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Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Oil and Gas Agency Potentially Incompatible

The concept of a special oil and gas business entity has the potential to conflict with the revision of Law no. 19/2003 on State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) which are now entering the discussion phase in the Legislation Body.

Members of the Legislative Council of the House of Representatives Ramson Siagian said that harmonization between Commission VII related to the concept of special business entities (BUK) of oil and gas and Commission VI on the definition of SOEs should be carried out. It is feared that if the newly issued State-Owned Enterprises Act actually contradicts the concept of BUK Migas proposed by Commission VII.

Because, currently there are state-owned oil and gas sector. Meanwhile, BUK oil and gas will be formed from existing state-owned oil and gas sector with various adjustments of organization and function.

In the draft of Oil and Gas Draft Law (RUU) proposed by Commission VII, BUK Migas is directly and responsible to the President. From the capital side, as mentioned in article 52, BUK will get initial capital sourced from APBN. Meanwhile, the capital of BUK is a state asset that is separated and not divided into shares.

Referring to the article, the Legislation Body considers that the form of BUK Migas is still classified as BUMN which should be under the coordination of the Minister of SOE as referring to Law no. 19/2003 and the Bill on SOEs.

In Article I of Law No.19 / 2003 on BUMN, it is stated that the definition of BUMN is a business entity which is wholly or mostly owned by the state through direct participation derived from separated State property.

Meanwhile, viewed from the capital and its purpose there are three forms of SOEs. Firstly, BUMN is a company whose capital is divided into shares wholly or at least 51% of its shares owned by the state and aims to pursue profit.

Secondly, the publicly listed company whose capital and number of shareholders are based on a public offering in the capital market. Third, a public company whose capital is wholly owned by the state and is not divided into shares and aims for general benefit and pursues profit based on management principles.

Of the three definitions, BUK oil and gas is very close to the definition of the category of public companies. However, oil and gas BUK is under the coordination of the President such as institutions, ministries and other government agencies.

"BUMN is the whole and part of its capital either through direct and indirect participation. Be a clash when both become legislation, "he said in a meeting of harmonization of Oil and Gas Draft on Monday (5/6).

Member of the Supratman Legislation Agency Andi Agtas said, the proposer needs to clarify the position of BUK oil and gas sepetyi what. The reason, not clearly illustrated what the actual position.

"If we form a new institution in contradiction of the BUMN Law and its philosophy has not been reflected, it needs to be considered again," he said. Vice Chairman of Commission VII Satya Wira Yudha said the concept of BUK oil and gas does not want to refer to the SOE law that is required to simply seek profit. BUK Migas's position will be under the President as well as Bank Indonesia and the Financial Services Authority. However, it added another function that is the exploitation in oil and gas sector.

"Is this the difference with SOEs now? We do not want to be caught in the SOEs law today, "he said.


Badan Migas Berpotensi Tidak Sejalan

Konsep badan usaha khusus minyak dan gas bumi berpotensi berbenturan dengan revisi Undang-Undang No. 19/2003 tentang Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang kini memasuki tahap pembahasan di Badan Legislasi.

Anggota Badan Legislasi DPR Ramson Siagian mengatakan sebaiknya dilakukan harmonisasi antara Komisi VII terkait konsep badan usaha khusus (BUK) migas dan Komisi VI tentang definisi BUMN. Dikhawatirkan, bila Undang-Undang BUMN yang baru terbit lebih dulu justru berbenturan dengan konsep BUK migas yang diusulkan Komisi VII.

Pasalnya, saat ini terdapat BUMN sektor migas. Sementara itu, nantinya BUK migas dibentuk dari BUMN sektor migas yang telah ada dengan berbagai penyesuaian organisasi dan fungsi.

Pada draf Rancangan Undang-Undang (RUU) Migas yang diajukan Komisi VII menyebut bahwa BUK migas berkedudukan langsung dan bertanggung jawab kepada Presiden. Dari sisi permodalan, seperti yang disebut di pasal 52, BUK akan mendapat modal awal yang bersumber dari APBN. Adapun, modal BUK merupakan kekayaan negara yang dipisahkan dan tidak terbagi atas saham-saham. 

Merujuk pada pasal tersebut, Badan Legislasi menilai bahwa bentuk BUK Migas masih tergolong BUMN yang mana seharusnya berada di bawah koordinasi Menteri BUMN seperti mengacu pada UU No. 19/2003 dan RUU tentang BUMN.

Adapun, pada Pasal I UU No.19/2003 tentang BUMN, disebutkan bahwa definisi BUMN adalah badan usaha yang seluruh atau sebagian besar modalnya dimiliki oleh negara melalui penyertaan secara langsung yang berasal dari kekayaan Negara yang dipisahkan.

Sementara itu, dilihat dari permodalan dan tujuannya terdapat tiga bentuk BUMN. Pertama, BUMN berbentuk perusahaan perseroan modalnya terbagi dalam saham yang seluruh atau paling sedikit 51% sahamnya dimiliki negara dan bertujuan untuk mengejar keuntungan.

Kedua, perusahaan perseroan terbuka yang modal dan jumlah pemegang sahamnya berdasarkan penawaran umum di pasar modal. Ketiga, perusahaan umum yang seluruh modalnya dimiliki negara dan tidak terbagi atas saham serta bertujuan untuk kemanfaatan umum dan sekaligus mengejar keuntungan berdasarkan prinsip pengelolaan.

Dari ketiga definisi tersebut, BUK migas sangat dekat definisinya dengan kategori perusahaan umum. Namun, BUK migas berada di bawah koordinasi Presiden seperti lembaga, kementerian dan badan pemerintah lainnya.

“BUMN itu yang seluruh dan sebagian modalnya baik melalui penyertaan langsung dan tidak langsung. Menjadi benturan saat keduanya menjadi undang-undang,” 'ujarnya dalam rapat harmonisasi RUU Migas, Senin (5/6).

Anggota Badan Legislasi Supratman Andi Agtas mengatakan, pengusul perlu memperjelas posisi BUK migas sepetyi apa. Pasalnya, belum tergambar dengan jelas posisi sebenarnya seperti apa.

“Kalau membentuk lembaga baru bertentangan UU BUMN dan filosofinya belum tergambar, perlu dipikirkan lagi,” katanya. Wakil Ketua Komisi VII Satya Wira Yudha mengatakan, konsep BUK migas tidak ingin mengacu pada UU BUMN yang dituntut untuk sekadar mencari keuntungan.  BUK Migas posisinya akan berada di bawah Presiden seperti halnya Bank Indonesia dan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. Namun, ditambah fungsi lain yakni pengusahaan di sektor migas.

“Apa ini bedanya dengan BUMN sekarang? Kita tidak ingin terperangkap dalam UU BUMN hari ini,” katanya.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Tuesday, June 6, 2017

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