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Tuesday, June 13, 2017

PGN-Pertamina Synergy Expected More Solid

Synergy becomes a must for the development of oil and gas infrastructure more integrated.

The government is targeting the formation of a state-owned oil and gas company (BUMN) holding this year. Pending the legal and commercial aspects, the government hopes the two SOEs to join, namely PT Pertamina and PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk, strengthen the synergy.

"There's still a lot of homework to do. No longer there is the problem of PGN pipes and Pertagas pipeline (Pertamina subsidiaries) across. All are integrated and the energy balance must be one that will be regulated in holding, "said Deputy of Energy, Logistics, Regions and Tourism Ministry of SOEs Edwin Hidayat after the signing of the Duri-Dumai gas transmission pipeline.

The synergy between the two SOEs in building the infrastructure of natural gas has actually been established quite the same. It is reflected in the establishment of PT Nusantara Regas in order to manage the West Java Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) in Jakarta Bay which is now supplying gas for PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara. 

    Nevertheless, Edwin hoped the cooperation of both SOEs became massive in line with the formation of holding BUMN oil and gas. According to him, synergy becomes a must for the development of oil and gas infrastructure more integrated.

"Pertamina controls up-stream and fuel oil (BBM), but many distribution channels are managed by PGN. If the holding formation is still long, at least the cooperation should be improved. Energy must reach the community with a good price and affordable while realizing energy security, "said Edwin.

The synergy in strengthening the natural gas infrastructure is embodied in the joint development and operational agreement of the Duri-Dumai gas transmission pipeline. The signing is a follow up of the assignment from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) as stated in Ministerial Decree No. 5975 K / 12 / MEM / 2016.

Increasing the uptake The cooperation also aims to increase domestic gas absorption, mainly in Riau Province. The construction of a 67 km (km) gas transmission pipeline runs within 18 months. It is expected that in the third quarter of 2018, gas can be channeled. 
     The transmission pipeline will be used to channel Pertamina's natural gas to Dumai Refinery, and to transport PGN's natural gas which is channeled to industrial, commercial, and small-scale customers and households.

"We want to have more strategic cooperation in the future which will support the development of gas utilization in the country widely and more flexible for consumers," said Pertamina Gas and EBT Director Yenny Andayani after the signing of cooperation in the Ministry of SOEs.

The first stone laying is targeted in the third quarter of 2017. With a capital expenditure / capex of US $ 76 million, the composition of each party's participation in the project is Pertamina 60% and PGN 40%. Meanwhile, the total volume of gas flowing in this transmission pipe reaches 140 million standard cubic feet per day.


Sinergi PGN-Pertamina Diharapkan Semakin Solid

Sinergi menjadi suatu keharusan agar pengembangan infrastruktur migas lebih terintegrasi.

Pemerintah menargetkan pembentukan holding badan usaha milik negara (BUMN) migas terwujud tahun ini. Sambil menanti penyelesaian aspek legal dan komersial, pemerintah berharap dua BUMN yang akan bergabung yakni, PT Pertamina dan PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk memperkuat sinergi.

“Masih banyak pekerjaan rumah yang harus diselesaikan. Jangan lagi ada persoalan pipa PGN dan pipa Pertagas (anak usaha Pertamina) berseberangan. Semua diintegrasikan dan neraca energinya harus satu yang nantinya diatur dalam holding,” kata Deputi Bidang Energi, Logistik, Kawasan, dan Pariwisata Kementerian BUMN Edwin Hidayat seusai penandatanganan kerja sama pipa transmisi gas Duri-Dumai.

Sinergi antara kedua BUMN dalam membangun infrastruktur gas bumi sebenarnya sudah terjalin cukup Iama. Itu tecermin dari pembentukan PT Nusantara Regas dalam rangka mengelola Floating Storage Regasfication Unit (FSRU) Jawa Barat di Teluk Jakarta yang kini memasok gas untuk pembangkit PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara. 

     Kendati demikian, Edwin berharap kerja sama kedua BUMN kian masif seiring dengan pembentukan holding BUMN migas. Menurut dia, sinergi menjadi suatu keharusan agar pengembangan infrastruktur migas lebih terintegrasi.

“Pertamina menguasai up-stream dan bahan bakar minyak (BBM), tapi jalur distribusi banyak dikelola PGN. Kalau pembentukan holding masih lama, setidaknya kerja sama harus tetap ditingkatkan. Energi harus sampai ke masyarakat dengan harga yang baik dan terjangkau sekaligus mewujudkan ketahanan energi,” kata Edwin.

Sinergi dalam memperkuat infrastruktur gas bumi itu diwujudkan dalam perjanjian kerja sama pembangunan dan pengoperasian bersama pipa transmisi gas Duri-Dumai. Penandatanganan itu merupakan tindak lanjut dari penugasan dari Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) sebagaimana tertuang dalam Keputusan Menteri No 5975 K/12/MEM/2016. 

Meningkatkan serapan Kerja sama itu juga bertujuan meningkatkan serapan gas domestik, utamanya di wilayah Provinsi Riau. Pembangunan pipa transmisi gas sepanjang 67 kilometer (km) ini dijalankan dalam waktu 18 bulan. Diharapkan, pada kuartal III 2018, gas sudah bisa dialirkan. 

    Pipa transmisi nantinya digunakan untuk mengalirkan gas bumi milik Pertamina ke Kilang Dumai, dan mengangkut gas bumi milik PGN yang disalurkan ke pelanggan industri, komersial, serta pelanggan kecil dan rumah tangga.

“Kami ingin ke depannya lebih banyak kerja sama strategis yang intinya akan mendukung pengembangan pemanfaatan gas di Tanah Air secara luas dan lehih fleksibel bagi konsumen,” kata Direktur Gas dan EBT Pertamina Yenny Andayani seusai penandatanganan kerja sama di Kementerian BUMN.

Peletakan batu pertama ditargetkan dilakukan pada kuartal III 2017. Dengan capital expenditure/capex US$76 juta, komposisi partisipasi setiap pihak dalam proyek tersebut ialah Pertamina 60% dan PGN 40%. Sementara itu total volume gas yang mengalir di pipa transmisi ini mencapai 140 juta standar kaki kubik per hari. 

Media Indonesia, Page-18, Saturday, June 10, 2017

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