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Thursday, July 6, 2017

East Kalimantan Block Requested Returned to the Country

The government advises PT Pertamina to immediately return East Kalimantan Block to the country if it is not economical. Therefore, the government can immediately re-auction the block offshore of East Kalimantan.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said the production sharing contract (PSC) of gross split schemes could be applied economically to seven termination blocks assigned to Pertamina. Only, this contract does not seem workable in East Kalimantan Block.

"So for the East Kalimantan Block, we recommend that if it is not economical, directly returned to the government," he said in Jakarta, Wednesday (5/7).

He said that until now, the evaluation of the implementation of gross split contract in East Kalimantan Block is still running. One of the uneconomical causes of East Kalimantan Block management is the abandonement and site restoration (ASR) of old contracts. This ASR burden turned out to be quite large.

"What is East Kalimantan Block how many platforms is it? On the offshore, there are many, "said Arcandra.


Upstream Director of Pertamina Syamsu Alam revealed, it requested additional time until September to evaluate East Kalimantan Block. This is because the ASR block load off the East Kalimantan coast reaches billions of Dollars, causing the economy of the block to be significantly reduced.

"Because ASR is large enough to cause the economy down there a lot," he said.

If without ASR load, the implementation of gross split contract in East Kalimantan Block is still quite good. However, when it simulates the implementation of cost recovery PSC with ASR load, the block's economy becomes quite heavy. In fact, the added 5% split adds will not help.

"Stay heavy (economic)," said Alam.


However, Arcandra said, there is no need to wait until September to determine the fate of the East Kalimantan Block. The reason, need a quick decision to ensure the management of this block in the future. East Kalimantan Block itself will end on October 24, 2018. The government wants to immediately auction off this block if it is not economical for Pertamina.

"I suggest, straight away, so black and white. So we in the future have a better plan, "he asserted.

He is optimistic the East Kalimantan Block is not necessarily uneconomical for other companies. As is known, the obligation to set aside ASR funds will be applied to new oil and gas contracts. As for the old contracts such as East Kalimantan Block, it is not required to set aside post-mining funds. 

     In fact, it takes a lot of money to clean up the rest of the mine, including technical planning costs, licensing fees and regulatory compliance, well closing costs (other than exploration wells), demolition costs, transportation costs, storage costs, and area recovery costs.


Blok East Kalimantan Diminta Dikembalikan ke Negara

Pemerintah menyarankan PT Pertamina untuk segera mengembalikan Blok East Kalimantan ke negara jika memang tidak ekonomis. Sehingga, pemerintah bisa segera melelang ulang blok di lepas pantai Kalimantan Timur ini.

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar menuturkan, kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/ PSC) skema bagi hasil kotor (gross split) dapat diterapkan secara ekonomis untuk tujuh blok terminasi yang ditugaskan ke Pertamina. Hanya saja, kontrak ini sepertinya tidak workable dipakai di Blok East Kalimantan.

“Jadi untuk yang Blok East Kalimantan, kami menyarankan, kalau seandainya tidak ekonomis, langsung dikembalikan ke pemerintah,” kata dia di Jakarta, Rabu (5/7).

Dikatakannya, sampai saat ini, evaluasi penerapan kontrak gross split di Blok East Kalimantan memang masih berjalan. Salah satu penyebab tidak ekonomisnya pengelolaan Blok East Kalimantan ini yakni adanya beban dana pasca tambang (abandonement and site restoration/ASR) dari kontrak lama. Beban ASR ini ternyata cukup besar.

“Yang Blok East Kalimantan ini berapa banyak platform-nya? Di offshore-nya, ada banyak,” ujar Arcandra.

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengungkapkan, pihaknya meminta tambahan waktu hingga September nanti untuk mengevaluasi Blok East Kalimantan. Hal ini lantaran beban ASR blok di lepas pantai Kalimantan Timur ini mencapai miliaran Dolar, yang menyebabkan keekonomian blok tersebut berkurang signifikan.

“Karena ASR-nya cukup besar sehingga menyebabkan keekonomian di situ turun banyak,” kata dia.

Jika tanpa beban ASR, penerapan kontrak gross split di Blok East Kalimantan masih cukup bagus. Namun ketika pihaknya melakukan simulasi penerapan PSC cost recovery dengan beban ASR, keekonomian blok tersebut menjadi cukup berat. Bahkan, tambahan split 5% disebutnya tidak akan membantu.

“Tetap berat (keekonomiannya) ,” tutur Alam.

Namun, Arcandra menyatakan, tidak perlu harus menunggu sampai September untuk menentukan nasib Blok East Kalimantan ini. Pasalnya, butuh keputusan cepat untuk memastikan pengelolaan blok ini ke depannya. Kontrak Blok East Kalimantan sendiri akan berakhir pada 24 Oktober 2018. Pemerintah ingin segera melelang blok ini jika memang tidak ekonomis bagi Pertamina.

“Saya menyarankan, langsung saja, jadi black and white. Sehingga kami ke depannya punya rencana lebih bagus,” tegas dia. 

Dia optimis Blok East Kalimantan belum tentu tidak ekonomis bagi perusahan lain. Seperti diketahui, kewajiban menyisihkan dana ASR akan diberlakukan untuk kontrak migas baru. 

     Sementara untuk kontrak lama seperti Blok East Kalimantan, tidak diwajibkan menyisihkan dana pasca tambang. Padahal, dibutuhkan banyak biaya untuk membersihkan sisa tambang minya, di antaranya biaya perencanaan teknik, biaya perizinan dan kepatuhan terhadap peraturan, biaya penutupan sumur (selain sumur eksplorasi), biaya pembongkaran, biaya transportasi, biaya penyimpanan, dan biaya pemulihan area.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, July 6, 2017

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