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Saturday, July 15, 2017

Acquisition of Oil and Gas Blocks Abroad Quits Target

PT Pertamina has the potential to not add new oil and gas blocks in other countries. This is because the process of acquiring oil and gas blocks in Iran and Russia is not expected to be completed this year.

Upstream Director of Pertamina Syamsu Alam said the company is still processing the acquisition of oil and gas blocks both in Iran and in Russia. For the acquisition of oil and gas blocks in Iran, Pertamina's team is now studying the commercial model of the country's oil and gas contracts. As for the acquisition in Russia, it still sees the prerequisites offered.

However, the acquisition of oil and gas blocks in these two countries is not expected to be completed this year. So the company does not get additional oil and gas blocks abroad by 2017.

"Not to add oil and gas blocks seems to have not been closing the acquisition," he said in Jakarta, Wednesday (12/7) night.

Pertamina initially targeted to add oil and gas blocks in Iran and Russia. In Iran, Pertamina will participate in an auction held by the Iranian Government to be the manager of two blocks at once, Ab-Teymour Field and Mansouri which is estimated to have oil reserves of 5 billion barrels.

In Russia, Rosneft said it had signed a memorandum of understanding with Pertamina for cooperation working on The Northern Tip of Chayvo Field and Russkoye Field. In the Field of The Northern Tip of Chayvo, Pertamina can take up to 20% stake, while at Russkoye Square up 37.5%.

Pertamina is targeting to get 35 thousand bpd of oil and oil and gas reserves of 200 million barrels oil equivalent from Russia. For the acquisition of oil and gas blocks this year, the company has set aside about US $ 1 billion from the 2017 investment budget of US $ 3.44 billion. Natural refusal, the addition of oil and gas blocks abroad this year is not realized because of financial problems.

"The process is not finished yet. In Iran and Russia it seems that no one is overtaken this year, "he said.

In Iran for example, due to join the auction, Pertamina called to learn Iranian Petroleum Contract (IPC). The reason, Iran has just changed the oil and gas contracts offered to investors. Pertamina has discussed the technical aspects of the development of blik with the Iranian side.

Now the company is discussing its commercial aspects. If it wins the auction, Pertamina and its partners will hold a majority stake and become the block operator. In accordance with regulations in Iran, Pertamina must hold a local company to join the auction.

"For now Pertamina is ahead of its two competitors," Alam said.

Next year, it will continue the process of adding oil and gas blocks in these two countries. Not only that, the company is also studying the prospects of other oil and gas abroad, namely in Africa and the Middle East. Africa is the choice one of them based on the political conditions in the continent. However, it has not confirmed whether there will be new oil and gas blocks to be acquired next year.

"We want to try Africa and the Middle East," he said.

Currently, Pertamina already has oil and gas blocks in several countries. In Iraq, the company owns shares in West Qurna Square 1. In Algeria, the state-owned oil and gas company owns 65% of MLN and 16.9% in EMK Field. In Malaysia, the company holds a stake in Block K, Kikeh Block, Block SNR Block SK309 and Block SK311. Most recently, Pertamina controls 72.65% of French oil and gas company, Maurel & Prom.

Maurel & Prom has oil and gas assets scattered in Gabon, Nigeria, Tanzania, Namibia, Colombia, Canada, Myanmar, Italy and other countries. However, the main assets that have been produced are in Gabon, Nigeria and Tanzania.

Previously, Pertamina said it would rely on oil and gas production from its overseas assets in the future, with a contribution target of 33% of total production of 2025 or equivalent to 650 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day / boepd. Acquisitions abroad are needed to minimize the difference in domestic demand and supply of oil and gas in the future.

Oil production is targeted to reach 822 thousand bpd in 2025, which is 353 thousand bpd from domestic and 469 thousand bpd from abroad. As for gas, it is targeted to increase to 5.71 billion cubic feet per day, ie 4.23 billion cubic feet of domestic and 1.48 billion cubic feet of foreign assets. In the same year, oil demand reached 1.7 million bpd and gas 9.1 billion cubic feet per day. Without acquisitions abroad, the gap between oil and gas supply and demand could be greater.


Akuisisi Blok Migas di Luar Negeri Mundur dari Target

PT Pertamina berpotensi tidak menambah blok migas baru di negara Iain. Hal ini lantaran proses akuisisi blok migas di Iran dan Rusia diperkirakan tidak dapat selesai pada tahun ini.

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan, pihaknya masih memproses akuisisi blok migas baik di Iran maupun di Rusia. Untuk akuisisi blok migas di Iran, tim Pertamina kini sedang mempelajari model komersial dari kontrak migas negara tersebut. Sementara untuk akuisisi di Rusia, pihaknya masih melihat prasyarat yang ditawarkan.

Namun, akuisisi blok migas di kedua negara ini diperkirakannya tidak akan bisa dirampungkan tahun ini juga. Sehingga perseroan tidak mendapat tambahan blok migas di luar negeri pada 2017 ini. 

