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Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Encourage Contract Openness

Investment Climate Must Be kept Conducive

The public must know the contents of the company's contract with the state in the management of natural resources. However, do not let the openness of the contents of the contract actually cause a negative impact on investment in Indonesia.

Based on the report of the 2017 Resource Governance Index issued by Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI), Indonesia got a satisfactory score for the oil and gas sector as well as mineral mining. Indonesia is ranked 11th for the mining sector and ranked 12th for the oil and gas sector. The number of countries involved in the study as many as 89 countries.

According to Indonesia Country Manager NRGI Emanuel Bria, although Indonesia is in the satisfactory category, the public is still not free to access the contents of contract mining companies or oil and gas with the state as the owner of the resource. It recommended that the contract document be a public document.

"Thus, the public can find out what the company's obligations should be implemented and how far the benefits Such management for the community, especially around the location of natural resources, "said Emanuel, Monday (24/7), in Jakarta.

He said the countries that have already applied contract documents open to the public are Australia and Timor Leste. However, the openness of public contract documents in Timor-Leste is not fully applicable. 

     The importance of transparency of governance of mining and oil and gas sectors in Indonesia, according to NRGI Board Member Yuli Ismartono, for the community especially around the location of natural resources, to know how much benefit obtained from the management of mining or oil and gas. In addition, the public is entitled to know where the money derived from the management of resources and allocations.

"Most communities around the mining resources are not prospering with the presence of mining companies Their territory. Instead, more money flows to the big cities that are the center of power, "said Yuli.

Transparency in natural resource governance, according to Yuli, in addition to preventing corrupt practices, can also prevent environmental damage due to poor management of natural resources.

Asia Pacific Legal Analyst NRGI Rani Febrianti added that from a number of assessment indicators for mining and oil and gas sector, the indicators on licensing got the lowest score. In the mining sector, for example, the government can only grant mining permits through open tender

"However, it does not require the government to announce bidders who enter or participate in prequalification," Rani said.

For the oil and gas sector, the government is reviewing oil and gas legislation and focuses on licensing issues. Rani also appreciated the government's innovation that has made a one-door licensing policy under the auspices of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPNI).

The positive thing in the governance of oil and gas sector in Indonesia, according to NRGI report, is about taxation. Oil and gas companies are compliant with taxation in Indonesia. Categories for taxation in oil and gas sector get the highest score.

In addition to encouraging the disclosure of contract documents, NRGI recommends that the government consistently apply the rules already in place. One of the rules highlighted in the mining sector is the mining company's obligations in terms of post-mining environment recovery.

NRGI will provide recommendations to the government on the results of the 2017 Resource Management Index report. Prior to that, NRGI plans to seek input from all stakeholders, from the private sector, the government, and the community, before providing such recommendations.


Separately, Vice Chairman of Commission VII of the House of Representatives Satya Widya Yudha agreed to the idea of openness of the contents of the contract. However, he underlined, do not let the openness becomes a gap to be utilized irresponsible parties. It can be counterproductive to the investment climate in Indonesia.

"We are not necessarily able to access the contents of the contract. Therefore, we request that the openness of the contents of mining contracts and oil and gas companies can be accessed by the Parliament, especially Commission VII. Parliament also represents the community, "said Satya.

Alluded to the need for a special regulation that allows the public to access the contents of mining contracts and oil and gas companies in Indonesia, according to Satya, there has been no discussion about it. However, the investment climate needs to be maintained in order to remain conducive.


Dorong Keterbukaan Kontrak

Iklim Investasi Harus Dijaga Tetap Kondusif

Publik harus mengetahui isi kontrak perusahaan dengan negara dalam pengelolaan sumber daya alam. Namun, jangan sampai keterbukaan isi kontrak tersebut justru menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap investasi di lndonesia.

Berdasarkan laporan Indeks Tata Kelola Sumber Daya 2017 yang dikeluarkan Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI), Indonesia mendapat skor memuaskan untuk sektor minyak dan gas bumi (migas) serta pertambangan mineral. Indonesia berada di peringkat ke-11 untuk sektor tambang dan peringkat ke-12 untuk sektor minyak dan gas bumi.  Adapun jumlah negara yang dilibatkan dalam penelitian tersebut sebanyak 89 negara.

Menurut Indonesia Country Manager NRGI Emanuel Bria, kendati Indonesia masuk dalam kategori memuaskan, masyarakat masih belum bebas mengakses isi kontrak perusahaan tambang ataupun migas dengan negara selaku pemilik sumber daya. Pihaknya merekomendasikan agar dokumen kontrak tersebut dapat menjadi dokumen publik.

