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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Production Pertamina EP Asset 14 reaches 110

Oil and gas production of PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 in the first quarter of 2017 exceeded the target. Until May 31, 2017, the production of oil produced reached 14,357 BOPD or barrel per day. With that amount, Pertamina EP managed to realize the product up to 110 percent above the target of 12,255 barrels per day.

General Manager of PT Pertamina EP Asset 4, Didik Susilo said the production is produced from 4 Fields in Asset Region 4. Among others, Field Cepu in Central Java with production reaches 1,740 barrels per day and Field Poleng in East Java with production reaching 3,184 Barrels per day.

In addition, Pertamina EP Asset 4 also received additional production from Field Donggi Matindok with production reaching 265 barrels per day and Field Papua reached 1,057 barrels per day.

"Our production in the first quarter of 2017 exceeded the target and able to provide profit per April 2017 reached 28 million US dollars or equivalent to Rp 378 billion 14.5 percent of the total corporate income," said Didik. It is said this year the corporation also plans to conduct unitization of Tiung Biru Jambaran. This well is targeted to be onstream in the Year 2019. While the unitization of Sukowati Block is currently recorded to reach 8,111 barrels per day.

"We are committed to applying the principle of efficiency. In this period we managed to save the overall cost of about Rp 9 billion, "he said. Meanwhile, Public Goverment Relation and CSR Staff, PT Pertamina EP Field Poleng, Kikie Muhammad Rizqie revealed that in executing the company's Journey to 100,000 Barrels per day strategy, Pertamina EP asset 4 also conducts several activities to accelerate the operation of the well.

"Currently we are planning offshore drill at Poleng Field which is the first time in PT Pertamina EP and 2 drilling wells in Tapen Structure and Work Over Well Kedung Tuban. And the termination plan of Sukowati Block in 2018, "said Kikie.


Produksi Pertamina EP Asset 14 Capai 110

Produksi rninyak dan gas PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 pada kuartal I/2017 berhasil melebihi target. Hingga 31 Mei 2017, produksi minyak yang dihasilkan mencapai 14.357 BOPD atau barel per hari. Dengan jumlah itu, Pertamina EP berhasil merealisasikan produk hingga 110 persen diatas target 12.255 barel per hari.

General Manager PT Pertamina EP Asset 4, Didik Susilo mengatakan, produksi tersebut dihasilkan dari 4 Field yang ada di Wilayah Asset 4. Di antaranya, Field Cepu di Jawa Tengah dengan produksi mencapai 1.740 Barel per hari dan Field Poleng di Jawa Timur dengan produksi mencapai 3.184 Barel per hari.

Selain itu, Pertamina EP Asset 4 juga mendapatkan tambahan produksi dari Field Donggi Matindok dengan produksi mencapai 265 Barel per hari dan Field Papua mencapai 1.057 Barel per hari.

“Produksinya kami pada kuartal I/2017 diatas target dan mampu memberikan profit per bulan April 2017 mencapai 28 juta dollar AS atau setara Rp 378 miliar 14,5 persen dari keseluruhan pendapatan korporasi,” kata Didik. Dikatakan tahun ini korporasi juga berencana akan melakukan unitisasi Jambaran Tiung Biru. Sumur ini ditargetkan akan onstream pada Tahun 2019. Sedangkan unitisasi dari Blok Sukowati saat ini tercatat mencapai 8.111 Barel per hari.

“Kami berkomitmen untuk menerapkan prinsip efisiensi. Pada periode ini kami berhasil menghemat biaya secara keseluruhan sekitar Rp 9 miliar,” katanya. Sementara itu, Public Goverment Relation and CSR Staf, PT Pertamina EP Field Poleng, Kikie Muhammad Rizqie mengungkapkan dalam menjalankan strategi perusahaan Journey to 100.000 Barel perhari, Pertamina EP asset 4 juga melakukan beberapa kegiatan percepatan operasi sumur.

“Saat ini kami sedang merencanakan bor offshore di Poleng Field yang merupakan pertama kalinya di PT Pertamina EP dan kegiatan 2 sumur bor di Struktur Tapen serta Work Over sumur Kedung Tuban. Serta rencana terminasi Blok Sukowati pada Tahun 2018,”kata Kikie.

Radar Gresik, Page-4, Tuesday, June 13, 2017

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