The desire of the government to use the contract for the gross split in the contract of work Same investment in the upstream sector of oil and gas will face obstacles.
The final draft of the revision of the Oil and Gas Law (UU Migas) submitted to the Legislation Body yesterday (5/6), Commission VII of the House of Representatives agreed not to include the gross split scheme in the revision of Oil and Gas Law.
Member of House of Representatives Commission VII Kurtubi argued the gross split policy eliminated state control over oil and gas management. Though oil and gas management must be supervised. "This underlying we agreed to reuse the cost recovery scheme, there must be state control," Kurtubi said
In addition, the reason remains to include cost recovery is the obligation to use Domestic Content Level (TKDN). "If you use cost recovery, all costs are reported, and there will be an increase in TKDN usage," he said.
If using gross split, Contractor Cooperation Contract (KKKS) can bring drilling goods from abroad. "Mur, screw, drill, they do not want to buy from home, TKDN can be reduced," he said.
Only the House of Representatives realizes, every year the increase in cost recovery budget increases, while production continues to fall. Only, We absorb KKKS aspirations, they are more like cost recovery. So, Commission VII agreed to use cost recovery, "said Kurtubi.
Hari Purnomo, Member of House of Representatives Commission VII added that the revision of Oil and Gas Law is made flexible, not include gross scheme Split. "The law does not need to regulate gross split, fear of binding,"
According to him, the rules for oil and gas revenue sharing should not be binding on oil and gas contractors and not forcing. "If the contractor does not agree to use gross split, will it run the oil and gas block management?" Asked Hari.Therefore, the House of Representatives proposed an open profit sharing scheme to make the contract more profitable to the state.
Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar, the initiator of gross split is still reluctant to respond to the revision of the Act. Head of Public Communication Center of ESDM Ministry Sujatmiko admitted that he has not read the revision of the Law.
What is clear, if the government is still insisted on the gross split scheme, the opportunity is open when discussing the revision of the Act in the near future. But, the government must be prepared with a great argument at the time of parliament's rejection.
Article 5
1. The central government, as the holder of the petroleum and petroleum mining authority (petroleum) of the earth, grants the power of attorney Mining to the BUK Migas Special Business Entity
2. Oil and gas business activities shall be carried out BUK Migas, through Upstream Business Unit of Same Business and Business Unit Hulu Operasional Mandiri
Article 17
1. Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS) recover operating costs in accordance with the contract of cooperation after Produce commercial production
2. The operating costs shall not be used other than for oil and gas operations pursuant to the cooperation contract.
3. If the work area does not produce commercial production, all operating costs incurred are fully subject to the risks and expenses of the KKKS and not borne by the state
4. Further Provisions regarding operating costs as referred to in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) shall be regulated by government regulations
Article 44
1. BUK Migas is a business entity specially established under this Law. BUK Migas domiciled directly at Under and responsible to the President.
2. BUK Migas is domiciled and is headquartered in the nation's capital and may establish a representative office in the region,
Article 46
1. Organization of BUK Migas consists of;
A. Supervisory board (7 persons, ie 4 ministers and 3 community members)
B. Board of directors and
C. Board of directors in each unit.
Skema Gross Split Terancam Batal di DPR
Keinginan pemerintah memakai kontrak bagi hasil gross split dalam kontrak kerja Sama investasi di sektor hulu minyak dan gas bakal menghadapi rintangan.
Draf final revisi Undang-Undang Minyak dan Gas (UU Migas) yang diserahkan ke Badan Legislasi kemarin (5/6), Komisi VII DPR sepakat tidak memasukan skema gross split dalam revisi UU Migas itu.
Anggota Komisi VII DPR Kurtubi beralasan kebijakan gross split menghilangkan kontrol negara atas pengelolaan migas. Padahal pengelolaan migas harus diawasi. "Ini yang mendasari kami sepakat memakai kembali skema cost recovery, harus ada kontrol negara," kata Kurtubi
Selain itu, alasan tetap memasukan cost recovery adalah adanya kewajiban pemakaian Tingkat Kandungan Dalam Negeri (TKDN). "Kalau menggunakan cost recovery semua biaya dilaporkan. Dan akan ada peningkatan pemakaian TKDN," kata dia.
Jika memakai gross split, Kontraktor Kontrak Kerjasama (KKKS) bisa membawa barang-barang pengeboran dari luar negeri. "Mur, sekrup, bor, mereka tidak mau beli dari dalam negeri. TKDN bisa berkurang," kata dia.
Hanya DPR menyadari, setiap tahun kenaikan anggaran cost recovery meningkat, sementara produksi terus turun. Hanya saja, Kami menyerap aspirasi KKKS, mereka lebih senang cost recovery. Jadi, Komisi VII sepakat pakai cost recovery," kata Kurtubi.
Hari Purnomo, Anggota Komisi VII DPR menambahkan, revisi UU Migas dibuat fieksibel, tidak memasukan skema gross split. "Undang-undang tidak perlu mengatur gross split, takut mengikat,"
Menurut dia, aturan bagi hasil migas seharusnya tidak mengikat kontraktor migas dan tidak memaksa. “Kalau kontraktor tidak sepakat menggunakan gross split, apakah akan berjalan pengelolaan blok migas?" tanya Hari. Oleh karena itu, DPR mengusulkan skema bagi hasil terbuka agar kontrak lebih menguntungkan negara.
Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar, penggagas gross split masih enggan menanggapi revisi UU itu. Kepala Pusat Komunikasi Publik Kementerian ESDM Sujatmiko mengaku belum membaca revisi UU itu.
Yang jelas, jika pemerintah masih ngotot dengan skema gross split, peluang itu terbuka saat pembahasan revisi UU itu dalam waktu dekat. Tapi, pemerintah harus siap dengan argumen yang hebat di saat penolakan parlemen.
Pasal 5
1. Pemerintah pusat, sebagai pemegang kuasa pertambangan minyak dan gas (migas) bumi memberikan kuasa usaha pertambangan kepada Badan Usaha Khusus BUK Migas
2. Kegiatan usaha ulu migas tersebut diLaksanakan BUK Migas, melalui Unit Usaha Hulu KeRja Sama dan Unit Usaha Hulu Operasional Mandiri
Pasal 17
1. Kontraktor Kontrak Kerjasama (KKKS) mendapatkan kembali biaya operasi sesuai kontrak kerjasama setelah menghasilkan produksi komersial
2. Biaya operasi itu tidak dapat digunakan selain untuk kegiatan operasi minyak dan gas bumi sesuai kontrak kerjasama.
3. Jika wilayah kerja tidak menghasilkan produksi komersial, seluruh biaya operasi yang telah dikeluarkan sepenuhnya menjadi risiko dan beban KKKS dan tidak ditanggung oleh negara
4. Ketentuan Iebih Ianjut mengenai biaya operasi sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dan ayat (2) diatur dengan peraturan pemerintah
Pasal 44
1. BUK Migas merupakan badan usaha yang dibentuk secara khusus berdasarkan UU ini. BUK Migas berkedudukan langsung di bawah dan bertanggungjawab kepada Presiden.
2. BUK Migas berkedudukan dan berkantor pusat di ibukota negara dan dapat membentuk kantor perwakilan di daerah,
Pasal 46
1. Organisasi BUK Migas terdiri atas;
a. Dewan pengawas (7 orang, yakni 4 menteri dan 3 unsur masyarakat)
b. Dewan direksi dan
c. Dewan direksi pada masing-masing unit.
Kontan, Page-1, Tuesday, June 6, 2017
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