"Dengan demikian, publik bisa mengetahui apa saja kewajiban perusahaan yang harus dilaksanakan dan seberapa jauh manfaat pengelolaan tersebut bagi masyarakat, khususnya di sekitar lokasi sumber daya alam,” ujar Emanuel, Senin (24/7), di Jakarta.

Ia mengatakan, negara yang sudah menerapkan dokumen kontrak terbuka untuk publik adalah Australia dan Timor Leste. Namun, keterbukaan dokumen kontrak untuk publik di Timor-Leste tidak berlaku penuh. 

     Pentingnya transparansi tata kelola sektor tambang dan migas di Indonesia, menurut Board Member NRGI Yuli Ismartono, agar masyarakat khususnya di sekitar lokasi sumber daya alam, mengetahui seberapa besar manfaat yang diperoleh dari hasil pengelolaan tambang ataupun migas. Selain itu, masyarakat berhak tahu ke mana saja uang yang didapat dari pengelolaan sumber daya dan peruntukannya.

”Kebanyakan masyarakat di sekitar sumber daya tambang tidak menjadi makmur dengan keberadaan perusahaan tambang di wilayah mereka. Sebaliknya, uang lebih banyak mengalir ke kota-kota besar yang menjadi pusat kekuasaan,” ujar Yuli.

Transparansi dalam hal tata kelola sumber daya alam, menurut Yuli, selain mencegah praktik korupsi, juga dapat mencegah kerusakan lingkungan akibat buruknya pengelolaan sumber daya alam.

Asia Pacific Legal Analyst NRGI Rani Febrianti menambahkan, dari sejumlah indikator penilaian untuk sektor tambang dan migas, indikator mengenai perizinan mendapat skor terendah. Di sektor tambang, misalnya, pemerintah hanya bisa memberikan izin pertambangan lewat tender terbuka

”Namun, itu tidak mengharuskan pemerintah untuk mengumumkan penawar yang memasukkan atau ikut prakualifikasi,” kata Rani.

Untuk sektor migas pemerintah sedang mengkaji perundang-undangan minyak dan gas bumi serta berfokus pada masalah perizinan. Rani juga mengapresiasi inovasi pemerintah yang sudah membuat kebijakan perizinan satu pintu di bawah naungan Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPNI).

Hal positif dalam tata kelola sektor migas di Indonesia, berdasarkan laporan NRGI, adalah mengenai perpajakan. Perusahaan sektor migas terbilang patuh terhadap perpajakan yang berlaku di Indonesia. Kategori untuk perpajakan di sektor migas memperoleh skor tertinggi.

Selain mendorong keterbukaan dokumen kontrak, NRGI merekomendasikan agar pemerintah konsisten menerapkan aturan yang sudah dibuat. Salah satu aturan yang disorot di sektor tambang adalah kewajiban-kewajiban perusahaan tambang dalam hal pemulihan lingkungan pascatambang.

NRGI akan memberikan rekomendasi kepada pemerintah terkait hasil laporan Indeks Tata Kelola Sumber Daya 2017. Sebelumnya, NRGI berencana akan meminta masukan dari seluruh pemangku kepentingan, baik dari sektor swasta, pemerintah, maupun masyarakat, sebelum memberikan rekomendasi tersebut.


Secara terpisah, Wakil Ketua Komisi VII DPR Satya Widya Yudha setuju terhadap ide keterbukaan isi kontrak Namun, ia menggaris bawahi, jangan sampai keterbukaan justru menjadi celah untuk dimanfaatkan pihak-pihak tidak bertanggung jawab. Hal itu bisa berakibat kontraproduktif terhadap iklim investasi di Indonesia.

”Kami saja belum tentu dapat mengakses isi kontrak. Oleh karena itu, kami meminta agar keterbukaan isi kontrak perusahaan tambang dan migas bisa diakses oleh DPR, terutama Komisi VII. DPR juga mewakili masyarakat,” ucap Satya.

Disinggung mengenai perlunya aturan khusus yang membolehkan publik mengakses isi kontrak perusahaan tambang dan migas di Indonesia, menurut Satya, belum ada pembahasan mengenai hal itu. Hanya saja, iklim investasi perlu dijaga agar tetap kondusif. 

Kompas, Page-18, Tuesday, July 25, 2017

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