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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

July, BD Field Starts Production

The cooperation contract contractor (KKKS) of Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) started producing gas from the BD field in July. In the first phase, new production reached 30 percent of the capacity of 110 million cubic feet per day (mmscfd).

HCML Senior Head of Relations Hamim Tohari states, 20-30 mmscfd of initial gas production will be channeled to PGN. "In addition to PGN, in accordance with the contract, gas from BD field will be channeled to PT Ind Alasindo Energy and PT Parna Raya with 40 mmscfd each," he said yesterday (18/6).

The field that is part of the Madura Strait Block is located at 16 kilometers south of Madura or 65 km east of Surabaya. Until now, the field in the area of ​​Mandangin Islands is in commissioning stage. The field is expected to generate 442 billion cubic feet of natural gas and 18.7 million barrel (mmbbl) of condensate for 13 years.

In the BD field development, HCML uses offshore PT PAL production platforms. The offshore platform has been installed in a 55 meter sea depth. The offshore rig construction project was acquired by PT PAL after winning a special tender for offshore engineering procurement construction and installation (EPCI) Madura BD project.

In addition to the BD field, HCML is exploring the MDA and MBH fields. The field is east of Surabaya or 75 km southeast of Madura. The planned gas production for the two fields is 170 mmscfd. "Currently we are building a platform construction using Hilong ships that will be completed until 2018," said Hamim.

Gas from the field is planned to be absorbed by the fertilizer industry, power plants, and manufacturing industries that require gas in East Java.


Juli, Lapangan BD Mulai Produksi

Kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) mulai memproduksi gas dari lapangan BD pada Juli mendatang. Pada tahap pertama, produksi baru mencapai 30 persen dari kapasitas 110 juta kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd).

Senior Head of Relations HCML Hamim Tohari menyatakan, 20-30 mmscfd gas hasil produksi awal akan disalurkan ke PGN. "Selain ke PGN, sesuai dengan kontrak, gas dari lapangan BD akan disalurkan ke PT lnti Alasindo Energy dan PT Parna Raya dengan masing-masing 40 mmscfd,” ujarnya kemarin (18/6).

Lapangan yang menjadi bagian dari Blok Madura Strait itu terletak di 16 kilometer sebelah selatan Madura atau 65 km sebelah timur Surabaya. Hingga kini, lapangan di areal Kepulauan Mandangin tersebut berada dalam tahap commissioning. Lapangan itu diharapkan mampu menghasilkan 442 miliar kaki kubik gas bumi dan 18,7 juta barel (mmbbl) kondensat selama 13 tahun.

Dalam pengembangan lapangan BD, HCML mengguanakan anjungan lepas pantai produksi PT PAL. Anjungan lepas pantai tersebut telah terpasang di kedalaman laut 55 meter. Proyek pembangunan anjungan lepas pantai itu diperoleh PT PAL setelah memenangi tender khusus proyek lepas pantai engineering procurement construction and installation (EPCI) Madura BD.

Selain lapangan BD, HCML sedang mengeksplorasi lapangan MDA dan MBH. Lapangan tersebut berada di sebelah timur Surabaya atau 75 km sebelah tenggara Madura. Produksi gas yang direncanakan untuk dua lapangan itu mencapai 170 mmscfd. ”Saat ini kami membangun konstruksi platform dengan memakai kapal Hilong yang akan selesai hingga 2018,” kata Hamim.

Gas dari lapangan tersebut direncanakan mampu diserap industri pupuk, pembangkit listrik, maupun industri manufaktur yang membutuhkan gas di Jawa Timur.

Jawa Pos, Page-5, Monday, June 19, 2017

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