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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

East Natuna Block Offered, Included to Inpex

The government opens opportunities for other oil and gas contractors to participate in the management of East Natuna Block after being abandoned by Exxon Mobil. Including if Inpex Corp is interested to enter into East Natuna gas project. Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar stated that the government opens opportunities for any investor to participate in East Natuna project development.

"The government offers it to anyone, including Inpex," Arcandra said on Thursday (27/7). The government will support if Inpex really want to invest in East Natuna Block.

"Inpex want to go in please, I support him even ESDM Ministry is ready if there is a oil and gas company that wants to have a participating interest in East Natuna Block.

"If you want to enter East Natuna, its more than welcome." If you want to enter East Natuna, I facilitate, "he added. The government is aware that PT Pertamina can not work on its own East Natuna Block project after the decision of Exxonmobil and PTT Thailand to exit the project. Understandably, the East Natuna Block project requires high cost technology because of the considerable CO2 content, up to 72%.


Blok East Natuna Ditawarkan, Termasuk ke Inpex 

Pemerintah membuka kesempatan bagi kontraktor migas lain ikut dalam pengelolaan Blok East Natuna pasca ditinggal Exxon Mobil. Termasuk jika Inpex Corp berminat masuk ke dalam proyek gas East Natuna. Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar menyatakan, pemerintah membuka peluang bagi investor mana saja ikut dalam pengembangan proyek East Natuna. 

"Pemerintah menawarkan ke siapa saja, termasuk Inpex, " kata Arcandra pada.Kamis (27/7). Pemerintah akan mendukung jika Inpex benar-benar mau berinvestasi di Blok East Natuna. 

"Inpex mau masuk silahkan, saya mendukung ujarnya. Bahkan Kementerian ESDM siap jika ada perusahaan migas yang ingin memiliki participating Interest di Blok East Natuna. 

"Kalau mau masuk East Natuna, its more than welcome. Kalau mau masuk East Natuna, saya fasilitasi, " imbuhnya. Pemerintah menyadari, PT Pertamina tidak bisa mengerjakan proyek Blok East Natuna sendiri setelah keputusan Exxonmobil dan PTT Thailand keluar dari proyek tersebut. Maklum, proyek Blok East Natuna membutuhkan teknologi dengan biaya tinggi karena adanya kandungan CO2 yang cukup besar, hingga mencapai 72%.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, July 28, 2017

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