“Belum menambah blok migas sepertinya, belum closing akuisisi,” kata dia di Jakarta, Rabu (12/7) malam.

Seperti diketahui, Pertamina awalnya menargetkan dapat menambah blok migas di Iran dan Rusia, Di Iran, Pertamina akan mengikuti lelang yang digelar oleh Pemerintah Iran untuk menjadi pengelola dua blok sekaligus, Lapangan Ab-Teymour dan Mansouri yang diperkirakan memiliki cadangan minyak mencapai 5 miliar barel.

Di Rusia, Rosneft menyatakan telah meneken nota kesepahaman dengan Pertamina untuk kerja sama menggarap Lapangan The Northern Tip of Chayvo dan Lapangan Russkoye. Di Lapangan The Northern Tip of Chayvo, Pertamina bisa mengambil saham sampai 20%, sementara di Lapangan Russkoye sampai 37,5%. 

Pertamina menargetkan bisa mendapat minyak 35 ribu bph dan cadangan migas 200 juta barel setara minyak dari Rusia. Untuk akuisisi blok migas tahun ini, perseroan telah menyisihkan sekitar US$ 1 miliar dari anggaran investasi 2017 sebesar US$ 3,44 miliar. Alam menampik, penambahan blok migas di luar negeri tahun ini tidak terealisasi lantaran masalah keuangan. 

“Prosesnya saja belum selesai. Di Iran maupun Rusia sepertinya tidak ada yang terkejar tahun ini,” ujar dia.

Di Iran misalnya, lantaran ikut lelang, Pertamina disebutnya harus mempelajari Iranian Petroleum Contract (IPC). Pasalnya, Iran baru saja mengubah kontrak migas yang ditawarkan ke investor. Pertamina telah membahas aspek teknis soal pengembangan blik dengan pihak Iran. 

Kini perseroan sedang membahas aspek komersialnya. Jika menang lelang, Pertamina bersama mitra akan memegang saham mayoritas dan menjadi operator blok. Sesuai regulasi di Iran, Pertamina wajib menggandeng perusahaan lokal untuk mengikuti lelang. 

“Untuk sementara ini Pertamina unggul dibanding dua pesainnya,” kata Alam.

Pada tahun depan pihaknya akan melanjutkan proses penambahan blok migas di dua negara ini. Tidak hanya itu, perseroan juga sedang mempelajari prospek migas lain di luar negeri, yakni di Afrika dan Timur Tengah. Afrika menjadi pilihan salah satunya berdasarkan kondisi politik di benua tersebut.  Tetapi, pihaknya belum memastikan apakah akan ada blok migas baru yang akan diakuisisi pada tahun depan. 

“Kami mau coba Afrika dan Middle East,” ujarnya.

Saat ini, Pertamina telah memiliki blok migas di beberapa negara. Di Irak, perseroan memiliki saham di Lapangan West Qurna 1. Di Aljazair, perusahaan migas milik pemerintah itu menguasai 65% saham di Lapangan MLN dab 16,9% di Lapangan EMK Sementara di Malaysia, perseroan memegang kepemilikan saham di Blok K, Blok Kikeh, Blok SNR Blok SK309 dan Blok SK311. Yang terbaru, Pertamina menguasai 72,65% saham perusahaan migas Perancis, Maurel&Prom.

Maurel&Prom memiliki aset migas yang tersebar di Gabon, Nigeria, Tanzania, Namibia, Kolombia, Kanada, Myanmar, Italia, dan negara lainnya. Namun, aset utamanya yang telah berproduksi yakni di Gabon, Nigeria, dan Tanzania.

Sebelumnya, Pertamina menyatakan akan mengandalkan produksi migas dari aset-asetnya di luar negeri di masa mendatang, dengan target kontribusi mencapai 33% dari total produksi 2025 atau setara dengan 650 ribu barel setara minyak per hari (barrel oil equivalent per day/ boepd). Akuisisi di luar negeri diperlukan untuk memperkecil selisih kebutuhan dan pasokan migas domestik di masa mendatang.

Untuk produksi minyak ditargetkan mencapai 822 ribu bph pada 2025, yakni 353 ribu bph dari dalam negeri dan 469 ribu bph dari luar negeri. Sementara untuk gas, ditargetkan meningkat menjadi 5,71 miliar kaki kubik per hari, yaitu 4,23 miliar kaki kubik dari domestik dan 1,48 miliar kaki kubik dari aset luar negeri. Pada tahun yang sama, kebutuhan minyak mencapai 1,7 juta bph dan gas 9,1 miliar kaki kubik per hari. Tanpa akuisisi di luar negeri, selisih pasokan dan permintaan migas ini bisa lebih besar.

Investor Daily,  Page-9, Friday, July 14, 2017

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