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Friday, June 23, 2017

Investigator Wait for Pertamina Loss Value

The Bintan Police Investigator, Riau Islands, focused on obtaining data on Pertamina's losses from theft involving Trust Honor tankers. Investigators have the opportunity to examine Pertamina employees and partners to uncover the case.

Bintan Resort Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Febrianto Guntur said that the calculation of loss is one of the need to complete the case file. "We are still waiting for the audit result," he said on Thursday (22/6), in Bintan.

The police need certainty of the amount of oil stolen and transferred to Trust Honor tankers. Investigators also need to make sure how many times the theft is done. In addition to waiting for the calculation of losses, the investigators focus on digging information from the suspects. Up to now, six people have been named as suspects in the case. They include Yurzely Visady (39), Denny Yolanda (40), Densi (55), and Agus M Zakaria (44).

Corporate Secretary of PT Pertamina Trans Continental Nurkasa Siregar in a letter dated June 21, 2017 to Kompas stated, the four suspects are not workers of Pertamina Trans Continental. Previously written Yurzery Visady (39), Denny Yolanda (40), Densi (55), and Agus M Zakaria (44) are employees of PT Pertamina Trans Continental (Kompas, 21/6). Nurkasa states, the company's name is PT Pertamina Trans Continental. In addition to the four men, the Honor Trust Honor, Fahrizal, and PT Surveyor Indonesia employee Achmad Hidayat (25) were also suspects.

Check partner

Guntur said the investigators will examine the other parties based on the information of the suspects. Investigators will examine Pertamina employees and partners in the Riau Archipelago and North Sumatra.

Investigation to North Sumatra is required because Pertamina Territory Marketing Office I is located in Medan. The stolen oil is owned by Pertamina. In addition, there is information of stolen oil sold in Belawan Port, North Sumatra. The crime was revealed when colleague Achmad Hidayat complained to Jakarta. Fellow Achmad refused to be involved in the syndicate. He did not want to conspire, he chose to report the conspiracy. Supposedly, Achmad is in charge of ensuring the oil is moved in accordance with the provisions. However, he falsified the report to cover the theft.

The mode, taking oil from ships used Pertamina send oil between the depot or refinery. The gang moved some of the oil from Pertamina's rented tankers to MT Trust Honor.

In addition to reports of colleagues Achmad, there are also reports from Pertamina to the police. Pertamina's management at Tanjung Uban depot, Bintan, found the fact that hundreds of tons of oil did not reach the depot. It was revealed early June 2017.

The reports received the attention of Pertamina's internal team and police checks. From the examination, the police set six suspects. However, for more than three weeks, management at the depot of Pertamina Tanjung Uban did not provide information to journalists. The duty officers at the depot compound always stated the boss was busy or not in place when the reporters came and claimed to confirm the case.


Penyidik Tunggu Nilai Kerugian Pertamina

Penyidik Polres Bintan, Kepulauan Riau, fokus memperoleh data kerugian Pertamina akibat pencurian yang melibatkan tanker Trust Honor. Penyidik membuka peluang memeriksa para pegawai dan rekanan Pertamina untuk mengungkap kasus itu.

Kepala Polisi Resort Bintan Ajun Komisaris Besar Febrianto Guntur menuturkan, penghitungan kerugian adalah salah satu kebutuhan untuk melengkapi berkas perkara. ”Kami masih menunggu hasil audit,” ujarnya, Kamis (22/6), di Bintan.

Polisi membutuhkan kepastian jumlah minyak yang dicuri dan dipindahkan ke tanker Trust Honor. Penyidik juga perlu memastikan berapa kali pencurian dilakukan. Selain menunggu penghitungan kerugian, para penyidik fokus menggali keterangan dari para tersangka. Sampai sekarang, enam orang ditetapkan sebagai tersangka dalam kasus itu. Mereka antara lain Yurzely Visady (39), Denny Yolanda (40), Densi (55), dan Agus M Zakaria (44).

Sekretaris Perusahaan PT Pertamina Trans Kontinental Nurkasa Siregar dalam surat tertanggal 21 Juni 2017 kepada Kompas menyatakan, keempat tersangka bukan pekerja Pertamina Trans Kontinental. Sebelumnya tertulis Yurzery Visady (39), Denny Yolanda (40), Densi (55), dan Agus M Zakaria (44) adalah pegawai PT Pertamina Trans Kontinental (Kompas, 21/6). Nurkasa menyatakan, nama perusahaannya adalah PT Pertamina Trans Kontinental. Selain keempat orang itu, mualim Trust Honor, Fahrizal, dan pegawai PT Surveyor Indonesia, Achmad Hidayat (25), juga menjadi tersangka. 

Periksa rekanan

Guntur menyatakan, penyidik akan memeriksa pihak-pihak lain berdasarkan keterangan para tersangka. Penyidik akan memeriksa pegawai dan rekanan Pertamina di Kepulauan Riau dan Sumatera Utara.

Penyelidikan ke Sumatera Utara diperlukan karena Kantor Pertamina Wilayah Pemasaran I terletak di Medan. Minyak yang dicuri merupakan milik Pertamina. Selain itu, ada informasi minyak curian dijual di Pelabuhan Belawan, Sumatera Utara. Kejahatan itu terungkap saat rekan kerja Achmad Hidayat mengadu ke Jakarta. Rekan Achmad menolak dilibatkan dalam sindikat itu. Dia tidak mau berkomplot, ia memilih melaporkan persekongkolan itu. Seharusnya, Achmad bertugas memastikan minyak yang dipindahkan sesuai ketentuan. Namun, ia memalsukan laporan untuk menutupi pencurian.

Modusnya, mengambil minyak dari kapal yang dipakai Pertamina mengirim minyak antar depo atau kilang. Komplotan itu memindahkan sebagian minyak dari tanker sewaan Pertamina ke MT Trust Honor.

Selain laporan rekan Achmad, ada pula laporan dari Pertamina ke polisi. Manajemen Pertamina di depo Tanjung Uban, Bintan, mendapati fakta ratusan ton minyak tidak sampai ke depo itu. Hal itu terungkap awal Juni 2017.

Laporan-laporan itu mendapatkan perhatian pemeriksaan tim internal Pertamina dan polisi. Dari pemeriksaan itu, polisi menetapkan enam tersangka. Namun, selama lebih dari tiga pekan, manajemen di depo Pertamina Tanjung Uban tidak memberikan keterangan kepada wartawan. Para petugas jaga di kompleks depo selalu menyatakan pimpinan sibuk atau tidak di tempat saat para pewarta datang dan menyatakan akan mengonfirmasi kasus itu.

Kompas, Page-22, Friday, June 23, 2017

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