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Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Bad odor Successfully Handled

JOB-PPEJ Ensure that residents can have activities as before

Villagers Sambiroto, Kecas Kapas, Bojonegoro District have started to do activities such as days after exposure to odor. This normal activity occurs after Joint Operating Body of Pertamina PetroChina East Java (JOB-PPEJ) handles gas leak during work over process or well maintenance at Pad A.

The unpleasant smell caused 27 residents to receive treatment for complaining of nausea. One other resident who was referred to the hospital because of vomiting and dizziness has also returned.

"One person who was referred to Ibn Sina Hospital has also returned," said Sambiroto Village Chief, Sudjono.

Sudjono added, people's bodies reactions due to bad smell are different. If her weakened immune system can nausea dizziness and vomiting, even fainting.

The residents who smelled bad were in RT / Block 9 to RT / Block 12. The village together with the JOB-PPEJ operator immediately evacuated the people to get medical treatment. They were then observed in their homes. One person, Supiatun (52), resident of Rt / Blok. 11 Rw. 02 in referring to Ibn Sina Hospital.

Contacted separately, the Joint Operating Body Contractor (JOB-PPEJ) Joint Operating Body of Pertamina Petrochina East Java (JOB-PPEJ) ensured the odor of the residents was not due to a leaking gas pipe. The unpleasant smells of the residents on Monday (10/7) occurred during the work over (well work) at PAD A, precisely when the revocation of cubing.

"The odor of odor that we have successfully overcome. Handling of the start-nauseated citizens was immediately done. In essence, the situation is safe and under control. Even so we apologize for the inconvenience caused by the odor, "said Field Admin Superintendent (FAS) JOB PPEJ, Akbar Pradima, Monday (10/7).

Akbar Pradima explained that well work or work over work is a routine activity in oil and gas industry. Although it has been careful and careful, but there is still the risk of odorous odor. Therefore, the JOB-PPEJ every year always conducts emergency response situations training with residents in the area around the operation area.

The speed of handling this unpleasant odor distribution is the result of simulated handling of emergency response situation that is routinely done with the residents.

"The management of JOB PPEJ thanked the community for supporting the simulation of the handling of emergency response situation. We are also grateful for the support and cooperation that has been provided by the people so that JOB-PPEJ can operate with
Smoothly, "he said


Bau Tak Sedap Berhasil Ditangani 

JOB-PPEJ Pastikan warga bisa beraktifitas seperti semula

Warga Desa Sambiroto, Kecamatan Kapas, Kabupaten Bojonegoro sudah mulai melakukan aktivitas seperti hari-hari setelah terpapar bau tidak sedap. Aktivitas normal ini terjadi setelah Joint Operating Body Pertamina PetroChina East Java (JOB-PPEJ) melakukan penanganan terhadap kebocoran gas saat proses work over atau perawatan sumur di Pad A.

Bau tidak sedap yang timbul itu membuat 27 warga mendapat perawatan karena mengeluh mual-mual. Satu warga lainnya yang sempat dirujuk ke rumah sakit karena mengalami muntah-muntah dan pusing juga sudah pulang. 

“Satu orang yang sempat dirujuk ke Rumah Sakit Ibnu Sina juga sudah pulang,” ujar Kepala Desa Sambiroto, Sudjono.

Sudjono menambahkan, reaksi tubuh warga akibat bau busuk memang berbeda-beda. Jika sistem kekebalan tubuhnya lemah bisa mual pusing dan muntah, bahkan pingsan. 

Warga yang mencium bau tidak sedap itu berada di RT/Blok 9 hingga RT/Blok 12. Pihak desa bersama dengan operator JOB-PPEJ langsung mengevakuasi warga untuk mendapat penanganan medis. Mereka kemudian diobservasi di rumah masing-masing. Satu orang, Supiatun (52), warga Rt/Blok. 11 Rw. 02 di rujuk ke Rumah Sakit Ibnu Sina.

Dihubungi terpisah, Kontraktor Kontrak Kerjasama (KKKS) Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petrochina East Java (JOB-PPEJ) memastikan bau tidak sedap yang tercium warga bukan akibat adanya pipa gas yang bocor. Bau tidak sedap yang tercium warga pada Senin (10/7) itu terjadi saat dilakukan kegiatan work over (perawatan sumur) di PAD A, tepatnya saat pencabutan cubing.

“Semburan bau tidak sedap itu sudah berhasil kami atasi. Penanganan terhadap warga yang mulai-mual pun sudah langsung dilakukan. Intinya, situasi sudah aman dan terkendali. Meski begitu kami meminta maaf atas ketidaknyamanan akibat bau tidak sedap itu,” kata Field Admin Superintendent (FAS) JOB PPEJ, Akbar Pradima, Senin (10/7).

Akbar Pradima menjelaskan, pekerjaan perawatan sumur atau work over adalah kegiatan rutin dalam industri migas. Meski sudah berupaya hati-hati dan cermat, tetapi tetap ada risiko semburan bau tidak sedap. Karena itulah, pihak JOB-PPEJ tiap tahun selalu melakukan pelatihan situasi tanggap darurat bersama warga di daerah sekitar wilayah operasi.

Kecepatan penanganan penyebaran bau tidak sedap ini merupakan hasil simulasi penanganan situasi tanggap darurat yang rutin dilakukan bersama warga.

“Manajemen JOB PPEJ mengucapkan terima kasih karena warga selama ini mendukung simulasi penanganan situasi tanggap darurat. Kami juga berterima kasih atas dukungan dan kerjasama yang selama ini diberikan warga sehingga JOB-PPEJ bisa beroperasi dengan
lancar,” katanya

Duta Mayarakat, Page-15, Wednesday, July 12, 2017

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