas di hulu.

 Koran Tempo, Page-21, Wednesday, June 7, 2017

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