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Thursday, June 15, 2017

No Longer Priority

In a discussion at Chevron Indonesia building, in Jakarta, in mid-May 2017, Energy Observer from Reforminer Institute Pri Agung Rakhmanto voiced his assessment of the direction of government policy on the oil and gas business. Agung believes Jokowi-JK Government period 2014 to 2019 does not make upstream oil and gas business as the main focus.

"So, the characteristics or direction of the current government, upstream oil and gas is not the priority," he said. Pri Agung mentioned the concept in the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of ESDM Number 37 Year 2017 on Participating Interest [PI] 10 percent in the Oil and Gas Working Area.

In the sense of maximum quantity of 10 percent in IKKS cooperation contracts) which must be offered by the contractor at Regional Owned Enterprise (BUMD) or State Owned Enterprises (SOEs). According to him, if viewed from percepktif investment, the rule is counter productive.

The reason, investors will bear the cost when the region has no funding. However, from the regional side is very good because it is involved in a project in place of his property. "From the investor side, the absence of incentive is obtained, it is counterproductive," said the alumnus of Bandung Institute of Technology.

Based on the records of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, there is a cooperation scheme of BUMD and BUMN related to the implementation of this rule. In BUMD cooperation scheme. The Governor coordinates, prepares and appoints the BUMD beneficiary of PI 10 percent. The next contractor finance in advance the amount of BUMD obligations.

Then the return to the contractor is done annually without interest from the production of the BUMD by ensuring revenue sharing for the BUMD. Furthermore, the scheme of cooperation with SOEs. If the BUMD does not express interest in the project in the area, the contractor is required to offer a 10% PI to the SOE. Then SOE self-financing the amount of liability according to business custom. "PI 10 percent is intended for the region to enjoy the results of oil and gas wealth," said Minister of ESDM Ignasius Jonan some time ago.

Another rule which, according to Pri Agung, indicates the government's inconsistency in the upstream oil and gas business is the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 08 of 2017. This rule regulates share-sharing contracts in the Gross Split scheme. Gross split sharing contract is an agreement in the upstream oil and gas business activities based on the principle of distribution of gross production without operating cost recovery mechanism.

He argues that this scheme does not appeal to investors. In the implementation of the contract for the results of this gross split, the initial split base amount is for oil 57 percent to be part of the country. Then the rest belongs to the contractor. While from the gas side 52 percent became part of the country, while the 48 percent belong to the developer.

All operating costs are the responsibility of the contractor. The government still gets additional taxes. Through the elaboration of the mechanism of the two rules, according to Agung weaken upstream oil and gas industry. He even saw a distrust of the sector.

"There is a view that the upstream oil and gas industry is currently exclusive, luxurious and no longer significant for the state budget, which is coloring policies and regulations."

Based on data of Special Working Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Operations, investment in the sector has indeed decreased. In 2015 upstream oil and gas investment reached 15.34 billion US dollars. Then, in 2016, dropped dramatically to the figure of 11.586 billion US dollars.

So far in 2017, only reached 1.23 billion US dollars. Minister Jonan confirmed the decline in upstream oil and gas investment due to the declining world oil prices. Currently the amount of Indonesian Crude Price [Indonesian Crude Price / ICP] is at 47.09 US dollars per barrel. With ICP conditions in this range, he argues that it is a big challenge for the government to attract investors.

This is different from what Pri Agung said about the priority scale above. Jonan asserted the government continues to excite upstream oil and gas business. He pointed out how it simplifies licensing in the sector, from 10 in 2015, to six now through Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 29 of 2017. The government is also proactive in seeking partners in overseas.

In early June 2017, Jonan and the team visited China to negotiate. The Indonesian delegation visited the offices of three state-owned "Bamboo Curtain" companies, namely China National Petroleum Corporation [CNPC], China Petrochemical Corporation [Sinopec] and China National Offshore Oil Corporation [CNOOC].

Nevertheless, the government now has a sensational program in the downstream sector. The policy of fuel pricing for one price and the 35 thousand megawatt power plant project to be the directors. The ESDM Ministry commissioned PT Pertamina Persero and PT AKR Corporindo Tbk to generalize Premium and subsidized Premium prices.

Premium is at Rp 6.450 per liter while diesel Rp 5.150 / liter Pertamina targets the construction of dealer agencies in 150 dots until 2019. Pertamina's marketing director Mohammad Iskandar explained that it has built an official dealer or gas station at 16 points. "After this there are 13 more locations will be realized," said Iskandar.The AKR party proposed the spread of fuel prices at 10 locations.


Tidak Lagi Menjadi Prioritas

Dalam sebuah diskusi di gedung Chevron Indonesia, di Jakarta, pada pertengahan Mei 2017, Pengamat Energi dari Reforminer Institute Pri Agung Rakhmanto menyuarakan penilaiannya tentang arah kebijakan pemerintah pada bisnis minyak dan gas bumi. Agung berpendapat Pemerintahan Jokowi-JK periode 2014 hingga 2019 tidak menjadikan bisnis hulu migas sebagai fokus utama.

"Jadi, karakteristik atau arah pemerintahan sekarang, hulu migas bukan Iagi prioritas," katanya. Pri Agung menyinggung konsep dalam Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral ESDM Nomor 37 Tahun 2017 tentang Participating Interest [PI] 10 persen pada Wilayah Kerja Migas. 

