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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Pertamina shares in Refinery Can Decrease

A number of oil refinery projects undertaken by PT Pertamina are slow. The reason this state-owned company must divide funding to various projects, from upstream to downstream.

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), IGN Wiratmaja Puja, said that Pertamina is reviewing the options to be able to work more quickly in refinery projects.

One option is to reduce the share of Pertamina's shares in a number of refinery projects undertaken with foreign investors. "The finances are heavy, the portion is lowered, maybe the share is lowered," he said.

The option to decrease Pertamina's shares in the refinery project can be applied in all the Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) and New Grass Root Refinery (NGRR) projects.

"Wanted how much Pertamina is optimum, so the pullback is not too far away, if need not be backward, the government wants to not back down, find the best way," said Wiratmaja on Tuesday (13/6).

On the other hand, the government is ready to facilitate if Pertamina wants to reduce its shares, such as in RDMP Cilacap and NGRR Tuban project. Pertamina can also find partners in refinery projects such as the Balikpapan RDMP project, East Kalimantan. "The government encourages, if necessary, to be facilitated. We facilitate because the needs are very real, "he explained.

With that option he hopes, the refinery work can be faster. On the other hand the construction of the refinery project so it can attract more investment into Indonesia. "This means that if the refinery is built, investment goes, the economy moves, and the import of fuel is reduced," said Wiratmaja.

Refineries are badly needed in order to suppress the import of fuel oil.

"We want to be faster, better, we import a lot of fuel, so it is being discussed continuously so that the refinery is on schedule," said Wiratmaja.

As is known, Pertamina targets RDMP Balikpapan Stage 1 completed in June 2020. Previously Pertamina targets RDMP Balikpapan Stage 1 can be completed in 2019. While RDMP Balikpapan Stage 2 can be completed in 2021


Saham Pertamina di Kilang Bisa Turun

Sejumlah proyek kilang minyak yang dikerjakan oleh PT Pertamina berjalan lambat. Pasalnya BUMN ini harus membagi pendanaan ke berbagai proyek, mulai dari hulu hingga hilir.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) IGN Wiratmaja Puja mengatakan, Pertamina sedang mengkaji berbagi opsi agar bisa lebih cepat mengerjakan proyek kilang.

Salah satu opsi adalah menurunkan porsi saham Pertamina di sejumlah proyek kilang yang dikerjakan dengan investor asing. "Keuangannya berat, porsi diturunkan, mungkin share diturunkan,“ ujarnya.

Opsi penurunan saham Pertamina di proyek kilang pun bisa diberlakukan di semua proyek Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) dan New Grass Root Refinery (NGRR).

"Dicari berapa Pertamina optimum, agar mundurnya tidak terlalu jauh, kalau perlu tidak perlu mundur. Pemerintah ingin tidak perlu mundur, cari jalan yang terbaik, " ujar Wiratmaja pada Selasa (13/6).

Di sisi lain pemerintah siap memfasilitasi jika Pertamina ingin menurunkan sahamnya seperti di proyek RDMP Cilacap dan NGRR Tuban. Pertamina juga bisa mencari mitra di proyek kilang seperti proyek RDMP Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur. “Pemerintah mendorong, kalau perlu difasilitasi. Kami fasilitasi karena kebutuhannya sangat nyata," jelasnya.

Dengan opsi itu dia berharap, pengerjaan kilang bisa lebih cepat. Di sisi lain pengerjaan proyek kilang jadi bisa menarik investasi lebih banyak lagi masuk ke Indonesia. "Artinya kalau kilang dibangun, investasi masuk, keekonomian bergerak, dan impor BBM berkurang," kata Wiratmaja. 

Kilang memang sangat dibutuhkan agar bisa menekan impor bahan bakar minyak.

"Kami ingin lebih cepat, lebih bagus, kita impor BBM banyak. Jadi sedang dibahas terus menerus agar kilang ini on schedule," ujar Wiratmaja.

Seperti diketahui, Pertamina menargetkan RDMP Balikpapan Stage 1 diselesaikan pada bulan Juni 2020. Sebelumnya Pertamina menargetkan RDMP Balikpapan Stage 1 bisa selesai di 2019. Sementara RDMP Balikpapan Stage 2 bisa selesai tahun 2021.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, June 14, 2017

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