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Monday, July 31, 2017

East Natuna Block Offered to Inpex

The government will offer East Natuna Block to the Japanese oil and gas company, lnpex Corporation, after ExxonMobil and PTT EP Thailand leave from the block. Coordinating Minister for Marine Affairs Luhut Binsar Panjaitan revealed that the offer was a follow-up after ExxonMobil and PTT EP Thailand withdrew from consortium that became East Natuna operator.

"Exxon and PTT are already leaving. So we want to offer [East Natuna Block] to the others. Lnpex. Yes, to Japan, "said Luhut after facing President Joko Widodo at the Presidential Palace Complex on Wednesday (26/7). The consortium previously consisted of three companies. In addition to the US company ExxonMobil and PTT EP Thailand, PT Pertamina as head of the consortium.

"Yes, at least now is Inpex or Japan, the lnpex is his MITI [Ministry of Trade and Industry]," he said.

ExxonMobil chose to leave the East Natuna Block gas development project in the waters of the Riau Archipelago because it is considered incompatible with economies of scale. Previously, Vice President of Public & Government Affairs ExxonMobil Indonesia Erwin Maryoto said, after completing the study together with the consortium, the company did not want to continue the activities and discussions about East Natuna

Technology and market review (TMR) conducted since early 2016. The study aims to identify technology as well as commercial aspects so that the project can be developed according to economies of scale. However, from the market review completed in June 2017 it was found that the project was not worth the investment. In fact, the government wants the development of gas in Natuna waters can be realized because of its leading location and large gas potential.

By the end of 2016, there was an option to immediately sign a cooperation contract. Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, East Natuna Block concluded a potential of 222 trilion cubic feet (tcf) with only 46 tcf of which gas could be produced.


Blok East Natuna Ditawarkan ke Inpex

Pemerintah akan menawarkan Blok East Natuna kepada perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi asal Jepang, lnpex Corporation, setelah ExxonMobil dan PTT EP Thailand mundur dari blok tersebut. Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Panjaitan mengungkapkan, penawaran tersebut adalah tindak lanjut setelah ExxonMobil dan PTT EP Thailand mundur dari konsorsium yang menjadi operator East Natuna.

“Exxon dan PTT memang sudah hengkang. Jadi kami mau tawarkan [Blok East Natuna] ke yang lain. lnpex. lya, ke Jepang,” kata Luhut usai menghadap Presiden Joko Widodo di Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, Rabu (26/7). Konsorsium tersebut sebelumnya terdiri dari tiga perusahaan. Selain perusahaan AS ExxonMobil dan PTT EP Thailand, PT Pertamina sebagai pimpinan konsorsium itu. 

“Ya, paling tidak sekarang Inpex atau Jepang, lnpex itu miliknya MITI [Ministry of Trade and lndustry],” ujarnya.

ExxonMobil memilih hengkang dari proyek pengembangan gas Blok East Natuna di perairan Kepualauan Riau karena dinilai tidak sesuai dengan skala keekonomian. Sebelumnya, Vice President Public & Government Affairs ExxonMobil Indonesia Erwin Maryoto mengatakan, setelah nenyelesaikan kajian bersama dengan konsorsium, perusahaan tidak ingin melanjutkan kegiatan maupun pembahasan soal East Natuna. 

Kajian teknologi dan pasar (technology and market review/TMR) dilakukan sejak awal 2016. Kajian itu bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi teknologi juga aspek komersial sehingga proyek bisa dikembangkan sesuai dengan skala ekonomi.  Namun, dari kajian pasar yang diselesaikan pada Juni 2017 itu didapatkan bahwa proyek tidak layak investasi. Padahal, pemerintah menginginkan agar pengembangan gas di perairan Natuna bisa segera terealisasi karena lokasinya yang terdepan dan potensi gasnya yang besar. 

Pada akhir 2016, sempat terdapat opsi untuk segera meneken kontrak kerja sama. Berdasarkan data Kementerian ESDM, Blok East Natuna menyimpulkan potensi sebesar 222 trilion cubic feet (tcf) dengan hanya 46 tcf gas di antaranya yang bisa diproduksi.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Thursday, July 27, 2017

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