, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 HCML Develops Two Oil and Gas Wells on Raas Island and Sepudi 1 - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

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Tuesday, June 13, 2017

HCML Develops Two Oil and Gas Wells on Raas Island and Sepudi 1

Although up to now the exploration activities at MAC Wells by the Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS) of Husky Cnooc Madura Limited (HCML) in the waters of Gili Genting Subdistrict, Sumenep Regency, Madura, are still not exploited and have not produced economical value of oil and gas, but HCML is now Is trying to open two more oil and gas wells around Sepudi Island and Raas Island, Sumenep Regency.

"Please pray and support, Insha Allah, besides hoping that in 2019, Husky Cnooc Madura Limited (HCML) will be able to exploit also we plan to open two more oil and gas wells received from MDA-MDH field," said Ali Aliyudin, Coordinator of Community Developmen HCML , In an open event with the media in Sumenep, Friday night [9/6].

Ali said that the development program of two wells in the waters of Sepudi and Raas Island is similar to oil and gas development activities elsewhere. That is preceded by bringing in a jacket carrier vessel or steel frame to be planted on the seabed as the platform of the platform. "Currently the jacket or steel frame will still be imported from Cilegon," said Ali.

After the pavilion is completed, it will be continued with the pipe pair to the seabed so that the oil and gas search plan can be started, including installation and commissioning test or operational testing of the work.

"All production preparation process is expected to be completed by 2018, so if the gas content is considered economical enough, it is expected that in 2019 can be exploration and exploitation" said Ali.

To smooth it, HCML is also being intensively socialize the plan to the community around the plan of HCML activities in Pulau Sepudi and Pulau Raas. Included with the Navy, because the location is in the Navy training area.


HCML Kembangkan Dua Sumur Migas di Pulau Raas dan Sepudi 1

Kendati hingga saat ini kegiatan eksplorasi di Sumur MAC oleh Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS] Husky Cnooc Madura Limited (HCML) di perairan Kecamatan Gili Genting, Kabupaten Sumenep, Madura, masih belum eksploitasi dan belum menghasilkan nilai ekonomis minyak dan gas, namun HCML kini sedang berupaya akan membuka lagi dua Sumur migas di sekitar perairan Pulau Sepudi dan Pulau Raas, Kabupaten Sumenep.

" Mohon doa dan dukungan, Insya Allah, selain berharap di tahun 2019, Husky Cnooc Madura Limited (HCML) sudah bisa eksploitasi juga kami berencana membuka dua sumur migas lagi yang diterima dari lapangan MDA-MDH," kata Ali Aliyudin, Koordinator Community Developmen HCML, dalam acara buka bersama dgn media di Sumenep, Jumat malam [9/6).

Dikatakan Ali, program pengembangan dua sumur di perairan Pulau Sepudi dan Raas itu juga sama dengan kegiatan pengembangan migas di tempat lain, Yakni didahului dengan mendatangkan kapal pengangkut jacket atau rangka baja yang akan ditanam di dasar laut sebagai fondasi anjungan. " Saat ini jacket atau rangka baja tersebut masih akan didatangkan dari Cilegon," kata Ali.

Setelah anjungan selesai dibangun, maka akan dilanjutkan dengan pasangan pipa ke dasar laut sehingga kemudian rencana pencarian kandungan migas sudah bisa dimulai, termasuk instalasi dan commissioning test atau pengujian operasional pekerjaan.

" Semua proses persiapan produksi diharapkan bisa selesai pada tahun 2018, sehingga apabila kandungan gasnya dinilai cukup ekonomis, maka diharapkan tahun 2019 sudah bisa eksplorasi dan eksploitasi" kata Ali.

Untuk memuluskan itu, HCML juga sedang gencar mensosialisasikan rencana tersebut ke masyarakat sekitar rencana kegiatan HCML di Pulau Sepudi dan Pulau Raas. Termasuk dengan pihak TNI AL, karena lokasi tersebut berada di daerah latihan TNI AL.

Surya, Page-5, Sunday, June 11, 2017

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