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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Pertamina's portion is reduced

Oil Refinery Project

PT Pertamina could reduce its share ownership in revitalization and refinery development by cooperating with more partners willing to cooperate. The government does not want the construction of refinery projects not to retreat from the initial target set.

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) IGN Wiratmaja Puja said the government wanted the refinery project to run according to the initial plan of domestic refinery capacity to touch 2 million barrels per day (bpd) by 2023.

PT Pertamina recently revamped its refinery project target to 2025 to reach capacity of 2 million bpd due to its financial capacity. He said the increase in the capacity of oil refineries in the country will suppress the import of fuel oil (BBM) such as Premium and Pertamax.

The reason, the current fuel consumption of 1.6 million barrels per day, while the refinery capacity is only 900,000 bpd. The government will help the company to find partners. The Company can reduce the share ownership portion of the project to keep the refinery construction accelerated.

The refinery project requires a large amount of funding. The addition of Balongan Refinery capacity requires US $ 1.27 billion, Balikpapan Refinery US $ 5.3 billion, Cilacap Refinery US $ 4.5 billion, Tuban Refinery of US $ 13 billion and Bontang Refinery about US $ 8 billion. On the other hand, during the refinery project, the company must maintain other activities such as fuel imports, crude oil imports, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) subsidy as well as diesel and Premium.

Thus, share ownership can be reduced as in the Cilacap refinery project, the company owns 55% and Saudi Aramco 45%. At the Tuban refinery, Pertamina owns 55% and Rosneft 45%. In Bontang refinery, Pertamina in the early stages will only control about 15%


Porsi Pertamina Dikurangi

PT Pertamina bisa mengurangi porsi kepemilikan saham dalam revitalisasi dan pembangunan kilang minyak dengan menggandeng lebih banyak mitra yang bersedia bekerja sama. Pemerintah tidak menginginkan pengerjaan proyek-proyek kilang tidak mundur dari target awal yang ditetapkan.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) IGN Wiratmaja Puja mengatakan, pemerintah menginginkan agar proyek kilang berjalan sesuai rencana awal yakni kapasitas kilang dalam negeri menyentuh 2 juta barel per hari (bph) pada 2023.

Belum lama ini PT Pertamina memundurkan target proyek kilang menjadi 2025 untuk mencapai kapasitas 2 juta bph karena faktor kemampuan finansial perseroan. Dia menyebut, peningkatan kapasitas kilang minyak di dalam negeri akan menekan impor bahan bakar minyak (BBM) seperti Premium dan Pertamax.

Pasalnya, konsumsi BBM saat ini 1,6 juta barel per hari, sedangkan kapasitas kilang hanya 900.000 bph. Pemerintah akan membantu perseroan untuk mencari mitra. Perseroan bisa mengurangi porsi kepemilikan saham pada proyek agar pembangunan kilang tetap bisa diakselerasi.

Proyek kilang membutuhkan dana besar, Penambahan kapasitas Kilang Balongan membutuhkan dana US$1,27 miliar, Kilang Balikpapan US$5,3 miliar, Kilang Cilacap US$4,5 miliar, Kilang Tuban sekitar US$13 miliar, dan Kilang Bontang sekitar US$ 8 miliar. Di sisi lain, selama menjalankan proyek kilang, perseroan harus tetap menjaga kegiatan lainnya seperti impor BBM, impor minyak mentah, penyaluran subsidi liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) juga harga jual solar serta Premium.

Dengan demikian, kepemilikan saham bisa dikurangi seperti pada proyek Kilang Cilacap, perseroan menguasai 55% dan Saudi Aramco 45%. Pada Kilang Tuban, Pertamina menguasai 55% dan Rosneft 45%. Di Kilang Bontang, Pertamina pada tahap awal hanya akan menguasai sekitar 15 % 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Thursday, June 15, 2017.

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