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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

PGN is reluctant to enter into BUK Migas

The discussion on the revision of the Oil and Gas Law (UU) continues to roll. PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) proposes that the company should become a National gas company, thus separating it from downstream and upstream oil and gas management. In other words, PGN does not want to join the Special Enterprise Agency (BUK) and wants to have its own structure.

PGN requested the revision of the Act to include an assignment as a state-owned gas company. The task of National Gas Company is consolidation of domestic natural gas and gas distribution with the main task of planning, construction of infrastructure, gas management of Contractor Cooperation Contract (KKKS). The goal is to make gas distribution to society more effective.

In PGN's Proposal obtained by KONTAN, PGN also mentioned the need for separation of arrangements between downstream oil and gas business activities. This is due to the mutual nature of the molecule, industry, and function. "The downstream management of oil and gas downstream through BUMN entities (including structures in it) differs in writing the proposed PGN obtained by KONTAN on Wednesday (14/6) night.

PGN Jobi's President Triananda Hasjim did not want to reveal about the proposal. It's just that he said PGN on Wednesday (14/6) night was asked to convey the idea of ​​a revision of the Oil and Gas Law recently awarded Commission VII.

"We want to see about the form of Special Business Entity (BUK), where PGN?" He said on Wednesday (14/6). According to Jobi, PGN has not got a clear definition impressed the formation of BUK Migas from Commission VII DPR RI.

 "So I'm a bit cautious about commenting on our own that is not yet clear," he added. But Jobi sure, PGN ready to follow the government's direction both BUK and oil and gas holding.

"The important thing is that PGN is ready to run the government's duties, well, this is government property," he said.

Only in the closed meeting, the Legislation Body asked about PGN business. Jobi explained, since the Dutch era PGN only take care of gas.

"So we want to be clear in the future who is in charge of gas in the country as National gas company," he said.

    He also called for a revision of the Oil and Gas Law to create a better downstream gas investment climate. So, the private sector can cooperate with the state-owned gas in developing gas infrastructure.

"We want infrastructure to be built everywhere, people should not be afraid of participating with SOEs," he added.


PGN Ogah Masuk Dalam BUK Migas

Pembahasan revisi Undang-Undang (UU) Migas terus bergulir. PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) mengusulkan perusahaan tersebut sebaiknya menjadi National gas company, sehingga terpisah dengan pengelolaan hilir dan hulu migas. Dengan kata lain, PGN tidak ingin bergabung dengan Badan Usaha Khusus (BUK) dan ingin memiliki struktur sendiri. 

PGN meminta revisi Undang-Undang memasukkan adanya penugasan sebagai BUMN gas. Tugas National Gas Company adalah konsolidasi pengusahaan dan penyaluran gas bumi domestik dengan tugas utama penyusunan perencanaan, pembangunan infrastruktur, pengelolaan gas Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS). Tujuannya agar penyaluran gas ke masyarakat lebih efektif.

Dalam Usulan PGN yang diperoleh KONTAN, PGN juga menyebut perlu ada pemisahan pengaturan antara kegiatan usaha hilir minyak dan gas. Ini karena secara sifat molekul, industri, dan fungsi yang saling mensubstitusi. "Pengelolaan hilir minyak dan hilir gas melalui entitas BUMN (Termasuk struktur di dalamnya) berbeda tulis usulan PGN yang diperoleh KONTAN. Rabu (14/6) malam. 

Direktur Utama PGN Jobi Triananda Hasjim belum mau mengungkapkan soal usulan itu. Hanya saja dia bilang PGN pada Rabu (14/6) malam itu diminta menyampaikan gagasan soal revisi Undang-Undang Migas yang baru saja diberikan Komisi VII. 

"Kami mau melihat mengenai bentuk Badan Usaha Khusus (BUK), PGN ada di mana?" katanya, Rabu (14/6). Menurut Jobi, PGN belum mendapatkan definisi yang jelas terkesan pembentukan BUK Migas dari Komisi VII DPR RI.

 "Jadi saya agak berhati-hati mengomentari sendiri yang kami sendiri belum jelas," imbuhnya. Namun Jobi memastikan, PGN siap mengikuti arahan pemerintah baik terkait BUK maupun holding migas. 

"Yang penting apapun PGN siap menjalankan tugas pemerintah. Yah, ini milik pemerintah," katanya. 

    Hanya saja dalam rapat tertutup itu, Badan Legislasi menanyakan soal bisnis PGN. Jobi menjelaskan, sejak zaman Belanda PGN hanya mengurusi gas. 

"Makanya kami mau kedepan jelas siapa yang mengurusi gas di dalam negeri sebagai National gas company," ujarnya.  

    Dia  juga meminta revisi Undang-Undang Migas bisa menciptakan iklim investasi hilir gas lebih baik lagi. Jadi, swasta bisa bekerjasama dengan BUMN gas dalam membangun infrastruktur gas. 

"Kami ingin infrastruktur terbangun dimana-mana, orang tidak perlu takut kalau berpartisipasi dengan BUMN, imbuhnya."

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, June 17, 2017

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