, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 HCML doing Socialization Development MDA-MBH Field in Sumenep - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

HCML doing Socialization Development MDA-MBH Field in Sumenep

The Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS) of Husky CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) conducted an Advanced Socialization of the MDA-MBH Field Development of Sumenep Madura to a number of stakeholders at the ESDM Office of East Java Province.

"We are under contract at this location in 1982-2012 and extended for the next 20 years from 2012-2032, so the rest of the contract period will be about 15 more years.If it does not start production soon, the economic value will be lost.This is a challenge for us, Even though social activities to the community Sumenep we have done, "said Head of Relations HCML Surabaya, Hamim Tohari, Sunday (18/6).

Hamid added that the socialization was attended by several related institutions including Military Area Command V / Brawijaya, Primary Base TNI Navy V / Surabaya, East Java Transportation Department, East Java Communication and Information Service, Sumenep Local Government, Environment Agency Sumenep, Sumenep, Natural Resources Bureau of Sumenep and several community groups from Sumenep.

While currently there are three fields that will be developed, namely the field MDA, MBH and MDK. But this time still focus on doing MDA and MBH field. The field is located 200 km east of Surabaya or 75 km southeast of Madura.

"The current HCML activity is the construction of platform construction using Hilong vessels," he said. However, after the operation, HCML promised to participate directly in the community empowerment development program in accordance with the needs of the community around the operation area.


HCML Sosialisasi Pengembangan Lapangan MDA-MBH Sumenep

Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) Husky CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) melakukan Sosialisasi Lanjutan Pengembangan Lapangan MDA-MBH Sumenep Madura kepada sejumlah stakeholder di kantor Dinas ESDM Provinsi Jawa Timur.

"Kami sudah terikat kontrak di lokasi ini pada 1982-2012 dan diperpanjang 20 tahun ke depan sejak 2012-2032. Sehingga, sisa masa kontrak sekitar 15 tahun lagi. Kalau tidak segera berproduksi, maka nilai keekonomiannya akan hilang. Ini menjadi tantangan bagi kami, meskipun demikian kegiatan sosial ke masyarakat Sumenep sudah kami lakukan," kata Head of Relations HCML Surabaya, Hamim Tohari, Minggu (18/6).

Hamim menambahkan, sosialisasi tersebut dihadiri beberapa instansi terkait di antaranya Komando Daerah Militer V/Brawijaya, Pangkalan Utama TNI Angkatan Laut V/Surabaya, Dinas Perhubungan Jawa Timur, Dinas Komunikasi dan Informasi Jawa Timur, Pemerintah Daerah Sumenep, Badan Lingkungan Hidup Sumenep, Dinas Perhubungan Sumenep, Biro Sumber Daya Alam Sumenep dan beberapa kelompok masyarakat dari Sumenep.

Sedangkan saat ini ada tiga lapangan yang akan dikembangkan, yakni lapangan MDA, MBH dan MDK. Tapi kali ini masih fokus mengerjakan lapangan MDA dan MBH. Lapangan itu berada di 200 km sebelah timur Surabaya atau 75 km sebelah tenggara Madura.

"Kegiatan HCML saat ini adalah pembangunan konstruksi platform menggunakan kapal Hilong," katanya. Namun setelah beroperasi, pihak HCML berjanji akan berpartisipasi langsung dalam program pengembangan pemberdayaan masyarakat sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat sekitar daerah operasi.

Bhirawa, Page-8, Monday, June 19, 2017

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