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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Paku Gajah Gas Block & Kuang Block Operate


The production facilities of the Paku Gajah block gas collection station and the Kuang block, which are part of the PT Pertamina EP operational area, are a subsidiary of PT Pertamina.

 The Gas Production Facility (FPG) in the Elephant Nail Block and the Kuang Block is part of the Gajah Nail Block Development Project or the Gajah Nail Block Development Project (PGDP) in Muara Enim and Ogan Komering Ilir, South Sumatra.

 Director of Penamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf said the Paku Gajah Block project was a development of a gas field around the Pagardewa Block, Kuang Block, and Elephant Block areas in Muara Enim Regency and Ogan Komering Ulu District, South Sumatra.

 According to him, the handover of the Paku Gajah block facility has been carried out with a capacity of 45 million cubic feet per day (MMscfd), while Kuang has a capacity of 25 MMscfd.

"The current status of the PGDP is the transfer of Paku Gajah SPG production facilities with a capacity of 45 MMscfd and SPG block Kuang with a capacity of 25 MMscfd to Pertamina EP Asset 2," he said, Sunday (30/7).

 Several development well drilling activities have been carried out since 2010 through the Put On Production (POP) stage and in 2013 continued with development drilling through the delivery stage of the development plan approved by SKK Migas.

 In addition to production facilities, the Paku Gajah block development project will have a 12-inch gas pipeline along 23 km to deliver gas to the Merbau SPG. Furthermore, the gas produced from the Paku Gajah block and the Kuang block will be distributed to PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. other gas consumers in Sumatra.


Blok Gas Paku Gajah & Blok Kuang  Beroperasi

Fasilitas produksi Stasiun Pengumpul Gas blok Paku Gajah dan blok Kuang yang menjadi bagian Wilayah operasi PT Pertamina EP, anak perusahaan PT Pertamina segera beroperasi. 

 Fasilitas Produksi Gas (FPG) pada Blok Paku Gajah dan Blok Kuang merupakan bagian dari proyek Pengembangan Blok Paku Gajah atau Blok Paku Gajah Development Project (PGDP) di Muara Enim dan Ogan Komering Ilir, Sumatra Selatan.

Direktur Utama Penamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf mengatakan, proyek Blok Paku Gajah merupakan pengembangan lapangan gas di sekitar area Blok Pagardewa, Blok Kuang, dan Blok Gajah di Kabupaten Muara Enim dan Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu, Sumatra Selatan. 

 Menurutnya, saat ini telah dilakukan serah terima fasilitas blok Paku Gajah dengan kapasitas 45 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMscfd), sedangkan Kuang berkapasitas 25 MMscfd.

“Status saat ini PGDP serah terima fasilitas produksi SPG Paku Gajah berkapasitas 45 MMscfd dan SPG blok Kuang dengan kapasitas 25 MMscfd ke Pertamina EP Asset 2,” ujarnya, Minggu (30/7).

Beberapa kegiatan pengeboran sumur pengembangan dilakukan sejak 2010 melalui tahapan Put On Production (POP) dan pada 2013 dilanjutkan dengan pengeboran pengembangan melalui tahap penyampaian rencana pengembangan yang telah disetujui SKK Migas.

Selain fasilitas produksi, proyek pengembangan blok Paku Gajah nantinya memiliki jalur pipa gas berukuran 12 inci sepanjang 23 km untuk menyalurkan gas ke SPG Merbau. Selanjutnya, gas yang dihasilkan dari blok Paku Gajah dan blok Kuang akan disalurkan ke PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. konsumen gas lainnya di Sumatra.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-31, Monday, July 31, 2017


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