, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director General of Oil and Gas Rejects Total EP Desire - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

Monday, July 24, 2017

Director General of Oil and Gas Rejects Total EP Desire

The Directorate General of Oil and Gas of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) refuses the Letter of Total EP lndonesie. This company's additional shares of Mahakam Block to 39% from previously only 30% stake. After conducting an evaluation of additional demand of Mahakam Block shares by Total EP, finally in reply letter from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources declared rejected the desire of Total EP.

"The Director General of Oil and Gas who declined the letter has been sent to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources lgnasius Jonan.I do not know whether the minister refused or even received?" Unfortunately, the news about the three incentives demanded, namely the first tranche petroleum incentives to 0%, from which is usually 10% of gross production. Then investment credit to 17%, the acceleration of the depreciation period from five to two years has not been clarified.

Oil and Gas Director General IGN Wiratmaja Puja only laughed when asked about himself who rejected the request of Total EP. "The authority is at the Minister, the letter is immediately answered," he said, Thursday (20/7).

The Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar revealed, he has signed a letter for the three incentives requested by Total EP. However, related to the request for additional shares of the ESDM Minister who will decide.

"The three incentives I have signed, I do not know what the Minister said, do not go ahead of the Minister," he said.

Vice President Corporate Communications PT Pertamina Adiatma Sardjito said it was still looking for info about the rejection of the Total EP request.

Energy Observer Fahmi Radhi stated that the government's decision to refuse Total E & P's request is correct. He considered Pertamina able to manage the Mahakam Block.

"If still needed some experts can be paid. If you need technology can be purchased, "he said.



Dirjen Migas Tolak Keinginan Total EP

Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menolak Surat Total EP lndonesie. Perusahaan ini tambahan saham Blok Mahakam menjadi 39% dari sebelumnya hanya 30% saham. Setelah menggelar evaluasi terhadap permintaan tambahan saham Blok Mahakam oleh Total EP, akhirnya dalam surat balasan Kementrian ESDM menyatakan menolak keinginan Total EP.

"Dirjen Migas yang menolak. Surat sudah dikirim ke Menteri ESDM lgnasius Jonan. Saya tidak tahu apakah menteri menolak atau malah menerima?"  Sayang, kabar soal tiga insentif yang diminta, yakni insentif first tranche petroleum menjadi 0%, dari yang biasanya 10% dari produksi kotor. Lalu investment credit menjadi 17%, percepatan masa depresiasi dari lima menjadi dua tahun belum ada kejelasan.

Dirjen Migas IGN Wiratmaja Puja hanya tertawa ketika ditanya soal dirinya yang menolak permintaan Total EP. "Kewenangan ada di Menteri. Suratnya segera dijawab," kata dia, Kamis (20/7).

Adapun Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengungkapkan, dirinya sudah meneken Surat untuk tiga insentif yang diminta oleh Total EP. Namun terkait permintaan penambahan saham Menteri ESDM yang akan memutuskan. 

"Tiga insentif itu saya sudah tanda tangani. Saya tidak tahu Menteri menjawab apa. Jangan mendahului Menteri," katanya. 

Vice President Corporate Communication PT Pertamina Adiatma Sardjito mengatakan, pihaknya masih mencari tahu soal info penolakan permintaan Total EP tersebut. 

Pengamat Energi Fahmi Radhi menyatakan bahwa keputusan pemerintah yang menolak permintaan Total E&P Sudah tepat. Dia menilai Pertamina sanggup mengelola Blok Mahakam. 

“Kalau masih dibutuhkan beberapa ahli bisa dibayar. Kalau butuh teknologi bisa dibeli," ujarnya.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, July 21, 2017

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