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Friday, June 23, 2017

PGN Ready to Supply Gas Requirement in Dumai

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) is ready to meet gas demand in Duri, Riau Province, through a 56 km (km) of natural gas distribution pipeline network in Dumai. The pipeline project is connected to a 67km-long Duri-Dumai natural gas transmission pipeline under construction with PT Pertamina.

"Some time ago we signed a head of agreement for the Duri-Durnai transmission pipeline project with Pertamina at the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises as a follow-up to the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 5975 K / 12 / MEM / 2016." With the exclusion of the project, "said PGN President Director Jobi Triananda Hasjim.

Two natural gas infrastructure projects in Duri-Dumai are estimated to require an investment of approximately USD 140 million. According to him, the natural gas distribution pipeline in Dumai aims to meet the needs of natural gas in Dumai City that can be used for industry, commercial, and household. In addition, there are potential new prospects in the Dumai region, such as Pelintung Industrial Estate, Pelindo, Lubuk Gaung Industrial Area.

Meanwhile, the gas distribution pipeline development project is targeted to be completed together with the completion of the Duri-Dumai transmission pipeline project by the end of 2018.

Related to natural gas supply, PGN has secured the allocation of natural gas from ConocoPhillips by 37 Billion British Thermal Units per Day (BBTUD) which will flow from 2018 until 2030. In addition, PGN also received additional gas allocation of BBTUD 2 from Jambi Merang.

In addition to Duri-Dumai PGN is also expanding the national natural gas infrastructure network in various other regions. Currently PGN is also developing West Natuna Transmission System (WNTS) transmission pipeline infrastructure to Pemping Island, Riau Islands Province.

PGN also develops natural gas pipeline in Muara Karang Muara Bekasi along 42 km, development of gas infrastructure in Gresik, East Java. PGN also builds natural gas distribution pipelines in Pasuruan, Mojokerto, and increases the number of natural gas users, especially in the industrial sector in various existing PGN areas.

"This is a form of PGN's commitment as a state-owned gas company to the country, in the hope that more and more people will enjoy PGN gas that is more efficient, cleaner, easier and safer," he said.


PGN Siap Pasok Kebutuhan Gas di Dumai

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) siap memenuhi kebutuhan gas di wilayah Duri, Provinsi Riau, melalui jaringan pipa distribusi gas bumi di Dumai sepanjang 56 kilometer (km). Proyek pipa tersebut terkoneksi dengan pipa transmisi gas bumi Duri-Dumai sepanjang 67 km yang sedang dibangun bersama PT Pertamina.

"Beberapa waktu lalu kami telah menandatangani head of agreement untuk proyek pipa transmisi Duri-Durnai bersama dengan Pertamina di Kementerian BUMN sebagai tindak lanjut Keputusan Menteri ESDM Nomor 5975 K/12/MEM/2016. Bersamaan dengan dimualinya proyek tersebut,”kata Direktur Utama PGN Jobi Triananda Hasjim.

Dua proyek infrastruktur gas bumi di Duri-Dumai ini diperkirakan membutuhkan dana investasi sekitar USD 140 juta. Menurut dia, pipa distribusi gas bumi di Dumai bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gas bumi di Kota Dumai yang dapat digunakan untuk industri, komersial, dan rumah tangga. Selain itu, ada potensi calon pelanggan baru di wilayah Dumai, seperti Kawasan Industri Pelintung, Pelindo, Kawasan Industri Lubuk Gaung.

Adapun, proyek pembangunan pipa distribusi gas bumi tersebut ditargetkan selesai bersama-sama dengan selesainya proyek pipa transmisi Duri-Dumai pada akhir 2018.

Terkait pasokan gas bumi, PGN telah mendapatkan kepastian alokasi gas bumi dari ConocoPhillips sebanyak 37 Billion British Thermal Units per Day (BBTUD) yang akan mengalir pada 2018 sampai 2030. Selain itu, PGN juga mendapatkan tambahan alokasi gas bumi sebesar2 BBTUD dari Jambi Merang.

Selain Duri-Dumai PGN juga memperluas jaringan infrastruktur gas bumi nasional di berbagai daerah lain. Saat ini PGN juga sedang mengembangkan infrastruktur pipa transmisi gas bumi West Natuna Transmission System (WNTS) ke Pulau Pemping, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. 

PGN juga mengembangkan pipa gas bumi di Muara Karang Muara Bekasi sepanjang 42 km, pengembangan infrastruktur gas bumi di Gresik, Jawa Timur. Kemudian PGN juga membangun jaringan pipa distribusi gas bumi di Pasuruan, Mojokerto, dan menambah jumlah pengguna gas bumi, terutama di sektor industri di berbagai wilayah existing PGN.

“Ini bentuk komitmen PGN sebagai BUMN gas kepada negeri, dengan harapan semakin banyak masyarakat menikmati gas bumi PGN yang lebih efisien, bersih, mudah dan aman," tuturnya.

Koran Sindo, Page-8, Friday, June 23, 2017

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