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Thursday, July 20, 2017

EMR does not Provide Gas Allocation to Pipe Owners

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) still provides an opportunity for PT Rekayasa Industri to realize the construction of Cirebon-Semarang gas pipeline along 255 kilometers (km) which has been 11 years abandoned. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Ignatius Jonan said the government still opens opportunities for Industrial Engineering to build gas pipeline Cirebon-Semarang. 

     But the government will not provide gas allocation to the owners of the transmission pipeline. The government will only provide gas allocation to gas buyers.

"We will sell it to PLN who uses gas pipelines," said Jonan, Wednesday (7/19).

The concept of allocation of gas to buyers of this gas according to Jonan so that there is no more pipe gas price monopoly. If the gas allocation is given to the owner of the pipeline, then the owner of the pipe can set its own gas price. While the government wants pipeline gas prices to be more competitive than liquefied natural gas (LNG) gas prices.

"If one wants to build a leased pipe like a freeway, he can compare, which is expensive to use pipes or use LNG. Cost is expensive, so it can be competition, "he added.


ESDM Tidak Memberikan Alokasi Gas ke Pemilik Pipa

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) masih memberi peluang bagi PT Rekayasa Industri merealisasikan pembangunan pipa gas ruas Cirebon-Semarang sepanjang 255 kilometer (km) yang sudah 11 tahun terbengkalai. 

     Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Ignasius Jonan bilang pemerintah masih membuka peluang bagi Rekayasa Industri membangun pipa gas Cirebon-Semarang. Namun pemerintah tidak akan memberikan alokasi gas kepada pemilik pipa transmisi. Pemerintah hanya akan memberikan alokasi gas kepada pembeli gas. 

"Kami bilang ini mau dijual kemana? Siapa yang mau menggunakan pipa gasnya? PLN yang menggunakan? Ya, biarkan PLN yang minta alokasi gasnya itu," kata Jonan, pada Rabu (19/7).

Konsep pemberian alokasi gas kepada pembeli gas ini menurut Jonan agar tidak ada lagi monopoli harga gas pipa. Jika alokasi gas diberikan kepada pemilik pipa, maka pemilik pipa bisa mengatur harga gas sendiri.  Sementara pemerintah ingin harga gas pipa bisa lebih kompetitif dibandingkan harga gas liquefied natural gas (LNG). 

“Kalau orang mau membangun pipa disewakan seperti jalan tol, dia bisa bandingkan, mahal mana menggunakan pipa atau menggunkan LNG.  Cost-nya itu mahal mana, jadi bisa kompetisi,” imbuhnya.

Kontan,  Page-14, Thursday, July 20, 2017

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