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Thursday, June 15, 2017

This year, Oil and Gas & Mining Investment Can be US $ 43 Billion

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) claims that investment in the energy and mineral resources sector rose significantly this year compared to last year. The increase in investment is sustained by various simplification of licensing.

Ignasius JOnan, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, said last year the value of incoming investment of about US $ 27 billion. This year, he is optimistic that his value could reach US $ 43 billion. The value is derived from investments in the oil and gas sector (oil and gas), electricity, mineral and coal mining, and renewable energy.

"We project oil and gas investment of US $ 23 billion, electricity about US $ 13 billion, mining of US $ 6 billion and new energy equal to this year about US $ 1.6 billion," said Jonan in a press conference at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources on Wednesday 14/6).

About the realization of investment this year, Jonan has not been willing to disclose it. He said that the realization of investment in 2017 is still calculated and can only be seen the results in the third quarter of this year. Moreover, the government's target could change as it affects the world economic growth condition. "Depending on global developments," he said.

Jonan claims that the licensing simplification process is targeting all sectors under the control of the ESDM Ministry. The oil and gas sector, for example, has its permits cut from the previous 104 permits to only six permits. Meanwhile, mining sector licensing is cut from 38 types of licenses to six licenses.


Tahun Ini, Investasi Migas & Tambang Bisa US$ 43 Miliar

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mengklaim bahwa investasi sektor energi dan sumber daya mineral naik signifikan pada tahun ini dibandingkan dengan tahun lalu. Peningkatan investasi tersebut ditopang oleh berbagai penyederhanaan perizinan.

Ignasius Jonan, Menteri ESDM, menyatakan, tahun lalu nilai investasi yang masuk sekitar US$ 27 miliar. Tahun ini, dia optimistis nilainya bisa mencapai US$ 43 miliar. Nilai tersebut berasal dari investasi di sektor minyak dan gas bumi (migas), kelistrikan, pertambangan mineral dan batubara, serta energi baru terbarukan. 

"Kami proyeksikan investasi migas US$ 23 miliar, listrik sekitar US$ 13 miliar, pertambangan US$ 6 miliar dan energi baru sama seperti tahun ini sekitar US$ 1,6 miliar," kata Jonan dalam konferensi pers di Kantor Kementerian ESDM, Rabu (14/6).

Ihwal realisasi investasi tahun ini, Jonan belum bersedia mengungkapkannya. Dia menyatakan saat ini realisasi investasi tahun 2017 masih dihitung dan baru bisa dilihat hasilnya pada triwulan ketiga tahun ini. Lagi pula, target pemerintah bisa saja berubah karena berpengaruh terhadap kondisi pertumbuhan perekonomian dunia. "Tergantung perkembangan global," katanya.

Jonan mengklaim bahwa proses penyederhanaan perizinan menyasar seluruh sektor di bawah kendali Kementerian ESDM. Sektor migas, misalnya, perizinannya dipangkas dari sebelumnya 104 izin menjadi hanya enam izin. Sementara perizinan sektor pertambangan dipotong dari 38 jenis perizinan menjadi enam perizinan.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, June 15, 2017.

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