Dalam pengertian besaran maksimal 10 persen pada kontrak kerja sama IKKS) yang wajib ditawarkan oleh kontraktor pada Badan Usaha Milik Daerah [BUMD] atau Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN). Menurutnya, jika dilihat dari persepktif investasi, aturan tersebut kontra produktif. 

Pasalnya, investor akan menanggung biaya ketika daerah tidak memiliki pendanaan. Namun, dari sisi daerah sangat baik karena dilibatkan dalam sebuah proyek di tempat miliknya. "Dari sisi investor, tidak adanya insentif yang diperoleh, itu kontraproduktif," ujar alumnus Institut Teknologi Bandung ini.

Berdasarkan catatan Kementerian ESDM, ada skema kerja sama BUMD dan BUMN terkait penerapan aturan ini. Dalam skema kerja sama BUMD. Gubernur mengkoordinir, menyiapkan dan menunjuk BUMD penerima penawaran PI 10 persen. Berikutnya kontraktor membiayai terlebih dahulu besaran kewajiban BUMD. 

Kemudian pengembalian kepada kontraktor dilakukan tiap tahun tanpa bunga dari hasil produksi bagian BUMD dengan tetap menjamin penerimaan bagi hasil untuk BUMD. Selanjutnya skema kerja sama dengan BUMN. Bila BUMD tidak menyatakan minat terhadap proyek di daerah itu, kontraktor wajib menawarkan PI 10 persen kepada BUMN. Kemudian BUMN membiayai secara sendiri besaran kewajiban sesuai kelaziman bisnis. "PI 10 persen ini bertujuan agar daerah dapat menikmati hasil kekayaan migasnya," ujar Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan beberapa waktu lalu.

Aturan lain yang menurut Pri Agung menunjukkan ketidakfokusan pemerintah dalam bisnis hulu migas adalah Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 08 Tahun 2017. Aturan ini mengatur kontrak bagi hasil dalam skema Gross Split. Kontrak bagi hasil gross split adalah suatu perjanjian dalam kegiatan usaha hulu migas berdasarkan prinsip pembagian gross produksi tanpa mekanisme pengembalian biaya operasi. 

la berpendapat skema ini tidak menarik bagi investor. Dalam pelaksanaan kontrak bagi hasil gross split ini, besaran base split awal yakni untuk minyak bumi 57 persen menjadi bagian negara. Kemudian sisanya milik kontraktor. Sementara dari sisi gas 52 persen menjadi bagian negara, sedangkan yang 48 persen milik pengembang. 

Semua biaya operasi menjadi tanggung jawab kontraktor. Pemerintah masih mendapatkan tambahan dari pajak. Melalui penjabaran mekanisme dua aturan tersebut, menurut Agung melemahkan industri hulu migas. la bahkan melihat adanya ketidakpercayaan terhadap sektor tersebut. 

"Ada pandangan bahwa industri hulu migas saat ini eksklusif, mewah dan sudah tidak signifikan lagi untuk APBN. ini yang mewarnai kebijakan dan regulasi." 

Berdasarkan data Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Migas investasi di sektor tersebut memang mengalami penurunan. Pada 2015 angka investasi hulu migas mencapai 15,34 miliar dolar AS. Kemudian, pada 2016, menurun drastis ke angka 11,586 Miliar dolar AS.

Sejauh ini pada 2017, baru mencapai angka 1,23 miliar dolar AS. Menteri Jonan menegaskan penurunan investasi hulu migas lantaran harga minyak dunia yang terus merosot. Saat ini besaran Indonesian Crude Price [harga minyak mentah Indonesia/ICP] berada di angka 47,09 dolar AS per barel. Dengan kondisi ICP berada pada kisaran demikian, menurutnya menjadi tantangan besar bagi pemerintah dalam menarik investor. 

Hal ini berbeda dengan yang dikatakan Pri Agung tentang skala prioritas diatas. Jonan menegaskan pemerintah terus berupaya menggairahkan bisnis hulu migas. Ia mencontohkan bagaimana pihaknya menyederhanakan perizinan di sektor tersebut, dari jumlahnya 10 pada 2015, menjadi enam saat ini lewat Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 29 Tahun 2017. Pemerintah juga proaktif mencari partner kerja sama di luar negeri. 

Pada awal Juni 2017, Jonan dan tim mengunjungi China untuk bernegosiasi. Delegasi lndonesia menyambangi kantor tiga BUMN negeri "Tirai Bambu" yakni China National Petroleum Corporation [CNPC], China Petrochemical Corporation [Sinopec] dan China National Offshore Oil Corporation [CNOOC]. 

Meskipun demikian tidak dimungkiri, pemerintahan saat ini memiliki program sensasional di sektor hilir Kebijakan penerapan BBM satu harga dan proyek pembangkit listrik 35 ribu megawatt menjadi penanda arah itu. Kementerian ESDM menugaskan PT Pertamina Persero dan PT AKR Corporindo Tbk menyamaratakan harga Premium dan Solar bersubsidi.

Premium berada di angka Rp 6.450 per liter, sementara solar Rp 5.150/liter Pertamina menargetkan pembangunan agen penyalur di 150 titik hingga 2019. Direktur pemasaran Pertamina Mohammad Iskandar menerangkan, pihaknya telah membangun agen penyalur resmi atau SPBU di 16 titik. “Setelah ini masih ada 13 lokasi lagi akan direalisasikan," ujar Iskandar. Pihak AKR mengajukan usulan penyebaran BBM satu harga di 10 lokasi.

Republika, Page-16, Monday, June 12, 2017

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