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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Share Pertamina in Refineries Can Be Lowered

The government wants the construction of refinery projects not done gradually so as not to resign the settlement. Therefore, PT Pertamina's stock reduction option in the refinery project is considered as one of its options.

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja, said that the refinery project is expected to be completed soon as the current volume of imported fuel oil is large. The government continues to examine the right solutions to make the refinery construction complete on time, not done in stages like Pertamina's wishes.

"One of the options that has been submitted, if Pertamina finances heavy, the portion is lowered, the share is lowered," he said in Jakarta, Tuesday (13/6).

He explained, the study conducted one of them about how many shares of Pertamina's most optimum. This is so that the refinery project can keep running as planned and minimize the potential for slow completion. He emphasized that the government did not want the completion of the refinery project to continue to withdraw.

Because the import of fuel will remain high if the refinery project is not over. "Then, if the refinery is built, it means that the investment goes, the economy moves, and the import of BBM is reduced," said Wiratmaja.

Currently, Pertamina is working on six refinery projects at once. Three refinery projects, worked with Pertamina with other companies. In detail, Pertamina with Rosneft Oil Company is working on Tuban refinery, then with Saudi Aramco working on Cilacap Refinery, the next partner for Bontang refinery is still selected. In Tuban and Cilacap, Pertamina holds a majority stake. While in Bontang, the company will only have a 5-10% stake.

For Balikpapan Refinery, Pertamina does not cooperate with partners. If the company intends to seek partners, the government is ready to help. "If we need to facilitate, because the needs are very real," he said.

Previously, Director of Processing and Petrochemical Megaproject Rachmad Hardadi admitted, there is a shift in the completion of the refinery project schedule because the burden of funding does not accumulate in certain years. The amendment of this plan has been submitted to the government.

"Almost everything shifted, Balikpapan Refinery Step 1 originally in June 2019 will shift to July-August 2020, Step 2 end of 2021. While Balongan Refinery must coincide with Balikpapan in order to avoid excess naphta," he explained.

For the Cilacap refinery, he acknowledged the completion target back to the original plan in 2023 because it is more realistically both technically and financially. It is now just waiting for Saudi Aramco's response to this change. The oil and gas company owned by the Saudi Arabian Government wants to consolidate with the directors first.


Share Pertamina di Kilang Dapat Diturunkan

Pemerintah menginginkan pengerjaan proyek-proyek kilang tidak dilakukan bertahap sehingga tidak mundur penyelesaiannya. Untuk itu, opsi pengurangan saham PT Pertamina dalam proyek kilang dipertimbangkan sebagai salah satu opsinya. 

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja mengatakan, proyek kilang diharapkan cepat selesai mengingat volume bahan bakar minyak (BBM) yang diimpor saat ini cukup besar. Pemerintah terus mengkaji solusi yang tepat agar kontruksi kilang dapat selesai tepat waktu, tidak dikerjakan bertahap seperti keinginan Pertamina.

“Salah satu opsinya yang sudah disampaikan, kalau Pertamina keuangannya berat, porsinya diturunkan, share-nya diturunkan,” kata dia di Jakarta, Selasa (13/ 6).

Dijelaskannya, kajian yang dilakukan salah satunya soal berapa bagian saham Pertamina yang paling optimum. Hal ini agar proyek kilang bisa tetap berjalan sesuai rencana dan meminimalkan potensi lambat penyelesaiannya. Ditegaskannya, pemerintah tidak ingin penyelesaian proyek kilang ini terus mundur.

Pasalnya, impor BBM akan tetap tinggi jika proyek kilang tidak kunjung usai. “Kemudian kalau kilang dibangun artinya investasi masuk, perekonomian bergerak, dan impor BBM berkurang,” tutur Wiratmaja.

Saat ini, Pertamina menggarap enam proyek kilang sekaligus. Tiga proyek kilang, dikerjakan Pertamina bersama perusahaan lain. Rincinya, Pertamina bersama Rosneft Oil Company mengerjakan Kilang Tuban, kemudian dengan Saudi Aramco menggarap Kilang Cilacap, selanjutnya mitra untuk Kilang Bontang masih diseleksi. Di Tuban dan Cilacap, Pertamina memegang saham mayoritas.  Sementara di Bontang, perseroan hanya akan memiliki saham 5-10%.

Untuk Kilang Balikpapan, Pertamina tidak menggandeng mitra. Jika perseroan berniat mencari mitra, pemerintah siap membantu. “Kalau perlu kami fasilitasi, karena kebutuhannya sangat nyata,” ujar dia.

Sebelumnya, Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Rachmad Hardadi mengakui, adanya pergeseran jadwal penyelesaian proyek kilang lantaran agar beban pendanaan tidak menumpuk pada tahun-tahun tertentu. Perubahan rencana ini telah disampaikan kepada pemerintah.

“Hampir semuanya bergeser, Kilang Balikpapan Step 1 semula di Juni 2019 akan bergeser menjadi Juli-Agustus 2020, Step 2 akhir 2021. Sementara Kilang Balongan harus bersamaan dengan Balikpapan agar tidak ada ekses naphta,” jelasnya.

Untuk Kilang Cilacap, diakuinya target penyelesaian kembali ke rencana awal pada 2023 karena lebih realistis baik secara teknis maupun pendanaan. Pihaknya kini hanya menunggu respon Saudi Aramco atas perubahan ini. Perusahaan migas milik Pemerintah Arab Saudi itu ingin konsolidasi dengan direksi terlebih dahulu.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, June 14, 2017

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