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Tuesday, June 13, 2017

SKK Migas Finds EOR Technology to China

The Upstream Oil and Gas Upstream Business Unit (SKK Migas) unit sees the enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technology at the Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development (RIPED) in China. The institute has EOR technology that has proven successful in boosting oil production in two oil and gas fields in China.

On June 7-9, Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) team and the Maritime Coordinating Ministry visited a refinery of Sinopec Group and China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) in Tengjin, Dalian and Yansan cities In China. The delegation also visited LNG liquefied natural gas landing terminal and Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development (RIPED).

According to Amien, a special visit to RIPED which is CNPC's research center, to see some of the Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technology that has been successfully implemented in the oil field in China. "We intentionally came to RIPED because we want to know the EOR technology that has been successfully used in the field of Daqing and Karamay Field in Xin Jiang," said Amien in his official statement last weekend.

RIPED has very modern research equipment, even some of the equipment possessed there are only a few pieces in the world. It is estimated that some of the EOR technologies tested by RIPED can be applied to support the EOR program in the old mature oil field in Indonesia in the near future. "Some technologies will be suitable for mature fields in Indonesia," Amien said.

From the visit to the refinery, it is known that the capacity of Tiangjin Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec) Refinery reaches 12.5 million tons, while Dalian Petrochemical Corporation (CNPC) 16 million tons and Yansan Petrochemical Company (Sinopec) each 16 million tons. All refineries are integrated with petrochemical plants so that the products are not only various kinds of fuel and LPG, but also produce Polyethylene, HDPE, Polipropylene, Styrene, DPG, and others. The petrochemical products are then sold to consumer goods-producing industries, such as plastic bottles, plastic chairs, car dashboards, car tires, BD printing materials, and more.

The petrochemical unit at Tiangjin, jointly owned by Sinopec and SABIC (Saudi Arabia) with 50% each. The supply of crude oil comes from Saudi Arabia. China's association with Saudi Arabia ensures the security of crude oil supply and is also a factor that makes Saudi Arabia easily invest huge amounts of money when King Salman travels to China.

The group also visited the LNG Landing Terminal at Tengjin (Sinopec) and Dalian (CNPC). From both LNG terminals, natural gas imported from Qatar and Papua New Guinea is channeled to users using gas pipelines and LNG trucks. The two LNG terminals can ensure an ever-increasing supply of natural gas for many areas around Beijing for the purposes of municipal gas, transportation, electricity, industrial, and petrochemical networks.


SKK Migas Cari Teknologi EOR ke Tiongkok

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) melihat teknologi pengurasan minyak tahap lanjut (enhanced oil recovery/EOR) di Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development (RIPED) di Tiongkok. Institusi ini memiliki teknologi EOR yang sudah terbukti berhasil menggenjot produksi minyak dua lapangan migas di Tiongkok.

Pada7-9 Juni lalu, Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi bersama Tim Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) dan Kementerian Koordinator Maritim melakukan kunjungan ke kilang minyak milik Sinopec Group dan China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) di kota Tengjin, Dalian, dan Yansan di Tiongkok. Rombongan juga mengunjungi terminal pendaratan gas alam cair/LNG dan Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development (RIPED).

Menurut Amien, khusus kunjungan ke RIPED yang merupakan pusat riset milik CNPC, untnk melihat beberapa teknologi Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) yang telah berhasil diterapkan di lapangan minyak di Tiongkok. “Kami sengaja datang ke RIPED karena ingin tahu teknologi EOR yang telah sukses digunakan di lapangan Daqing dan Lapangan Karamay di Xin Jiang,” ujar Amien dalam keterangan resminya, akhir pekan lalu.

RIPED memiliki peralatan riset sangat modern, bahkan beberapa peralatan yang dimiliki hanya ada beberapa buah di dunia. Diperkirakannya, beberapa teknologi EOR yang diujicoba RIPED dapat diterapkan untuk mendukung program EOR di lapangan minyak tua (mature) di Indonesia dalam waktu dekat. “Beberapa teknologi akan cocok untuk lapangan mature di Indonesia,” kata Amien.

Dari kunjungan ke kilang, diketahui bahwa kapasitas Kilang Tiangjin Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec) mencapai 12,5 juta ton, sementara Dalian Petrochemical Corporation (CNPC) 16 juta ton dan Yansan Petrochemical Company (Sinopec) masing-masing 16 juta ton. Seluruh kilang terintegrasi dengan pabrik petrokimia sehingga produknya tidak hanya berbagai macam BBM dan LPG, tetapi juga menghasilkan Polyethylene, HDPE, Polipropylene, Styrene, DPG, dan lainnya. Produk petrokimia tersebut kemudian dijual ke industri penghasil consumer goods, seperti botol plastik, kursi plastik, dashboard mobil, ban mobil, material untuk cetak BD, dan lainnya.

Unit petrokimia di Tiangjin, dimiliki bersama antara Sinopec dan SABIC (Arab Saudi) dengan saham masing-masing sebesar 50%. Suplai minyak mentah berasal dari Arab Saudi. Hubungan kerja sama Tiongkok dengan Arab Saudi seperti itu menjamin keamanan jaminan pasokan minyak mentah dan juga merupakan faktor yang menjadikan Arab Saudi dengan mudah menginvestasikan dana dalam jumlah besar pada waktu Raja Salman berkunjung ke Tiongkok.

Rombongan juga sempat mengunjungi terminal pendaratan LNG di Tengjin (Sinopec) dan Dalian (CNPC). Dari kedua terminal LNG tersebut gas bumi yang diimpor dari Qatar dan Papua Nugini disalurkan ke pengguna dengan menggunakan pipa gas dan truk-truk LNG. Kedua terminal LNG tersebut dapat menjamin pasokan atas permintaan gas bumi yang selalu meningkat untuk banyak wilayah di sekitar Beijing untuk keperluan jaringan gas kota, transportasi, listrik, industri, maupun petrokimia.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Sunday, June 12, 2017

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