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Thursday, July 6, 2017

Four Strategic Projects Can Supply Long Term Gas

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) establishes an additional four gas projects included in the national strategic project. The four is the project operator Inpex Masela, Indonesia Deepwater Development, which is operated by Chevron Indonesia and Tangguh Train III with BP Tangguh operator.

One more project Tiung Jambaran Blue, through Pertamina EP Cepu as the operator. Four projects have entered into strategic projects because they have substantial gas reserves.

"The Blue Square Tiung Jambaran there were approximately 170 MMSCFD of gas production, then production Indonesia Deepwater Development is also quite large," said Arcandra Tahar, Vice Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources on the sidelines of the Coordinating Ministry for maritime Halal bihalal at Balai Kartini in Jakarta, Tuesday (4/7 ).

MEMR count, project Masela, Indonesia Deepwater Development, Tangguh Train III and Jambaran Tiung Blue can meet the needs of the national gas 10 years to 20 years. If development goes smoothly, Indonesia is no longer importing gas. The government hopes that the development of projects can be accelerated.


Empat Proyek Strategis Bisa Suplai Gas Jangka Panjang  

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menetapkan tambahan empat proyek gas yang masuk dalam proyek strategis nasional. Keempatnya adalah proyek Masela dengan operator Inpex Corporation, Indonesia Deepwater Development, yang dioperasikan Chevron Indonesia dan Tangguh Train III dengan operator BP Tangguh. 

Satu lagi, proyek Jambaran Tiung Biru, melalui Pertamina EP Cepu sebagai operator. Empat proyek tadi masuk proyek strategis karena memiliki cadangan gas yang cukup besar. 

"Lapangan Jambaran Tiung Biru itu di sana ada produksi gas sekitar 170 mmscfd, kemudian produksi Indonesia Deepwater Development juga cukup besar," jelas Arcandra Tahar, Wakil Menteri ESDM di sela Halal bihalal Kementerian Koordinator Kemaritiman di Balai Kartini di Jakarta, Selasa (4/7). 

Kementerian ESDM menghitung, proyek Masela, Indonesia Deepwater Development, Tangguh Train III dan Jambaran Tiung Biru bisa memenuhi kebutuhan gas nasional 10 tahun hingga 20 tahun. Kalau pengembangan berjalan mulus, Indonesia tidak lagi  mengimpor gas. Pemerintah berharap pengembangan proyek-proyek itu bisa dipercepat.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, July 5, 2017

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