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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Three Industrial Sectors Gasoline Absorption Gas

The government began to determine the gas allocation of the Masela Block for industry. There are three potential industries that will absorb gas from Masela Block, namely fertilizer industry, methanol, and dimethyl ether.

"The development process of the Masela Block project is still contained due to the absence of certainty of Masela gas absorption that becomes part of the government. Later the certainty of gas allocation is to be used as a study of how much capacity can be determined, "said Minister of Industry (Menperin) Airlangga Hartato on the sidelines of the coordination meeting gas utilization Masela Block at the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Jakarta

The government is not in a hurry to execute the purchase of gas block allocation because there are several agreements to be discussed with contractors, such as price issues in the form of gas purchase agreements (PJBG) and industrial development sites. "Later depending on the price and delivery point, the time when? If the location depends on the factory location where, after that built complex, "he said.

On the same occasion, Director of Procurement State Electricity Company PT Iwan Supangkat said the government had asked PLN to review the electricity supply to build three industrial sectors that had been planned by the government. The demand for electricity supply for three industries is estimated to reach 300 megawatts (MW).

According to him, the electricity supply will be met from the steam gas power plant (PLTGU) in Masela. Meanwhile, the gas allocation will also be supplied from Masela gas, which amounts to an estimated 60 MMSCFD. "While there are 300 MW already planned from the Ministry of Industry, if the industry operates approximately 60 MMS CFD," he said.

Iwan added that the construction of PLTGU Masela will be included in the Power Supply Business Plan (RUPTL). Related development, Iwan said done by PLN with private developers.

"The possibility will be done in 2023. Later depending when completed construction of gas processing facilities in Masela," he said.

Previously, the government has issued a work order to Inpex Corporation to begin the initial design review of the Masela Block project implementation. The initial design work or pre-FEED Block Masela is done in one stage. 

    In this pre-FEED phase, Inpex examines options on the production capacity and location of the refinery development. Previously there were two location options for the Masela Block plant, Yamdena and Aru. Distance Masela Block with Yamdena Island 183 kilometers, while Aru is 512 km with the gas field.

If the pre-FEED has been completed with FEED then approved by the government into POD then done Final Investment Decision (FID) to Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC).


Tiga Sektor industri Serap Gas Masela  

Pemerintah mulai menentukan alokasi gas Blok Masela untuk industri. Terdapat tiga potensi industri yang akan menyerap gas dari Blok Masela, yakni industri pupuk, metanol, dan dimethyl ether.

”Proses pengembangan proyek Blok Masela masih tertahan karena belum adanya kepastian penyerapan gas Masela yang menjadi bagian dari pemerintah. Nantinya kepastian alokasi gas ini untuk dijadikan kajian seberapa besar kapasitas yang dapat ditetapkan,” ujar Menteri Perindustrian (Menperin) Airlangga Hartato di sela rapat koordinasi pemanfaatan gas Blok Masela di Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman, Jakarta

Pemerintah tidak terburu-buru mengeksekusi pembelian alokasi gas Blok Masela karena ada beberapa kesepakatan yang harus dibicarakan dengan kontraktor, seperti masalah harga dalam bentuk perjanjian jual beli gas (PJBG) dan lokasi pembangunan industri. ”Nanti tergantung dari harga dan delivery point, waktunya kapan? Kalau lokasi pabrik tergantung nanti titiknya ada di mana, setelah itu dibangun kompleksnya," tutur dia.

Pada kesempatan yang sama, Direktur Pengadaan PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara Iwan Supangkat mengatakan, pemerintah telah meminta PLN untuk mengkaji pasokan listrik untuk membangun tiga sektor industri yang telah direncanakan pemerintah tersebut. Kebutuhan pasokan listrik untuk tiga industri diperkirakan mencapai 300 megawatt (MW). 

Menurut dia, pasokan listrik akan dipenuhi dari pembangkit listrik tenaga gas uap (PLTGU) di Masela. Adapun, alokasi gasnya juga akan dipasok dari gas Masela, yang jumlahnya diperkirakan mencapai 60 MMSCFD. "Sementara ada 300 MW yang sudah direncanakan dari Kementerian Perindustrian. Kalau industri beroperasi kira-kira butuh 60 MMS CFD,” ujar dia. 

Iwan menambahkan pembangunan PLTGU Masela akan dimasukkan dalam Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik (RUPTL). Terkait pengembangan, Iwan mengatakan dilakukan oleh PLN bersama pengembang swasta.

”Kemungkinan akan dilakukan pada 2023. Nanti tergantung kapan selesai pembangunan fasilitas pengolahan gas di Masela,” tuturnya.

Sebelumnya pemerintah telah memberikan surat perintah kerja kepada Inpex Corporation untuk memulai kajian desain awal pelaksanaan proyek Blok Masela. Pengerjaan desain awal atau pre-FEED Blok Masela dilakukan dalam satu tahap. 

   Dalam tahapan pre-FEED ini, Inpex mengkaji berbagai opsi mengenai kapasitas produksi dan lokasi pembangunan kilang. Sebelumnya ada dua opsi lokasi untuk kilang Blok Masela yakni Yamdena dan Aru. Jarak Blok Masela dengan Pulau Yamdena 183 kilometer, sedangkan Aru berjarak 512 km dengan ladang gas tersebut. 

Apabila pre-FEED sudah selesai dilanjutkan dengan FEED kemudian disetujui pemerintah menjadi POD selanjutnya dilakukan Final Investment Decision (FID) sampai pada Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC).

Koran Sindo, Page-8, Tuesday, June 13, 2017

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